flagburner's blog(仮)


本音は難民ごと「撃沈」したいのかもしれんが(危険)(Apr 21, 2015)

2015-04-21 21:37:02 | 時事ネタ(海外)


イタリア漂着の難民激増 8480人救助、400人不明か
(2015年4月15日 cnn.co.jp)
・Danger and despair in the Mediterranean as migrants stream toward Italy(2015年4月14日 cnn.com;動画つき)


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・伊警察、転覆船の生存者2人を逮捕 船長と乗員か(2015年4月21日 afpbb.com)
・伊当局、移民船の船長ら2人逮捕 遭難で700人死亡か(2015年4月21日 47news.jp;共同)

こうした事態に関し、英国自由民主党の元党首ことパディ・アッシュダウン(Jeremy John Durham ASHDOWN, Baron Ashdown of Norton-sub-Hamdon)卿は、難民の人達を乗せた船を「出港する前に撃沈しろ」なんて発言をしていた。
・Lord Ashdown: destroy migrant smugglers' boats before they leave port(2015年4月21日 theguardian.com)

参考までに、2015年4月21日分 theguardian.com『destroy migrant smugglers' boats~』から前半部分を(略)

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Lord Ashdown has called for a fresh strategy to target networks of people smugglers in north Africa, including the possible use of armed force to destroy boats before they can ferry desperate migrants across the Mediterranean.

Ashdown, who served as a royal Marine before entering parliament, said: “It is unsustainable and unacceptable to have a policy of drowning refugees when we should be attacking the smugglers.

“We should be helping countries like Libya, Egypt and Tunisia, the departing nations, to attack people smugglers.

“There may also be a case for using special forces of interdiction to destroy the boats before they leave port.”

He also said the European Union must put in place a fairer system when dealing with those who made it to Europe.

Ashdown’s comments come as the EU said at an emergency meeting of interior and foreign ministers in Luxembourg on Monday that it would launch military operations against the networks of smugglers in Libya sending migrants to their deaths.
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一方、一昨日の事故に絡めて、イスラエルのイスラエル・カッツ(Yisrael Katz: ישראל כץ)運輸相(ややこしい)は、イスラエルの難民取り締まり対策を称賛してた
・Likud minister: Drowning of migrants justifies Israeli policy(2015年4月20日 972mag.com)

以下、2015年4月20日分 972mag.com『Drowning of migrants~』から序盤部分を(略)

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Transportation Minister Yisrael Katz (Likud) sees lessons for Israeli policy in the tragic massacre of 700 asylum seekers who drowned when their vessel capsized on Sunday in the Mediterranean Sea.
Posting a photo showing rows of corpses brought to shore by rescue workers, Katz wrote the following caption, which is translated here from Hebrew:

“Hundreds of migrants from Africa drowned to death close to Italy in a disaster that horrified all human beings. Europe is having a difficult time dealing with the migrants, and with creating solutions for this difficult issue. While there are differences between us (the migrants traveling to Europe must cross a sea while those heading for Israel have a direct overland connection), you can see the rectitude of our government’s policy to build a fence on the border with Egypt, which blocks the job-seeking migrants before they enter Israel. The elections are over — you can give us some credit now.”
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以下、2015年4月20日分 972mag.com『Drowning of migrants~』から中盤部分を(略)

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Katz demonstrates vulgarity and an almost pathological lack of compassion with his gleeful-sounding status, in which he makes political capital of a catastrophe involving the massacre of hundreds of human beings — including small children.
He refers to the asylum seekers as migrants searching for work, which perhaps is not quite as bad as calling them “infiltrators,” “cancer” or “vermin,” as other members of his party have done.
But it is bad enough, as it dehumanizes these people by implying that they are casually seeking to better their financial circumstances (subtext: at our expense), rather than undertaking unbelievably arduous journeys to escape extreme danger or a physically unbearable existence.
Only a desperate person with nothing to lose would trek across the Sinai Peninsula, risking kidnapping and torture, or crowd onto a boat that is not seaworthy when hundreds have already drowned.
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