English for apes

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Cambridge Assessment English 公式サイトリニューアル

2017-09-23 15:34:12 | Test preparation






テストの内容(21) Speaking(補足)

2017-09-18 22:12:29 | Test content(B2First)
One examiner, the interlocutor, conducts the test and gives a global assessment of each candidate’s performance. The other, the assessor, does not take any part in the interaction but focuses solely on listening to, and making an assessment of, each candidate’s oral proficiency.


PART 1 Interview
This part tests the candidates’ ability to use social and interactional language.
The questions which are asked relate to the candidates’ own lives and focus on areas such as work, leisure time and future plans. Candidates are expected to respond to the interlocutor’s questions, and to listen to what their partner has to say.

PART 2 Long turn
This part tests the candidates’ ability to produce an extended piece of discourse.
Candidates are expected to point out similarities and differences between the photographs and then move on to deal with the question, answering it with reference to both photographs. Candidates have the opportunity to show their ability to organise their thoughts and ideas, and express themselves coherently with appropriate language. The listening candidate is also asked to comment (for about 30 seconds) after their partner’s long turn.

PART 3 Collaborative task
This part tests the candidates’ ability to engage in a discussion and to work towards a negotiated outcome of the task set.
They are given a discussion question, together with five written prompts designed to help candidates by providing ideas for their discussion. Candidates are expected to answer the question by exploring the different prompts. Candidates can choose which prompts to discuss and are not expected to discuss all five prompts in the time available but should continue their discussion until asked to stop by the interlocutor.
Candidates are expected to express and justify their opinions and speculate in order to have a conversation which answers the discussion question. The interlocutor will then ask candidates a second question designed to encourage them to summarise their discussion and to work towards a negotiated decision. Candidates are not penalised if they fail to reach a negotiated decision. They are assessed on their ability to hold a conversation, to turn-take appropriately, and to use the language of negotiation and collaboration while doing this.
The task is opinion based and there is no right or wrong answer. The task gives candidates the opportunity to show their range of language and their ability to invite the opinions and ideas of their partner. Candidates are expected to share the interaction in this way and to initiate and respond appropriately.

PART 4 Discussion
This part tests the candidates’ ability to engage in a discussion based on the topic of the collaborative task in Part 3.
This part of the test gives candidates an opportunity to show that they are capable of discussing issues in more depth than in the earlier parts of the test.


テストの内容(20) Speaking(配点)

2017-09-18 20:39:08 | Test content(B2First)

The assessor gives 0–5 marks for each of the following criteria:
Grammar and Vocabulary
Discourse Management
Interactive Communication

Marks for each of these criteria are doubled.

The interlocutor gives a mark of 0–5 for Global Achievement. This mark is then multiplied by four.
Examiners may award half marks. Marks for all criteria are then combined, meaning there are 60 marks available in the Speaking test.

Grammar and Vocabulary
Show a good degree of control of a range of simple and some complex grammatical forms.
Uses a range of appropriate vocabulary to give and exchange views on a wide range of familiar topics.
Show a good degree of control of a range of simple and attempts some complex grammatical forms.
Uses a range of appropriate vocabulary to give and exchange views on a range of familiar topics.
Show a good degree of control of simple grammatical forms.
Uses a range of appropriate vocabulary when talking about everyday situations.

Discourse Management
Produces extended stretches of language with very little hesitation.
Contributions are relevant and there is a clear organisation of ideas.
Uses a range of cohesive devices and discourse markers.
Produces extended stretches of language despite some hesitation.
Contributions are relevant and there is very little repetition.
Uses a range of cohesive devices.
Produces responses which are extended beyond short phrases, despite hesitation.
Contributions are mostly relevant, despite some repetition.
Uses basic cohesive devices.

Is intelligible.
Intonation is appropriate.
Sentence and word stress is accurately placed.
Individual sounds are articulated clearly.
Is intelligible.
Intonation is generally appropriate.
Sentence and word stress is generally accurately placed.
Individual sounds are generally articulated clearly.
Is mostly intelligible, and has some control of phonological features at both utterance and word levels.

Interactive Communication
Initiates and responds appropriately, linking contributions to those of other speakers.
Maintains and develops the interaction and negotiates towards an outcome.
Initiates and responds appropriately.
Maintains and develops the interaction and negotiates towards an outcome with very little support.
Initiates and responds appropriately.
Keeps the interaction going with very little prompting and support.


