Bobe usually wakes up at 4....
one of my cowerkers goes to bed around 3.
I lose track of time watching youtube. Before I knew it, it's 3 am.
I lose track of time working.Before I knew it, I miss my last train.
⇒not paying attention to time
I usually leave my place at 9.
△my room, my house
What are your monings like?
I have to put on make-up.
I don't think you have to worry about eye make up as much as I do.
I have to get ready for the day.
I need at least an hour and a half to get ready.
His place was spotless.
spotless: no dirt
類:It's a smokeless environment.
※stick out/ stand out
The people really stuck out when I went to India.
The showers really stood out when I come back to Japan.
Because abroad shower's pressure was really weak.
Items on menu really stuck out when I wen to Sidny. Because ・・・
I got tired of eating steak and mash potatoes.
The hand driers really stuck out.
Dyson's electric fans are good but it uses much enargy.
My power will go out.
My power went out.
my power で、うちの部屋の電気、って意味になる。
so you flew to N.Y from Chicago.
fly flew flown
How fast were you driving?
what stuck out to you in New York?
High line really stuck out to me.
※high line :旧駅舎を再利用した公園
People care more about coffee in Europe than in the U.S.
It was a really serious enviroment.
I want to work in an environment
where I can sit where I want.
where I have the freedom to move around.
I find I'm more creative in such environments.
I find I work better in such environment.
⇒it's better for me の意味だけど、I findのほうがより自然
I look at it as my own personal island.
it's tiny space, but I look at it as cozy.
I'm trying to jaggle my schedule.
jaggle: make things work
Real estate agent
⇒selling or renting homes
Are you interested in gardening?
They had different styles of gardens there.
it took care of itself.
It was easy to take care of.
It didn't require any of my time.
It didn't get enough sun.
I forgot to water it.
she watered it instead.
※ waterは、動詞!
yam さつまいも
sticky yam 長芋
Have you ever been to an outdoor music festival?
-I saw some sommer sonic highlights on TV and you tube.
So, you haven't been?
highlight は、特殊映像。動画として、movieではないらしい
The last time I went to a music festival was 10 years ago.
I saw a lot of people fainting.
They had bandaids.
I'm surprised the festival wasn't on grass....
I saw them outside the venue.
They sang a lot of popular rubbish. ←joke popolar "songs"
What would he do if he had a time machine?
He would go back in time
Being abele to travel in time would be the greatest thing
He wants to know what his ancestors looked like.
mannerisms = your individual habits
my life is monotonous.
I've always lived in Toyo.
I've always played football.
from a kid との意味を持つ。
Low carb diet are popular
Brown rice is not nice.
It has a different texture.
What have you always liked?
I misheard my mother.