Fumie Masaki Blog


My lecture concert of Grieg's Lyric Pieces~the8 and the9 ③

2024-09-19 22:07:54 | ピアノ

I appreciated on everyone who came to the lecture concert.I am very glad attendant very enthusiastically listened to my lecture concert. Some of audience admired my lecture after the concert.

I am supposed to next lecture concert title is the10 and Lyric Pieces piano recital in summary. The date will be next October Saturday afternoon.
I will let you know sooner than it will be fixed.

Please persistently support me.

Thank you very much.

My lecture concert on Grieg Lyric Pieces~the8 and the9 ②

2024-09-19 22:03:36 | ピアノ

I interpreted on Grieg's musicology including the8 and the9 collections,and then I played all pieces to gain understanding what is his pianism in these collections.

「グリーグ抒情小品集」レクチャーコンサート 第8,9集を取り上げて、於:東邦音楽大学

2024-09-19 21:51:17 | ピアノ

On11th.September from14-16 at Toho Music Academy, I held my lecture concert of Grieg’s Lyric Pieces th8 and th9th.collections.
I interpreted on th8 and th9 from Grieg's Lyric Pieces and played piano these pieces.
As for the content, before main topics, I interpreted on Grieg's music, including his background and his humanism, and factors in the representation of Folk Music ets.And I interpreted on the lecture's conception between 1~7th. that I held before.
The second stage, I told about the8 and the 9 collections with piano performance.

The 11th.Tokyo International Piano Competition Tokyo-Qualifying

2024-08-26 19:54:24 | ピアノ

I went to the hall in Tokyo to judge at Tokyo district qualifying in the 11th.Tokyo International Piano Competition.
I listened to sections of high school to university.
Students selected quite big pieces, and played skillfully.
According to recent situation, piano students tend to select quite difficult pieces, and level up gradually. This means piano population has been increasing and competitiveness.

Today's judgement was not so strictive, everyone passed and go to semi-final.
Semi-final will be quite hard to pass.
They seem to concentrate on semi-final.

Good luck everybody.

The 47th.All Japan Junior Classic Music Competition Semi-final in Chiba

2024-08-19 10:38:09 | ピアノ

I listened to the 47th.All Japan Jumior Classic Music Competition Semi-final in Chiba.
The place is located near to Tokyo Disney Land in Urayasu.Surrounding of the hall seemed to be bustle mood with many young age.
Hall is quite new and stylish,also acoustic is good quality.

I judged the sections of from elemental junior haight school to high school.Each sections was quite high level.We were always obliged to judge difficulty.
Everyone who passed semi- final,had wonderful piano skill,so I wish that they will play piano at final stage with their all the best.

Awa-Orodi2024 阿波おどり2024

2024-08-15 13:03:44 | ピアノ

While I returned to Tokushima pref.,I went to Awa-Odori in Tokushima city.
Awa-Odori is one of the three major summer festivals in Japan. I show some photos that I took.
Awa-Odori is also one of the world's leading Bon dance festivals with 400 years of history. My hometown, Tokushima Prefecture is the land of origin of the Awa Odori dance.
It was very spectacle that many dancers united an undisturbed dance with wearing Japanese traditional Kimono that is maybe since Edo-period.
I really enjoyed.

Next year, I will visit Awa-odori again, and see So-odori that is final stage in day. So-Odori consists of all dancers. It would be extremely wonderful spectacle.

The 47th.All Japan Junior Classic Music Competition Semi-final in Tokyo

2024-08-07 20:57:33 | ピアノ

I went to the hall in Tokyo to judge at the 47th.All Japan Junior Classic Music Competition Semi-final in Tokyo district. I listened to Junior high school section.
Students wear formal dress, it seemed to be more mature than real age.
They played quite difficult piano pieces, I think they have practiced earnestly to attend the competition. They wanted to pass the semi-final and go to final stage.
But It was impossible, some students couldn't go to final stage.
It was very difficult decision to judge, because everyone played very well. The competition was quite high level.

I regretted that some students couldn't pass, but the result was not so important.The result leads to next success.
I wish everyone, who attended the competition, to like piano more and go forward to each goal.

Thank you for support,Happy Birthday to me.

2024-07-16 21:01:06 | ピアノ

Today is my birhday.I appreciate that I could spend healthy life own to you and my family.Thank you very much for supporting me.
I wish to make a goal of my life with careing of myself.
Best regards to you.

音楽の友に掲載されました Information of publicaton of Ongaku no Tomo

2024-07-15 16:59:57 | ピアノ

Music Magazine Ongaku no Tomo July2024 showed an article of a concert on23th.May by the Grieg Society of Japan.
I took an interview by reporter after the concert.I told on our society to her.
I am glad to publish our activity in the magazine.


2024-07-08 20:42:08 | ピアノ
On14th.September ( Saturday),I will hold my lecture concert on Grieg's Lyric Pieces Series 8th and 9th.Collection at Toho Music Academy.
This series consists of Grieg's Lyric Pieces,I have executed it since in 2022.
This lecture concert,I pick up th8th. and the 9th.collections from 10collections of Lyric Piano Pieces.Lyric Piano Pieces are very precious with elaborated expressions in Grieg's musical trait, and are very popular in the world.Many piano students,professional level and amature level widely play these pieces.
Futuremore interpreting a trace of Grieg's music,The Lyric Piano Pieces are very significant.Grieg composed it from middle of 20age to over 60age that was of his life.So to speak music dairy of life.Grieg told to his friend that Lyric Piano Pieces looks like small jewel box,have rich of harmony, poetic expression and his occcational joys and sorrows.
10collections consists of 66pieces.
I have traced until 7collections, I could understand the transition of Grieg's music style, including variable circumstance and his thought with meeting peoples who influence him.
I am gradually more interesting to study deeply..

As for 8th.and 9th collections,Grieg composed them in middle of 50age, that time was his health got worse, he had serious problem of lung innate. He suffered anamia,difficluty breathing and nervous breakdown.He occasionally stayed sanatoriums in Denmark or Norway,and consciously noticed hisend of life.
So these collections are entirely quite and moderate, not aggressive.

I am looking forward to interpretate this music in public.

I will play all pieces of 8 and 9collections besides several pieces of until 7collections..

Please refer to the advertisement and come to my lecture concert on14th.September.

If you are interested in it,please contact with Toho Music Academy 03-3946-9667.