


2017年03月02日 | Weblog
[曹操]當日對.[何進]曰:"宦官之禍,古今皆有;<但>世主<不當>假之權寵,使至.於此。若欲治.罪,當除.元惡,<但>付.一獄吏足矣,何必紛紛召.外兵乎? 欲盡誅.之,事必宣.露。吾料.其必敗也。" [何進]怒曰:"[孟德]亦懷.私意耶?" [操]退曰:"亂.天下者,必[進]也。" [進]乃暗差使命齎.密詔,星夜往.各鎮去。
What 曹操Cao Cao said was this: "The eunuch evil is of very old standing, but the real cause of the present trouble is in the improper influence allowed them by the emperors and the misplaced favoritism they have enjoyed. But a gaoler would be ample force to employ against this kind of evil, and getting rid of the main culprits is quite enough. Why increase confusion混乱 by summoning troops軍隊 from the regions? Any desire to slay all of them will speedily become known, and the plan will fail."
"Then, 曹操Cao Cao, you have some scheme of your own to further," said 何進He Jin with a sneer.
曹操Cao Cao left the meeting, proclaiming, "The one who throws the world into chaos is 何進He Jin!"
Then 何進He Jin sent swift, secret letters far and wide to several bases.
典軍校尉[曹操]聞而笑曰:"宦者之官,古今宜有,<但>世主<不當>假之權寵,使至.於此。既治.其罪,當誅.元惡,一獄吏 足矣,何至.紛紛召.外兵乎! 欲盡誅.之,事必宣.露,吾見.其敗也。"

是時得.詔大喜,點起軍馬,陸續便行;使其婿中郎將[牛輔],守.住陝西,自己<卻>帶.[李傕・郭汜・張濟・樊稠]等提.兵/望.洛陽/進發。卓婿謀士[李儒]曰:"今雖.奉詔,中間多有.暗昧。何不差.人上表,名正言順,大事可.圖。" 卓大喜,遂上表。
*不如去.薪は莫若支.薪(資治通鑑)と表現に差がある。下の英訳では be to withdraw the fire

It must be recalled that 董卓Dong Zhuo had failed in his attempt to destroy the Yellow Scarves rebellion. He would have been punished if he had not bribed the Ten Eunuchs heavily for their protection. Later, through connections in the capital, he obtained rapid promotions from General to General of the Front Army, to Lord of Aoxiang, to Imperial Protector in the western region of Xizhou and Commander of an army of two hundred thousand troops. But 董卓Dong Zhuo was treacherous and disloyal at heart. So when he received the summons to the capital, he rejoiced greatly and lost no time in obeying it. He left a son-in-law, Imperial Commander 牛輔Niu Fu, to look after the affairs of Xizhou and set out for 洛陽Luoyang. Dong Zhuo took with him a huge army and four generals —李傕Li Jue, 郭汜Guo Si, 張濟Zhang Ji, and 樊稠Fan Chou.
董卓Dong Zhuo's adviser and son-in-law, 李儒Li Ru, said, "Though a formal summons has come, there are many obscurities in it. It would be well to send up a memorial stating plainly our aims and intentions. Then we can proceed."
So 董卓Dong Zhuo composed something like this: "Thy servant knows that the continual rebellions owe their origin to 張讓Zhang Rang and the Regular Attendants of the Inner Bureau, who act counter to all recognized precepts. Now to stop the ebullition of a pot the best way is to withdraw the fire; to cut out an abscess, though painful, is better than to nourish the evil. I have dared undertake a military advance on the capital, with thy permission, and now pray that 張讓Zhang Rang and the other eunuchs be removed for the happiness of the dynasty and of the empire."

何進得.表,出示.大臣。侍御史[鄭泰]諫曰:"董卓乃豺狼也,引入.京城,必食.人矣。" [進]曰:"汝多疑,不足謀.大事。" [盧植]亦諫曰:"[植]素知.董卓為人,面善心狠;一入禁庭,必生.禍患。不如.止之勿來,免致.生.亂。"
He Jin read this memorial and showed it to his partisans.
Then said Minister 鄭泰Zheng Tai, "A fierce wild beast: If he comes, his prey will be humans!"
He Jin replied, "You are too timorous: You are unequal to great schemes."
But Lu Zhi also said, "Long have I known this man. In appearance innocent, he is a very wolf at heart. Let him in, and calamity enters with him. Stop him, do not let him come, and thus will you avoid upheaval."

