
ヨウ化カリウム、ヨウ素剤、安定ヨウ素剤、放射線防護剤、KI、Potassium Iodide

What is at issue here? "A taboo drug"

2012-10-15 09:46:29 | English

What is at issue is the following;

1) The fact that the Japanese government was unwilling to distribute KI to the Japanese people immediately after 3/11, 2012 and is now busy oppressing an individual who offered the opportunity to purchase KI at that time.   Japan Officials Failed to Hand Out Radiation Pills in Quake's Aftermath


2) The fact that the Japanese government ignored the WHO guidelines for KI recommending the purchase of KI -- and is still ignoring them, jeopardizing the health of the Japanese people as a result.     WHO Guidelines for Iodine Prophylaxis following Nuclear Accidents

3) The fact that the Japanese government has been systematically trying to keep KI out of reach of the Japanese people for fear of undermining the myth of the safety of nuclear power plants. KI is classified as a “powerful drug” and is unavailable without a prescription in Japan.

4) The fact that KI is considered as "a desecrating drug" to their safety myth of nuclear power plants by the government . And as such, it is also "a taboo object" capable of incurring "serious side effects" which general public must keep away. It is supposed to be handled only by "shamans in lab coat."

From the point of view of the Japanese government I am a criminal for illegally selling KI or for making a desecrating drug available to the public. But which is more "criminal": the one who offered the opportunity to purchase KI in those critical days or the ones who were unwilling to distribute KI to the Japanese people? In fact, the Japanese government ordered the recall of KI which was distributed by the local municipality without government approval in a town near the Fukushima nuclear power plant at the time of the nuclear disaster.    Japan Officials Failed to Hand Out Radiation Pills in Quake's Aftermath        KI, Forbidden Drug in Japan?

When I turned to a local lawyer for help in defending myself he ended up refusing to return my calls. My closest friend got scared when he heard about the morning police raid of my home by seven agents of the police. He now avoids all contact with me for fear of getting involved in this matter. My wife has been traumatized by these recent events.

The government that was reluctant to help people is now busy punishing an individual who was trying to help people. I think they were not only incompetent and wicked in those critical days but are still more wicked now.


I want people in the world to know this small war waged between a government and an individual. This website is my fortress to fight those evil powers. And I want people on the globe to know the true intention of the Japanese government to make KI inaccessible for its people. KI is a desecrating drug to their safety myth of nuclear power plants.

Even after 3/11 nuclear disaster, they won't declassify "the tabooed drug." And what is worse, they are now taking advantage of that disaster saying, "Thanks to a lot of lessons we learned from 3/11 Fukushima nuclear power plant accidents, Japanese nuclear technology and safety control are now the best in the world!" And actually they are now boosting their sales of nuclear power plants abroad especially in developing countries. Evidently they have their own lessons other than ours from Fukushima Dai-ichi nuclear disaster.

