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ソマリアにアルカイダの影? 米国の懸念

2011-10-27 | 軍事
U.S. Worries Grow Over Al-Qaida's African Presence  

by Dina Temple-Raston
October 25, 2011


This image released by the SITE Intelligence Group on April 27, 2011, shows Thierry Dol, one of four French hostages held by al-Qaida's North Africa affiliate. U.S. counterterrorism officials are concerned that al-Qaida affiliates in Africa are growing stronger.この画像は米民間情報機関であるサイト・インテリジェンス・グループが2011年4月27日に公表したもので、北アフリカのアルカイダ一派に拘束されているフランス人人質の一人である、テイリ―・ドールが移っている。 米国対テロ関係者はアルカイダのアフリカ浸透が強まっていると懸念している

October 25, 2011
The U.S. has had major successes against al-Qaida this year, taking out Osama bin Laden in Pakistan and Anwar al-Awlaki in Yemen.
But for American counterterrorism officials, concerns over al-Qaida in Africa keep growing.

In North Africa, al-Qaida's arm, al-Qaida in the Islamic Magreb, is making millions by kidnapping foreigners. In West Africa, a local Islamist group in Nigeria named Boko Haram has started attacking international targets with suicide bombers, an al-Qaida-like tactic. And in East Africa, foreign terrorists are traveling to Somalia to train for violent jihad.

U.S. officials see all these things as an indication that al-Qaida influence in Africa is becoming stronger.
"If you ask me what keeps me up at night, it is the thought of an American passport-holding person who transits to a training camp in Somalia, gets some skill and finds their way back to the United States to attack Americans here in the homeland," Gen. Carter Ham, commander of the U.S. Africa Command, told an audience at the Center for Strategic and International Studies recently. "That's mission failure for us."
「もし、私がどういうことで夜中に寝付けないことがあるかと聞かれたなら、それは、こういう思いに駆られたときです、つまりソマリアの訓練基地にアメリカのパスポート所持者が入り込み、ある技術を習得し、なにかしら帰国する手立てを見つけて米国本国でアメリカ人にテロを仕掛けるかもしれないということです。」と米国アフリカ駐留部隊司令官のカーター・ハム将軍は最近「戦略及び国際研究センター」で聴衆に対して答えている。 「それは、我々にとって任務上の失敗を意味します。」

A Foreigner In Somalia ソマリアの外国人
So imagine the reaction when a little over a week ago an unusual video appeared on Islamic websites. It was of a white man with a scarf twisted over his face standing before bags of grain and piles of clothes in a desert in Somalia. In the video, he was addressing the hungry at a local feeding station. He said his name was Abu Abdulla al-Muhajir, or "the foreigner." And there was one thing U.S. officials noticed about the man almost immediately: He was speaking nearly perfect English.

"Alhamdulillah," or "Praise to God," he began. "We are honored and blessed to take this opportunity to send our heartfelt greetings to our brothers and sisters in Somalia, and we also take this opportunity to say we love you all for the sake of Allah, and we sincerely relate to your suffering and affliction during this testing time."

His English wasn't quite unaccented, and his word choice wasn't quite right — but it was close. The young man went on to tell the crowd that al-Qaida leader Ayman al-Zawahiri had sent him to Somalia to distribute food and clothing. "Al-Qaida, under the leadership of Sheik Ayman al-Zawahiri, continues to highlight the plight of the [community] and continues to support them with every means at their disposal," he said.
彼の英語はアクセントが明瞭で、彼の使う語彙は極めて正しいが・・それは完全なネイティブのそれではない。 その若い男は聴衆にむかって、アルカイダの指導者アイマン・アルーザハヒリがソマリアに食料と衣服を届けるために彼を派遣したと話し続けた。 そして 「シェイク・アイマン・アルーザワヒリの指導の下、アルカイダは、この地域の苦境を重視し、持っているあらゆる手段で彼らを支援し続けます。」と彼は話している。

Possible Links To Somali Militia  ソマリアの武装勢力との連携の可能性
Counterterrorism officials say the release of this tape could mean al-Qaida is forging closer ties with the group that is controlling much of southern Somalia, an Islamist militia called al-Shabab. It has been fighting the transitional government in Somalia for years and, more recently, has banned most foreign aid organizations from the parts of Somalia where it has control.
対テロ対策幹部は、このテープの発表はアルカイダが、ソマリア南部を支配しているアル‐シャバブというイスラム武装勢力と密接な関係を結んでいることを物語っていると言う。 この武装勢力は何年もの間ソマリアの暫定政府と戦ってきており、最近では殆どの外国の救援組織を、ソマリアの彼等の支配地域に立ち入ることを禁じている。

A famine is sweeping through southern Somalia, and the United Nations estimates that tens of thousands of Somalis have already died of hunger. Al-Shabab has been criticized for making the disaster worse by threatening NGOs that want to provide food aid.

The food station where the young man was addressing the Somalis was one of the few stations controlled by al-Shabab. The group has forged ties with al-Qaida in recent months. U.S. counterterrorism officials, like President Obama's counterterrorism chief, John Brennan, see al-Qaida following a familiar pattern — the group takes advantage of chaos. 
その若者がソマリア人に対して話しかけていた食糧配給所は、アル‐シャバブが支配している数少ない配給所の一つです。 そのグループはアルカイダと、この数か月で協力関係を構築しています。 米国対テロ専門家、例えばオバマ大統領の対テロ対策の責任者である、ジョン・ブレナンはアルカイダが、いつものパターンで行動しているとみています・・・・つまり、彼らのグループは混乱に乗じてくるのです。

"Al-Qaida traditionally has taken advantage of areas that are wracked by conflict, turmoil and lack of government, it is a safe haven they see to launch attacks," Brennan told reporters recently. "Somalia is one of the most challenging areas of the world because it has this internal conflict, it has such a devastating famine, and it is an area that al-Qaida has tried regularly to exploit."
「アルカイダは伝統的に紛争、混乱そして無政府状態によって荒廃した地域に浸透してきます、なぜなら、そういう地域が攻撃を仕掛ける基地として安全だと考えているからです。 ソマリアはそういう意味で、彼らにとって最もメリットのある地域です、なぜなら内紛を抱えており、酷い飢餓で混乱し、アルカイダが前から定期的に付け込もうとしていた地域だからです。」とブレナンは最近記者団に語っている。

Against that backdrop, it is easy to understand why the video with this mysterious English speaker talking on behalf of al-Qaida got people's attention. Intelligence officials are trying to determine who this young man is. They have done voice comparisons, taking the audio from this video and comparing it with recordings they have of foreigners they believe have joined al-Qaida. 
これらの背景を前提にすれば、なぜ、このミステリアスな英語の使い手がビデオを通じて、アルカイダを代表して人々に呼びかけているのかを理解することは容易です。米情報機関は鋭意、この若い男の特定に努めています。 ビデオの音声を拾い、既存のアルカイダに加わったと思われる外国人リストの録音記録と比較して、音声分析を行っています。

So far there hasn't been a match. Then again, intelligence officials are asking why al-Qaida would send an English speaker to Somalia in the first place? The people he was addressing at a food station would likely only speak Somali.
So maybe, the U.S. officials say, the English-language video was aimed at the U.S.
今のところ、マッチングデータは得られていませんが、ではなぜアルカイダは英語の話し手をソマリアに、しかも最初の場所として送り込んだのか? しかも、彼が話しかけている食糧配給所の人々はソマリ語しか理解できないはずないのに、である。

