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IBM XL Fortran Alpha Edition for Cell BE(PPU Only)

2007-05-04 | SuperComputer
IBM XL Fortran Alpha Edition for Cell Broadband Engine Processor on Linux
A high-performance IBM XL Fortran compiler for the Cell Broadband Engine Processor (PPU only), May 1, 2007
 IBM alphaWorks > Research topics > Cell Broadband Engine technology >

What is IBM XL Fortran Alpha Edition for Cell Broadband Engine Processor on Linux?

"The XL Fortran compiler provides full support for the Fortran 95, Fortran 90, and FORTRAN 77 language standards and partial support for the Fortran 2003 standard. This compiler can be used for developing complex, computationally-intensive programs, including interlanguage calls with C and C++ programs."

"This XL Fortran compiler generates code for the PowerPC Processor Unit (PPU). Fortran interlanguage calls can be used to access available Synergistic Processor Unit (SPU) code written in C or C++."

Platform requirements
 Operating systems: Fedora Core 6
 Hardware for Linux on POWER®:
  Either of the following machines:
  o IBM® PowerPC® technology-based system: 64-bit PPC with clock speed of 1.42 GHz
  o IBM BladeCenter® QS20: Revision 31 or above; minimum firmware level FW6.14.7 (FW6.14.A is preferred)
  GNU and Perl packages
  IBM Cell Broadband Engine™ Software Development Kit, Version 2.1

Cell Broadband Engine technology, IBM alphaWorks


