とうとう東京5年目・・・論文を書くぞ><(うまくいってないのに、この人生は本番という現実(゜Д゜ )ノ)


Kenny and Koney  →like endless circle

2015年09月06日 03時41分29秒 | 英語の勉強中



It seemed as though the dinasaus were real.

※達筆すぎて thoughかわからない

The existence of ghost cannot be proven, so I cannot say wheather or not I believe in them.

Hollywood movies are always big burget.



He thinks the seacret/key to (making kids want to learn) is just to make lessons fun.

( )には名詞が入るから、-ing

Do you agree with his opinion?

In some ways I agree.

Kids have a short attention span.

I think its just a regular part of teaching.



→self satisfied, congratulatry


I'm sure I left at 2:30, but by the time I got here it was already 4:30

By the time I graduated, I was already 23 years old.


By the time I graduate I will have studied for 4 years.

 by the time は思いもしないことに、こんなだった、ってニュアンス


I still have to buy a lot of neccessary items

I haven't decided what to do my thesis in yet.


Every day I'm thinking about what I should dp my thesis on.


I feel like I don't belong in his team.


sometimes I feel that I'm the only one having problems.


For as lomg as I can remember, I've been reading.

sinceじゃなく forらしい





I think it is a smug opinion.



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