flagburner's blog(仮)


United States's confusing stance about Israeli settlements in Palestinian territory

2011-02-21 20:36:20 | パレスチナかイスラエルか
・米、イスラエル入植非難に拒否権を行使 オバマ政権で初(2011年2月19日 asahi.com)
・国連安保理:米国、拒否権発動 イスラエルに配慮 ドミノ動揺、防ぐ狙い(2011年2月19日 毎日jp)
・United States vetoes Security Council resolution on Israeli settlements(2011年2月18日 UN News Centre)

昔から米国はイスラエル寄りの姿勢を取ってるってのは周知の事実なわけだが、意外なことに OBAMA 米国大統領が就任してからはイスラエルに関する決議案で拒否権を発動してないらしいのよね。
それ以前に、OBAMA 大統領時代に安保理で決議がどれだけ行われてるか、という問題もあるが・・・。

とにかく、18日の安保理における Susan RICE 米国国連大使の発言には首を傾げざるを得なかった。
以下、2011年2月19日分 asahi.com『米、イスラエル入植非難に拒否権を行使~』を全文(略

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・米、イスラエルへの入植凍結説得を断念(2010年12月8日 afpbb.com)
・中東直接交渉が頓挫 仲介の米表明、入植凍結進展せず(2010年12月8日 asahi.com)


その一方で、今回の決議案の採決前になって Hilary CLINTON 米国国務長官は「イスラエルによる入植地建設に正当性はない」とのたまってるし。
・Hillary Clinton: Israeli Settlements 'Illegitimate'(2011年2月18日 ABC News)


・・・とデタラメな態度の米国政府に対しては、米国政府やイスラエル政府の代理人的立場の暫定政府(PA)や Fatah の方々ですら非難の声を上げていた。
・Rallies over 'despicable' Obama UN veto(2011年2月20日 Ma'an News Agency;AFP)

以下、2011年2月20日分 Ma'an News Agency『Rallies over 'despicable'~』から、Salam FAYYAD 首相(?)の発言部分を(略

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In Jenin, Palestinian prime minister Salam Fayyad accused the United States of blackmail amid Palestinian allegations that Washington threatened to curtail aid if the settlements resolution was not withdrawn.

"We didn't and will not accept blackmail and neither will our people," Fayyad said.
"We are not interested in aid from any party that threatens to cut it for political reasons.

"The US approach must change because these double standards cannot continue and this situation is unacceptable."
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PA や Fatah の方々をしてここまで米国政府を非難するってのは、国際政治における米国の存在感の低下ってのも一因なんだろうか。
無論、毎日jp の記事で指摘されてるもの(特に外交文書の公開)が大きい理由なんだろうが・・・。

2011年分エルサレム賞受賞者に選ばれた Ian MC-EWAN 氏が、イスラエルによる入植地建設を非難していた。
・Ian McEwan attacks 'great injustice' in Israel(2011年2月20日 guardian.co.uk)

エルサレム賞の授賞式も欠席してくれれば、MC-EWAN 氏の発言に説得力が増すと思うのだが・・・。

・Security Council Fails to Adopt Text Demanding That Israel Halt Settlement Activity as Permanent Member Casts Negative Vote(2011年2月18日 un.org)

ここで、RICE 米国国連大使は、色んな意味で頭を抱えたくなるようなコメントを・・・。
以下、2011年2月18日分 UN Security Council『Security Council Fails~』から、RICE 米国国連大使の発言概要を(略

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SUSAN RICE ( United States) said her delegation had been deeply committed to pursing comprehensive and lasting peace between Israel and the Palestinians, focusing in that context on taking steps to advance, rather than complicate, the goal of two States living side by side in peace and security.
The United States had been working with both parties in good faith while opposing ongoing settlement construction, she said.
As such, its vote today should not be misunderstood to mean support for settlement construction, she emphasized, adding that, on the contrary, the United States “rejects in the strongest terms the legitimacy of continued Israeli settlement activity”.

She went on to stress that settlement construction had undermined Israel’s security and corroded hopes for peace and security in the Middle East.
It had devastated trust between the parties and threatened the prospects for peace in the wider region.
The United States and other Council members were convinced of the urgent need to resolve the conflict between Israel and the Palestinians in a manner that would lead to security for Israel and a contiguous State for the Palestinian people “once and for all”.
For decades, the United States had devoted its resources towards that end and would continue to do so, she said, adding that the only way to reach that common goal was through direct negotiations, with the direct sustained support of the United States and the wider international community.

She went on to stress that the conflict was for Israel and the Palestinians to resolve and “even the best intentioned outsiders cannot solve it for them”.
Therefore, “every potential action must be measured against one overriding standard: will it move the parties close to negotiations and an agreement”? The draft resolution before the Council risked hardening positions on both sides, she cautioned, saying it could encourage the parties to stay out of the negotiations or to return to the Council whenever they reached an impasse.

In recent years no outside country had striven more than the United States for Israeli-Palestinian peace, she said, pointing out that even in the days and hours preceding today’s vote, her country had offered alternatives to the current text.
Regrettably those efforts had not been successful and were no longer viable.
The great impetus for democracy and reform in the Middle East made it all the more urgent to end “this bitter conflict”, she stressed, adding that there were no shortcuts.
Hopefully, those who wanted peace would join the United States in encouraging and supporting the resumption of negotiations.
“While we agree with our fellow Council members, and, indeed, with the wider world about the folly and illegitimacy of continued Israeli settlement activity, we think it unwise for this Council to attempt to resolve the core issues that divide Israelis and Palestinians,” she said.
The United States had, therefore, opposed the text.
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