[進]不聽,[鄭泰・盧植]皆棄.官而去。朝廷大臣,去者大半。[進]使.人迎.[董卓]於澠池,[卓]按.兵不動。張讓等知.外兵到,共議曰:"此何進之謀也;我等不先下.手,皆滅.族矣。" 乃先伏.刀斧手五十人<於.長樂宮嘉德門內>,入告.何太后曰:"今大將軍矯.詔/召.外兵/至.京師,欲滅.臣等,望:娘娘垂.憐/賜.救。" 太后曰:"汝等<可>詣.大將軍府/謝.罪。" [讓]曰:"若到.相府,骨肉虀粉矣。望:娘娘宣.大將軍入宮諭止.之。如其不從,臣等只就.娘娘前/請.死。"
何進He Jin was obstinate, and both 鄭泰Zheng Tai and 盧植Lu Zhi gave up their posts and retired, as did more than half the ministers of state, while He Jin sent a warm welcome to 董卓Dong Zhuo, who soon camped at 澠池Shengchi Lake and stationed there without further action. 張讓Zhang Rang and the eunuchs knew this move was directed against them and said, "This is 何進He Jin's plot. If we do not strike first, our whole clans shall be exterminated." So they hid a band of fifty armed ruffians at the Gate of Grand Virtue in the Palace of Happiness, where the Empress lived, then they went in to see her.
They said, "The General, feigning to act under command, has called up armies to the capital to destroy us. We pray you, Your Majesty, pity and save us!"
"Go to the General and confess your faults," said the Empress.
"If we did, then should we be cut to mincemeat! Rather summon the General into your presence and command him to cease. If he will not, then we pray but die in your presence."

太后乃降.詔宣.[進]。[進]得.詔<便>行。主簿陳琳諫曰:"太后此詔,必是十常侍之謀,切不可.去。去必有.禍。" [進]曰:"太后詔.我,有.何禍事?" 袁紹曰:"今謀已泄,事已露,將軍<尚>欲入.宮耶?" 曹操曰:"先召.十常侍出,然後可入。" [進]笑曰:"此小兒之見也。吾掌.天下之權,十常侍敢待.如何?" 紹曰:"公必欲去,我等引.甲士護從,以防.不測。"
Empress He issued the requisite command. He Jin was just going to her when Secretary Chen Lin advised him not to enter, saying, "The eunuchs are certainly behind the order and mean your harm."
But He Jin could only see the command of the Empress and was oblivious to all else. Said he, "Clearly, this is an edict from the Empress. What harm?"
"Our plot is no longer a secret," said Yuan Shao. "Still you may go if you are ready to fight your way in."
"Get the eunuchs out first!" said Cao Cao.
"Silly children!" said He Jin. "What can they do against the man who holds the forces of the empire in his palm?"
Yuan Shao said, "If you will go, then we will come as a guard, just as a precaution."

於是袁紹・曹操各選.精兵五百,命袁紹之弟袁術領.之。袁術全身披掛,引兵布列.青瑣門外。紹與操帶劍護送.何進至.長樂宮前。黃門傳懿旨云:"太后特宣.大將軍,餘人不許.輒入。"將袁紹・曹操等都阻住.宮門外。何進昂然直入。至.嘉德殿門,張讓・段珪迎出,左右圍住,[進]大驚。[讓]厲聲責.[進]曰:"董后何罪,妄以酖死? 國母喪葬,託.疾不出! 汝本屠沽小輩,我等薦之天子,以致.榮貴:不思.報效,欲相謀害! 汝言我等甚濁,其清者是誰?" [進]慌急,欲尋.出路,宮門盡閉,伏甲齊出,將[何進]砍為兩段。後人有詩歎之曰:漢室傾危天數終,無謀何進作.三公。幾番不聽.忠臣諫,難免:宮中受.劍鋒。
Whereupon both Yuan Shao and Cao Cao chose five hundred best men under their command, at whose head they placed Yuan Shu, a brother of Yuan Shao. Yuan Shu, clad in mail, drew up his troops outside the Forbidden City's entrance, while Yuan Shao and Cao Cao, holding swords, went as escort.
When He Jin neared the Palace of Happiness, the officers from the Inner Bureau said, "The orders are to admit the Regent Marshal and none other."
So the escort was detained outside. He Jin went in proudly. At the Gate of Grand Virtue, he was met by Zhang Rang and Duan Gui, and their followers quickly closed in around him. He Jin began to feel alarmed.
Then Zhang Rang in a harsh voice began to revile him: "What crime had Empress Dong committed that she should have been put to death? And when the Mother of the Country was buried, who feigned sickness and did not attend? We raised you and your paltry, huckstering family to all the dignity and wealth you have, and this is your gratitude! You would slay us. You call us sordid and dirty: Who is the cleaner?"
He Jin was panic stricken and looked about for a way to escape, but all gates had been shut. The eunuchs closed him in, and then the assassins appeared and cut He Jin into halves.
Closing the days of the Hans, and the years of their rule were near spent,
Stupid and tactless was He Jin, yet stood he highest in office,
Many were they who advised him, but he was deaf as he heard not,
Wherefore fell he a victim under the swords of the eunuchs.

