

ホワイトハウスからのメールマガジン(英文リンク付き)すべてのホワイトハウス、5/22/2017 |

2017-05-23 07:14:46 | ホワイトハウスからのメール

ホワイトハウスからのメールマガジン(英文リンク付き)すべてのホワイトハウス、5/22/2017 |








1:20 PM LOCAL / 6:20 AM EDT:イスラエルのルーベン・リヴェリン大統領との二国間会合にトランプ大統領が参加


1:55 PM LOCAL / 6:55 AM EDT:トランプ大統領はイスラエルのリヴリン大統領に発言


2:15 PM LOCAL / 7:15 AM EDT:大統領とファースト・レディ・トランプが聖セパチャ教会を訪問


3:25 PM LOCAL / 8:25 AM EDT:大統領とファースト・レディ・トランプは西洋の壁を訪れる




7:25 PM地方/ 12:25 PM EDT:大統領トランプ大統領がネタニヤフ首相に発言


午後730分(現地時間)/ 12:30 AM EDT:大統領とファースト・レディ・トランプは首相と夫人ネタニヤフ


4:30 PMPence副大統領が米国議会で議員との一連の会合に参加









大統領の海外旅行にはWH.gov/potus-abroadTwitterでは#POTUSAbroad @ WhiteHouseに従ってください。


ドナルド・トランプ大統領が2017520日土曜日、サウジアラビアのリヤドにあるハリド国際空港に到着すると、彼とメアリーナ・トランプ卿が到着した。 (Shealah Craigheadによる公式ホワイトハウス写真)。大統領の海外旅行の写真をFacebookFlickrで見ることができます。








トランプ氏は最近、旅行中に「希望の新しい理由」を発見したという。トランプ氏は、「われわれの前には、安全保障と安定と平和をこの地域とその国民にもたらす珍しい機会がある」と述べた。 -


トゥルップズ大統領は、過激派から抜け出すための戦いで、米国と中東諸国の統一を呼び掛けた最初の外国旅行の間、イスラム教徒の指導者たちに非常に期待される演説で、日曜日に大統領を務めた。 " - Fox News


「トランプの演説は、イラクとテロの脅威に対する8年間のオバマの失明の後、彼のアラブの聴衆に歓迎をもたらした」 - ニューヨークポスト



Everything White House for 5/22/2017. |

Watch a recap of President Donald J. Trump's first two days abroad:

Today's Events

9:30 AM LOCAL / 2:30 AM EDT: President and First Lady Trump depart Riyadh, Saudi Arabia en route to Tel Aviv, Israel

1:20 PM LOCAL / 6:20 AM EDT: President Trump participates in a bilateral meeting with President Reuven Rivlin of Israel

1:55 PM LOCAL / 6:55 AM EDT: President Trump gives remarks with President Rivlin of Israel

2:15 PM LOCAL / 7:15 AM EDT: President and First Lady Trump visit the Church of the Holy Sepulchre

3:25 PM LOCAL / 8:25 AM EDT: President and First Lady Trump visit the Western Wall

6:00 PM LOCAL / 11:00 AM EDT: President Trump meets with Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu of Israel

7:25 PM LOCAL / 12:25 PM EDT: President Trump gives remarks with Prime Minister Netanyahu - Watch Live

7:30 PM LOCAL / 12:30 AM EDT: President and First Lady Trump have dinner with Prime Minister and Mrs. Netanyahu

4:30 PM: Vice President Pence participates in a series of meetings with lawmakers at the U.S. Capitol


On Saturday, May 21, 2017, President Trump and King Salman participated in the signing ceremony for the Joint Strategic Vision Statement for the United States and the Kingdom of Saudi Arabia, worth $110 billion in defense capabilities.

On Sunday, May 22, 2017, President Trump delivered remarks at the Arab Islamic American Summit where he gave his vision for "peace, security, and prosperity in this region and all throughout the world."

Today, President Trump is in Israel where he will meet with President Reuven Rivlin and Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu of Israel.

Follow the President's trip abroad at WH.gov/potus-abroad and on Twitter at #POTUSAbroad @WhiteHouse.

President Donald Trump waves as he and First Lady Melania Trump arrive, Saturday, May 20, 2017, to King Khalid International Airport in Riyadh, Saudi Arabia. (Official White House Photo by Shealah Craighead). See more photos of the President's trip abroad on Facebook and Flickr.


President Trump proclaimed on Friday the third Saturday of each May as Armed Forces Day. The President noted the nearly 70 year history of our Nation setting aside one day to recognize the great debt we owe to the men and women who serve in the Army, Navy, Air Force, Marine Corps, and Coast Guard.

President Trump announced his intent to nominate K.T. McFarland as the United States Ambassador to the Republic of Singapore.

What We Are Reading

"Trump said during his travels in recent days, he has found 'new reasons for hope.' 'We have before us a rare opportunity to bring security and stability and peace to this region and to its people,' Trump said in his remarks." - The Hill

"President Trump Sunday in a highly-anticipated speech to Muslim leaders during his first foreign trip called for unity between the U.S. and Middle Eastern nations in the fight to 'stamp out extremism.' " - Fox News

"Trump’s speech brought welcome relief to his Arab audience after eight years of Obama’s blindness to Iranian and terrorist threats. " - New York Post

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