五日振りのダム湖 緑がきれいになってきた 花は、春と初夏の花との端境期・・・ 楽しみに待てば良い
今日も " カーくん " 閉館まで遊んでくれた ♪
I went to the memorial park today for the first time in the 5 days.
Please use my picture, if you want
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大阪からやって来て 12年が経ちます 毎朝の散歩で お気に入りの友達と会うのが楽しみです ♪
I wake up at the morning and then walk with my dog.
My dog is 12 years old. Her age is near about 70 years old in the human years.
I feel happy that I can meet with some peoples of with a dog and say hello and good morning.
Please use my picture, if you want
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アフリカゾウ密猟とテロ ・・・
Can we stop use a ivory? I believe that Japanese can stop use a ivory!
It's not hard problem for our life.
I think that old custom is not so bad, but it's so bad when giving a problem to other.
Please use my picture, if you want
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