テストの内容(19) Speaking(全般)

2017-09-18 19:58:50 | Test content(B2First)

In the test, one examiner (the interlocutor) will speak to you and your partner whilst the other (the assessor) will just listen and won’t talk or interact with you. The interlocutor will use your first name. To ensure that the test is fair for all candidates, the
interlocutor follows a script to help guide you through the test. Therefore, conversation during the test may not always feel normal or natural. You will take the Speaking test with another candidate (or sometimes two other candidates) and both you and your partner will be given an equal opportunity to speak. The test will have set time limits. If the interlocutor interrupts you, don’t worry. This shows you have spoken enough within that part of the test.



Part 1: Interview (2 minutes)
A conversation between the interlocutor and each candidate (spoken questions).
The examiner asks questions and you may have to give information about your interests, studies, career, etc.

Part 2: Long turn (1 minute / 30seconds)
An individual ‘long turn’ for each candidate, followed by a response from the second candidate (visual and written stimuli with spoken instructions).
The examiner gives you two photographs and asks you to talk about them. You have to speak for 1 minute without interruption and the interlocutor then asks the other candidate to comment on your photographs for about 30 seconds.
The other candidate receives a different set of photographs and you have to listen and comment when they have finished speaking. The question you have to answer about your photographs is written at the top of the page to remind you what you should talk about.

Part 3: Collaborative task (3 minutes: a 2-minute discussion followed by a 1-minute decision-making task)
A two-way conversation between the candidates (written stimuli, with spoken instructions).
Conversation with the other candidate. The examiner gives you some material and a task to do. You have to talk with the other candidate and make a decision.

Part 4: Discussion (4 minutes)
A two-way conversation between the candidates (written stimuli, with spoken instructions).
Further discussion with the other candidate, guided by questions from the examiner, about the topics or issues raised in the task in Part 3.

three candidates are tested together, the test format, test material and procedure will remain unchanged, but the timing will be longer: 20 minutes instead of 14.

What if the two candidates have very different personalities, e.g. one is very shy and one is very outgoing?
Examiners are trained to manage this situation and ensure that everyone has an equal chance to show their abilities during the test. However, you must try to make the best use of the time to show the examiners your language skills without dominating your partner.

テストの内容(18) Listening - Part4

2017-09-18 17:21:18 | Test content(B2First)
Part4: Multiple choice


You will hear......
For questions 24 – 30, choose the best answer (A, B or C).

In this part you will usually hear an interview. There are seven questions. Each question has three options. You must chose the correct option. The questions follow the order of the information in the interview You will hear the recording twice and you have one minute to read through the questions before the listen.




テストの内容(17) Listening - Part3

2017-09-18 17:07:26 | Test content(B2First)
Part3: Multiple matching


You will hear five short extracts in which.....
For questions 19 – 23, choose from the list (A – H) what each speaker.....
Use the letters only once. There are three extra letters which you do not need to use.

In this part you hear five short extracts which are al related each other in some way. It may be that the speakers are all talking about the same subject or experiences. Another possible link may be feeling or job. You need to match each of the five extracts to one of eight options. You hear the extracts twice, and it is very important that you take the opportunity to check your answers carefully during the second listening. One mistake could affect two answers.

One mistake could affect two answersで、組み合わせを間違うと大きく失点する可能性は確かにありますね。

テストの内容(16) Listening - Part2

2017-09-18 16:49:53 | Test content(B2First)
Part2: Sentence completion


You will hear....
For questions 9 – 18, complete the sentences with a word or short phrase.

In this part you will hear a monologue, such as a talk or a lecture. The task is complete a set of sentences. You have 45 seconds to read the questions for this part. Use the time before the recording to starts to predict what you might hear, underlining key words and phrases.

教科書のExam Advice:
Write down the actual words that you hear - don't waste time trying to rephrase the information.
Don't include extra information - you only need to write one, two or three words at most.
Don't panic if you miss question at the first listening - listen out for the answer at the second listening.


これも最初の 45秒で問題を把握するReading力がキーのように思います。

テストの内容(15) Listening - Part1

2017-09-18 16:28:34 | Test content(B2First)
Part1: Short extracts


You will hear people talking in eight different situations. For questions 1 – 8, choose the best answer
(A, B or C).

In this part you will hear eight unconnected short recordings of about 30 seconds each. There will be either one or two speakers. Each recording is repeated.

You should make the best use of the time available. During the pause before each recording stars, read through each question and think about what to listen out for.


教科書のExam Advice:
Chose your answers at the first listening.
Check your answers at the second listening.
Keep calm and make a guess if necessary.


