Fumie Masaki Blog


ロンドン フェスティバルホール London Festival Hall

2009-03-22 12:32:55 | ピアノ
ロンドン フェスティバルホールで、世界最高峰の一つであるロンドンフィルの演奏会を聴きました。ラッキーにも、プログラムはチャイコフスキーのピアノ協奏曲でした。このピアニスト憧れのチャイコフスキーのピアノ協奏曲を生演奏で聴いたのは初めてだったので、とても感動しました。
I listened to London Philharmonic Orchestra at Festival Hall.The Orchestra is one of the greatest in the world.Luckly, the program consisted of Piano Concert by Tchaikovsky.I was so impressed because it was the first time that I listened to the aspired-to the piece for pianist by live.

ロンドン 国会議事堂ビッグベン London House of Parliament

2009-03-19 17:45:16 | ピアノ
I stand at back of House of Parliament in London,Big Ben is just famous.I am in Westminster Bridge.The Parliament was built in 1090,but reconstructed many times later.It is the most biggest buildings in West-Europe.Big Ben was built in 1859.The Parliament is beautifully colored with green light at nights in London!

イギリス、タワーブリッジ1 Tower Bridge in London,England1

2009-03-17 00:43:21 | ピアノ
I came to London in England.I stand at the back of Tower Bridge in London that is just famous in the world.It was built in 1894.In the early bird in London,arround of River Thames is very quite and beautiful spectacle.

ウィーン、シュテファン寺院 Vienna Stephansdom

2009-03-16 00:05:30 | ピアノ
Situated in the centre of Vienna,the Stephansdom is the soul of the city itself.It began to contsruct in 12th-century and was built for 300years.It remains of the original 13th-century Romanesque church and result of a rebuilding programme in the 14,15th-centuries,while some of the outbuildings, are Baroque additions.

ウィーン、シュテファン通りにて、Vienna Stephan street

2009-03-11 19:55:51 | ピアノ
I am in Stephan street in Vienna,A statue of backdrop,it built after the plague of 1679.Here is very vigorous with many shops and restaurants.

ウィーン、コンチェルトハウスにて At the Konzerthaus in Vienna

2009-03-05 22:47:31 | ピアノ
I went to the Konzerthaus in Vienna and listened to Chamber music by J.S.Bach last night.The hall is located next to Vienna Music Academy and historic building.Seats at hall were already sold out in spite of weekdays night. At Mozert salon in Konzerthaus

ウィーンにて In Vienna

2009-03-05 22:32:32 | ピアノ
私は、現在ウィーンに来ています。こちらは、少し肌寒く天候も変わりやすいですが、快晴の日は観光客にあふれ活気があります。ヨハン シュトラウス像にて。
I have visited in Vienna now.Here is a bit cold and very changingful weather,but when weather is fine,many tourists comes to town and full of activities.At the Johan Strauss Statue