flagburner's blog(仮)


Memorandum über "Was gesagt werden muss"(Memorandum about "What must be said")?

2012-04-05 21:53:02 | 時事ネタ(海外)
何か知らんが、作家の ギュンダー・グラス(Günther GRASS)氏がイスラエルを非難した詩を書いてた模様。
・「イスラエルがイランせん滅も」=作家グラス氏の詩が物議-ドイツ(2012年4月5日 時事ドットコム)


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・Was gesagt werden muss(2012年4月4日 sueddeutsche.de;ドイツ語)

適当に Google 先生の自動翻訳を参考に上の詩を解読したのだが、GRASS 氏は詩の中で昔から色んな人達が述べてきた公然の秘密であるイスラエルの核兵器保有について触れてるのよね。

イスラエル政府が GRASS 氏を非難したのは言うまでもなかった。
・German writer: 'Israel is world's greatest danger'(2012年4月4日 jpost.com)

興味深いことに、jpost.com の記事では(2006年に発覚した) GRASS 氏がナチスの親衛隊に所属してたと紹介していた。
そして、在ドイツイスラエル大使館副大使こと Emmanuel Nahshon 氏の発言を・・・。
以下、2012年4月4日 jpost.com『German writer~』から、Nahshon 氏のコメント部分を(略

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Israel’s government reacted swiftly to Grass on Wednesday.
Emmanuel Nahshon, deputy chief of mission for the Israeli Embassy in Germany, said, “what must be said is that it belongs to the European tradition to accuse the Jews of ritual murder before the Passover celebration.”

“It used to be Christian children whose blood the Jews used to make matza[過ぎ越し祭の際に食べるクラッカー状のパン], today it is the Iranian people that the Jewish state purportedly wants to wipe out.”

Nahshon added that “We want to live in peace with our neighbors in the region. And we are not prepared to assume the role that Günter Grass assigns us in the German people’s process of coming to terms with its history.”
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・・・Nahshon 氏の発言が白々しく聞こえるのは俺だけか?

特に、アメリカ・ユダヤ人委員会(American Jewish Committee)ベルリン支部/ローレンス・ラーマー財団(Lawrence and Lee Ramer Institute for German-Jewish Relations)代表こと Deidre BERGER 氏は相当頭に来てたようで・・・。
以下、2012年4月4日分 jpost.com『German writer~』から、BERGER 氏のコメント部分を(略

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“Günter Grass is turning the situation upside-down by defending a brutal regime that not only disregards but openly violates international agreements for many years,” said Deidre Berger, director of the Berlin American Jewish Committee/Ramer Institute.

“[Iranian] President [Mahmoud] Ahmadinejad bears responsibility for grave human rights violations, rejects Israel’s right to exist and denies the Holocaust. It is a grotesque reversal of reality to depict President Ahmadinejad as an adventurous bragger while denouncing Israeli politicians for their position countering Iranian aggression,” added Berger.

“Grass is causing huge damage to German-Israeli relations by depicting the Israeli government as criminal while protecting the policies of Iran, the real instigators of the conflict,” Berger said.
“Grass asserts that criticism of Israel is neither allowed and is in any case not anti-Semitic. He is simply diverting attention from the real issues. Instead of denouncing Israel, Günter Grass should answer the question as to why he does not condemn the many authoritarian regimes in the Middle East that, until now, have made regional peace impossible. It might be useful for him to reflect as well on his own controversial statements regarding Germany’s Nazi past.

“In past years, Günter Grass has repeatedly cast the Israeli government as the root of all evil in the region. The author chose to release his newest attack on Israel, whom he claims is threatening Iran, just two days before the start of Passover, when Jews for time immemorial have been murdered for alleged blood libel,” said Berger.

“Grass’s seeming indifference to Israel, Jewish history and religion prompts the question as to his own relation to German history.”
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つか、GRASS 氏のぶち上げた詩ごときであーだこーだ言う人達って、公然の秘密たるイスラエルの核兵器保有について「なかったこと」にしたいんだろうか?

GRASS 氏の詩って、南ドイツ新聞(Süddeutsche Zeitung)以外に EL PAÍS(スペインの新聞)などにも(訳文が)掲載されてるんだよな。
・Lo que hay que decir(2012年4月4日 elpais.com;スペイン語)

果たして、GRASS 氏の詩の掲載(訳文含む)の依頼を受けた新聞はどれくらいあったのやら・・・(日本の新聞社にこの話が舞い込んでるとは思えないけど)。


