kuringo's Blog



2017年06月02日 18時47分50秒 | 日記


connote :〔語の元の意味に加えて~を〕含意する、暗示する、〔必然的な条件や結果として~が〕付随する、
      含まれる 【@】コンノート、コンノウト
Point taken. :あなたのおっしゃる通りです。/その通りです。/ごもっともです。
off the top of one's head :〔アイデア・回答などが〕すぐに[パッと]思いついて、思い付きで、即席で
if I'm not mistaken :確か、もし間違っていなければ
bowing culture :お辞儀の文化
main feature :主な出し物、目玉、主要特長
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Daily Routine

2017年06月02日 12時48分02秒 | 日記
Push-ups :23 times
Walking :40+40=1 hour 20 minutes
Standing on one foot :10 minutes each
Cigarettes :0
jogging-on-the-spot :0 minutes

I was able to keep no-smoking for six years and one hundred and seventy-five days in a row.
I tried increasing the number of push-ups by only one time to 23 times and kept
at least 16-time push-ups for the one hundred and twenty-second straight day.

It's sunny in Nagoya today but actually it's rather windy like a winter day.
It was very easy with a tail wind for me to come to my workplace by bike.
On the other hand, I'm afraid of a headwind on my way back.
I've noticed that rice seedlings are steadily growing in rice paddies, which
makes me feel this year's rainy season is just around the corner.
I'd like to do walking as much as possible before the season.
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