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救い Salvation

2012-06-06 23:45:00 | 神学校


At today's Iizuka Holy Meeting, a man in his fifties got to saved. As morning devotional Scripture said. Praise the Lord!

メインメッセージ Main Message

2012-06-06 23:40:03 | 神学校


Pastor Isaiah Makoto Kihara delivered message from John1:1-5, that Jesus Christ is our universal Creator, when we come to Him He will solve any problems we have.( He gives us answer as we ask, or more better way.) In Him there is life and light.
When we believe in Him the light within us spread out people surrounding us.

ショートメッセージ Short Message

2012-06-06 21:18:34 | 神学校

Pastor John Denishi dlivered message from 2Corinthians 10:3,4 about the Name of God and His Power and testified when he caused a fire accidentally, he cmmanded fire to cease in the Name of Christ, suddenly the direction of the wind was changed and the fire was put out.

今日のみことば Word of God for Today

2012-06-06 08:08:29 | 今日のみことば

"For He says: 'In n acceptable time I have heard you, and in the day of salvation I have helped you.
Behold, now is the accepted time : behold, now is the day of salvation." 2Corinthians 6:2