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Kodak OEMs Sun's 'Honeycomb'

2006-11-23 | Storage
OpenSolaris Project: HoneyComb Fixed Content Storage

"Honey of a storage system -- catch the buzz", May 06, 2007, Lynn Rohrer's Weblog rohrer@borealis
"We just opened the Honeycomb OpenSolaris community -- a project page and discussion forum focused on addressing the needs of fixed content storage."
"Sun Announces Support For Sun StorageTek 5800 Storage System in the KODAK CARESTREAM Solution", November 21, 2006
"Kodak will offer the Sun StorageTek 5800 storage system as an integrated storage option for its CARESTREAM Information Management Solutions. By making its Versatile Intelligent Patient Archive (VIParchive) software available with the StorageTek 5800 system, Kodak's CARESTREAM Solution will offer radiologists and healthcare IT managers a new storage option that improves reliability and performance, while helping to lower costs."

"As the world's first Application-Aware Programmable Storage solution, the StorageTek 5800 system, formerly known as Project Honeycomb, blurs the lines between application server and storage, giving application developers new flexibility in the way their applications are deployed."

"The StorageTek 5800 storage system is expected to be available for deployment in KODAK CARESTREAM Information Management Solutions in Spring 2007 and will be on display at the Radiological Society of North America (RSNA) Conference in Chicago, November 26 – December 1, 2006"

Kodakの医療情報処理システムのデータ管理用ストレージとしての OEM採用ですね。用途的にはあっていそうです。
"Application-Aware Programmable Storage solution"ということは、EMCの Centeraの用にプログラム開発が必要でしょう。下の Web記事によると Centeraよりは自由度がありそうです。

KODAK Carestream Information Management Solutions

Sun Microsystems Honeycomb Project
StorageTek 5800 (製品版) は、未だ Webページがありません。

"Kodak OEMs 'Honeycomb'", Byte and Switch Newsfeed, November 21, 2006

関連 Web記事:
"Sun goes back to its roots with Honeycomb user", SearchTechTarget.com, 16 Oct 2006
"After years of development and hints about what its Honeycomb archiving system would look like, Sun Microsystems Inc. finally announced the product's first beta customer -- Stanford University, which will use the modular disk archive for its part of the Google library project."

"Honeycomb, begun three years ago, was originally developed as a content-addressed storage (CAS) product similar to EMC Corp.'s Centera, IBM's DR 550 and Hewlett-Packard Co.'s (HP) RISS systems.
However, this past May, Sun made the announcement that Honeycomb's story was changing -- now, instead of a "me-too" CAS system, the project had taken on a more ambitious goal of becoming an object-based programmable storage system."


SUN Celeste: Unbounded Global Storage I [オリジナル:05/09/08], 2006-01-07
SUN Celeste: Unbounded Global Storage II[オリジナル:05/09/09], 2006-01-07
SUN Celeste P2P Storage System Technical Report, 2007-05-02