テストの内容(14) Listening(全般)

2017-09-18 15:59:12 | Test content(B2First)

Time Approximately 40 minutes (including 5 minutes’ transfer time)

Do not open this question paper until you are told to do so.
Write your name, centre number and candidate number on your answer sheet if they are not already there.
Listen to the instructions for each part of the paper carefully.
Answer all the questions.
While you are listening, write your answers on the question paper.
You will have 5 minutes at the end of the test to copy your answers onto the separate answer sheet. Use a pencil.
At the end of the test, hand in both this question paper and your answer sheet.

There are four parts to the test.
Each question carries one mark.
You will hear each piece twice.
For each part of the test there will be time for you to look through the questions and time for you to check your answers.



テストの内容(13) Writing - Part2

2017-09-18 14:40:38 | Test content(B2First)
Part 2 Candidates choose one task from a choice of three questions.


Write an answer to one of the questions 2 - 4 in this part. Write your answer in 140 -190 words in an appropriate style on separate answer sheet. Put the question number in the box at the top of the answer sheet.

Usually written for an English-language magazine of news letter and the reader is assumed to have similar interests to the writer. The main purpose is to interest and engage the reader, so there should be some opinion or comment.

Written in response to the situation outlined in the question. Letters and emails will require a response which is consistently appropriate in register and tone for the specified target reader. Candidates can expect to be asked to write letters or emails to, for example, English-speaking friend or colleague, a potential employer, a collage principal or a magazine editor.

Always written for the teacher. It should answer the question given by addressing both content points and providing a new content point of the writer's own. The essay should be well organised, with an introduction and an appropriate conclusion and should be written in appropriate register and tone.

Usually written for a superior (e.g. teacher) or peer group (e.g. members of English club). Candidates are expected to give some factual information and make suggestions or recommendations. A report should be clearly organised and may include headings.

Usually written for an English-Language magazine, newspapers or website. The main purpose is to describe and express a personal opinion about something which the writer has experienced (e.g. a film, a holiday, a product, a website) and to give the reader a clear impression of what the item discussed is like. Description and explanation are key functions for the task, and a review will normally include a recommendation to the reader.

Sample問題では、ReviewとArticleとカジュアルEmailですが、First for Schools向け?と思うような内容。

テストの内容(12) Writing - Part1

2017-09-18 13:40:36 | Test content(B2First)
Part1 One compulsory question

One compulsory task. You always need to write an essay.
Before you start writing you will need to read material of up to 120 words.


You must answer this question. Write your answer in 140-190 words in an appropriate style on the separate answer sheet.
Write an essay using all the notes and give reasons for your point of view.

教科書のexam advice.

Remember to cover the two points given and add one of your own.
Make sure you only include relevant information.

Communicative achievement:
Include an essay title that reflects the question.
Communicate your ideas clearly.
Don't include any informal language.

Make sure your ideas are well linked, using a variety of linking phrases.
Organise your essay in paragraphs.
Include an introduction and a conclusion.

Rephrase key language in your own words where possible.
Use modal verbs and passive forms.
Try to use a wide range of vocabulary within the topic.


テストの内容(11) Writing(配点)

2017-09-18 13:04:11 | Test content(B2First)
How are extended responses in Writing assessed?
Examiners mark tasks using assessment scales developed with explicit reference to the Common European Framework of Reference for Languages (CEFR). The scales, which are used across the Cambridge English General and Business English Writing tests, are made up of four subscales:
• Content - focuses on how well the candidate has fulfilled the task – if they have done what they were asked to do.
• Communicative achievement - focuses on how appropriate the writing is for the task and whether the candidate has used the appropriate register.
• Organisation - focuses on the way the candidate puts together the piece of writing: in other words, whether it is logical and ordered.
• Language - focuses on vocabulary and grammar. This includes the range of language as well as how accurate it is.

Each response is marked from 0 to 5 on each of the four subscales, and these scores are combined to give a final mark for the Writing paper.

All content is relevant to the task. Target reader is fully informed.
Minor irrelevances and/or omissions may be present. Target reader is on the whole informed.
Irrelevances and misinterpretation of task may be present. Target reader is minimally informed.
Content is totally irrelevant. Target reader is not informed.

Communicative Achievement
Use the conventions of the communicative task effectively to hold the target reader's attention and communicate straight forward and complex ideas, as appropriate.
Uses the conventions of the communicative task to hold the target reader's attention and communicate straightforward ideas.
Uses the conventions of the communicative task in generally appropriate ways communicate straightforward ideas.