[讓]等既殺.何進,袁紹久不見進出,乃於宮門外大叫曰:"請將軍上車!" [讓]等將.何進首級從.牆上擲出,宣諭曰:"何進謀反,已伏誅矣。其餘脅從,盡皆赦宥。"
袁紹厲聲大叫:"閹官謀殺.大臣! 誅.惡黨者前來助戰!" 何進部將吳匡,便於青瑣門外放起.火/來。袁術引兵突入.宮庭,但見.閹官,不諭.大小,盡皆殺.之。袁紹・曹操斬.關入內。趙忠,程曠,夏惲,郭勝四個被趕至.翠花樓前,剁為肉泥。宮中火燄沖天。張讓,段珪,曹節,侯覽將.太后及太子并陳留王劫去.內省,從.後道走.北宮。
So He Jin died. Yuan Shao and Cao Cao waited long. By and by, impatient at the delay, they called through the gate, "Thy carriage awaits, O General!"
For reply the head of He Jin was flung over the wall. A decree was proclaimed:
"He Jin has contemplated treachery and therefore has been slain! It pardons his adherents."
Yuan Shao shouted, "The eunuchs have slain the High Minister. Let those who will slay this wicked party come and help me!"
Then one of He Jin's generals, Wu Kuang, set fire to the gate. Yuan Shu at the head of his guards burst in and fell to slaying the eunuchs without regard to age or rank. Yuan Shao and Cao Cao broke into the inner part of the Palace. Four of the eunuchs —-Zhao Zhong, Cheng Kuang, Xia Yun, and Guo Sheng —-fled to the Blue Flower Lodge where they were hacked to pieces. Fire raged, destroying the buildings. Four of the Ten Regular Attendants —-Zhang Rang, Duan Gui, Cao Jie, and Hou Lan —-led by Zhang Rang carried off the Empress, Emperor Bian, and Prince Xian of Chenliu toward the North Palace.

時盧植棄官未去,見.宮中事變,擐.甲持.戈,立.於閣下。遙見.段珪擁逼何后過來,植大呼曰:"段珪逆賊,安敢劫太后!" 段珪回身便走。太后從.窗中跳出,[植]急救得免。吳匡殺入內庭,見何苗亦提劍出。匡大呼曰:"何苗同謀.害兄,當共殺.之!" 眾人俱曰:"願斬.謀兄之賊!" [苗]欲走,四面圍定,砍為虀粉。紹復令軍士分頭來殺.十常侍家屬,不分.大小,盡皆誅絕,多有:無鬚者誤被.殺死。曹操一面救滅.宮中之火,請.何太后權攝大事,遣兵追襲.張讓等,尋覓.少帝。
盧植Lu Zhi, since he had resigned office, was at home, but hearing of the revolution in the Palace he donned his armor, took his spear, and prepared to fight. He saw Eunuch Duan Gui hurrying the Empress along and called out, "You rebel, how dare you abduct the Empress?"
The eunuch fled. The Empress leaped out of a window and was taken to a place of safety. General Wu Kuang burst into one of the inner halls where he found He Miao, sword in hand. "You also were in the plot to slay your own brother," cried Wu Kuang. "You shall die with the others!"
"Let us kill the plotter against his elder brother!" cried many.
He Miao looked around: His enemies hemmed him in on every side. He was hacked to pieces. Yuan Shu bade his soldiers scatter and seek out all the families of the eunuchs, sparing none. In that slaughter many beardless men were killed in error. Cao Cao set himself to extinguish the fires. He then begged Empress He to undertake the direction of affairs, and soldiers were sent to pursue Zhang Rang and rescue the young Emperor and the young Prince of Chenliu.