Text is well organised and coherent, using a variety of cohesive devices and organisational patterns to generally good effect.
Text is generally well organised and coherent, using a variety of linking words and cohesive devices.
Text is connected and coherent, using basic linking words and a limited number of cohesive devices.

Use a range of vocabulary, including less common lexis, appropriately. Uses a range of simple and common grammatical forms with control and flexibility. Occasional errors may be present but do not impede communication.
Uses a range of everyday vocabulary appropriately, with occasional inappropriate use of less common lexis. Uses a range of simple and complex grammatical forms with a good degree of control. Errors do not impede communication.
Uses everyday vocabulary generally appropriately, with occasionally overusing certain lexis. Uses simple grammatical forms with a good degree of control. While errors are notable, meaning can still be determined.

Languageは5点満点は厳しいと思うので、OrganisationやCommunicative achievementを習得しないと。

テストの内容(10) Writing(全般)

2017-09-18 12:18:58 | Test content(B2First)

Time 1 hour 20 minutes


Do not open this question paper until you are told to do so.
Write your name, centre number and candidate number on your answer sheet if they are not already there.
Read the instructions for each part of the paper carefully.
Answer the Part 1 question and one question from Part 2.
Write your answers on the answer sheet.
Write clearly in pen, not pencil. You may make alterations, but make sure your work is easy to read.
You must complete the answer sheet within the time limit.
At the end of the test, hand in both this question paper and your answer sheet.

Each question in this paper carries equal marks.


DO NOT use erasable pens, correction fluid or tape on any exam materials.

Where do I write my answers?
In the candidate answer booklet. Your test centre will also provide paper on which you can do rough work.

What if I write too little/too much?
You are given guidelines in the paper about how much to write to help you plan your writing. If you write too much, you will only lose marks if you include things that are not relevant or would have a negative effect on the intended audience. If you write too little, but still include all the information required, you will not lose marks.

訂正:テストの内容(9) Reading and Use of English (まとめ)

2017-09-17 19:34:35 | Test content(B2First)
Reading and Use of Englishについて、ようやく概要がわかりました。

Part1: Multiple-choice cloze 8問 8点 Reading
Part2: Open cloze 8問 8点 Use of English
Part3: Word formation 8問 8点 Use of English
Part4: Key word transformations 6問 12点 Use of English
Part5: Multiple choice - fiction/non-fiction 6問 12点 Reading
Part6: Gapped text 6問 12点 Reading
Part7: Multiple matching 10問 10点 Reading

Use of English: 28点 合格可能ライン18点以上
Reading: 42点 合格可能ライン24点以上



In the live exams, each of the skills and Use of English are equally weighted, and a candidate’s overall score is calculated by adding all of the individual scores together and dividing by five (and then rounding to the nearest whole number)

28点しかない、Use of Englishの1点の重みが・・。やはり私は苦手のUse of Englishが課題です。

Students who achieve only slightly higher than the Cambridge English Scale score for a given level on a practice test may not achieve that level in the live exam, and we recommend that they continue working to improve so that they reach the desired level.

Reading、Listening、Use of Englishは、問題集の自己採点で合格可能ラインをかなり余裕で上回っておかないと、自己採点できないWritingやSpeakingも含めた本番の不確定さを補えないので、そもそも受験すべきではないのかもしれません。

テストの内容(8) Reading and Use of English - Part7

2017-09-17 19:06:41 | Test content(B2First)
Part7: Multiple matching


You are going to read .....
For questions 43 - 52, chose the sections (A - D/E) The sections may be chosen more than once.
Mark your answers on the separate answer sheet.


This part focuses on your ability to find specific information in a set of texts, or in one text that has been divided into sections.
For this task, you will often need to locate words and phrases in the text(s) that reflect the meaning of the wording used in the questions. Sometimes more than one text will cover the same subject, so you need to decide which one matches the questions wording.


Don't tempted to choose a text simply because it has the same wording as in the question. This may lead you to an incorrect answer.

教科書のExam Adviceの進め方:
Skim the texts for their general meaning.
Read through the questions careful, underlining any key words and phrases.
Scan the texts for the specific information you need, rather than reading them in detail.
Don't spend too much time looking for an answer. Leave any challenging questions until the end and go on to the next ones. When you've finished, go back and look again at any questions you left unanswered.
Aim to spend around 15 minutes on this task - even though Par7 questions are only 'single wighted', whereas the questions in Parts 5 and 6 count double.
