
ヒューマン・ライツ・ウォッチ 中央アフリカ共和国:クーデター以降人権侵害が猛威



 (Bangui, May 10 2013) – Members of the Seleka rebel coalition, which ousted President François Bozizé of the Central African Republic on March 24, 2013, have committed grave violations against civilians, including pillage, summary executions, rape, and torture, Human Rights Watch said today.


When the Seleka took control of Bangui, the rebels went on a looting spree, killing civilians, raping women, and settling scores with members of the Central African Armed Forces (FACA), Human Rights Watch found. Many of these killings occurred in urban areas in broad daylight.


“If the Seleka coalition, as it claims, wants to undo the wrongs of the previous government, it should immediately end its horrific abuses,” said Daniel Bekele, Africa director at Human Rights Watch. “The government should show it is committed to the rule of law by investigating and prosecuting attacks by Seleka troops against civilians.”


Seleka means “alliance,” in Sango, Central African Republic’s principal language. It represents a coalition of several rebel forces that came together to address human rights abuses and poverty in the northeastern part of the country. Human Rights Watch previously reported that President Bozizé’s armed forces in this region in 2007 engaged in summary executions, unlawful killings, beatings, house burnings, extortion and unlawful taxation, the recruitment and use of children as soldiers, and many other human rights violations.


Over a 10-day research investigation in Bangui in late April 2013, Human Rights Watch spoke with about 70 witnesses, victims, local human rights defenders, journalists, authorities from the previous and new governments, and other sources. Human Rights Watch uncovered scores of killings committed by Seleka forces in Bangui, the capital, after the March 24 coup and received credible information about further killings by Seleka troops throughout the country between December 2012 and April.


Authorities in the new government told Human Rights Watch that the abuses documented had been carried out by former members of the Bozizé government or by “fake Seleka.” Noureddine Adam, state minister of public security, said that the Seleka maintain control over their troops.


But Human Rights Watch interviewed multiple witnesses who provided compelling evidence, including eyewitness accounts, that Seleka forces were responsible for the majority of abuses against civilians both immediately before and after the coup. In addition, Seleka commanders appear not to maintain discipline within their ranks, as Human Rights Watch documented numerous cases in which Seleka rebels killed their own members.


Human Rights Watch believes that the statements from witnesses establish that the rebels were, on a local level, taking orders from their immediate commanders. As one witness to the killing of a fleeing unarmed civilian told Human Rights Watch, “The [local commander] gave the order and then she fired.”


“The government has an obligation to control the rebels who brought it to power, to prevent abuses, and punish those who commit them,” Bekele said. “Without security, the government will not be able to govern effectively or protect civilians.”



Human Rights Watch calls on the Government of the Central African Republic and the Seleka leadership to:


  • Restore law and order in the 15 provinces under its control by urgently deploying zone commanders under the leadership of the Public Security and Defense ministries;
  • Reinstate institutions in the entire territory, including the police, the gendarmerie, and the regular army;
  • Publicly declare that the government does not tolerate attacks on civilians and will bring to justice those responsible for pillage, murder, rape, and other serious violations of international humanitarian and human rights law;
  • Provide access to health and other services for victims of human rights violations, paying special attention to the needs of women and girls who have survived sexual violence;
  • Investigate and prosecute all persons deemed responsible for the recent abuses, including Seleka members, in fair and credible trials that comply with international standards; and
  • Establish the National Commission of Inquiry announced by Presidential Decree n° 13.040 on April 26, 2013, and enable it to promptly, thoroughly, and independently investigate allegations of human rights abuses by all parties, including, but not limited to, the Seleka rebels.
  • 公安省と国防省の指導の下、地域指揮官を緊急に派遣することによって、支配下にある15ある州における法と秩序を回復すること。
  • 警察、憲兵、正規軍を領土内全域に再配置すること
  • 一般市民への攻撃を容認せず、略奪やレイプ、殺人その他国際人道法、人権保護法への重大な違反行為の容疑者を裁判に掛けると、正式に宣言すること
  • 人権侵害の被害者が医療その他のサービスを受けられるようにし、性的暴力に遭った女性と少女に必要なことに関して特別な注意を払うこと
  • セレカのメンバーを含む、最近の人権侵害の全容疑者を捜査し、国際基準に沿った公正で信頼性の高い法廷で訴追すること
  • 2013年4月26日に大統領命令第040号で公表された、国家調査委員会を設立し、セレカ反乱軍に限らない全当事者による人権侵害疑惑を、速やかに徹底的かつ独立的に調査すること


In addition, Human Rights Watch calls on the United Nations (UN) to urgently address the following:


  • The United Nations Integrated Peacebuilding Office in the Central African Republic (Bureau intégré des Nations Unies pour la consolidation de la paix en République centrafricaine, BINUCA) should ensure that its Human Rights and Justice Unit effectively monitors and reports on past and ongoing human rights abuses in the Central African Republic;
  • The Office of the High Commissioner for Human Rights (OHCHR) should deploy a monitoring mission to the Central African Republic to document, investigate, and report on human rights violations committed since December. The mission should include investigators that are trained to document sexual violence;
  • The Human Rights Council should consider the report of the OHCHR investigation and appoint an independent expert on human rights in the Central African Republic at the council’s session in June;
  • The UN Security Council should bolster the mandate of the peace support mission’s Human Rights and Justice Section when the mission’s mandate is discussed this year; and
  • Relevant UN bodies, including OHCHR and BINUCA, should provide assistance to the National Commission of Inquiry and urge the government to move forward with bringing to justice those responsible for abuses.
  • 国連中央アフリカ共和国平和構築事務所(以下BINUCA)は、同事務所内の人権及び司法班が、中央アフリカ共和国において過去及び現在進行中の人権侵害を、監視報告するようしなければならない。
  • 国連人権高等弁務官事務所(以下OHCHR)は中央アフリカ共和国に関し代表団を派遣し、12月以降行われた人権侵害を取りまとめ調査し報告しなければならない。その代表団には、性的暴力を取りまとめるよう訓練された調査官が含まれなければならない。
  • 国連人権理事会は6月の同理事会会議で、OHCHRによる調査を検討すると共に、中央アフリカ共和国での人権問題に関する独立した専門家を指名しなければならない。
  • 国連安全保障理事会は、人権及び司法班の任期について今年議論する際、同班の平和支援についてのマンデイトを強化しなければならない。
  • OHCHR 及び BINUCAを含む国連関連機関は、中央アフリカ共和国の国家調査委員会に支援を提供すると共に、同国政府に人権侵害の容疑者を裁判に掛けることを推進するよう強く求めなければならない。

Finally, the prosecutor of the International Criminal Court (ICC), Fatou Bensouda, should continue to closely monitor developments in the Central African Republic. Her office in 2007 opened an investigation in the country, following a referral by the Central African Republic government, which is a state party to the ICC. On April 22, Bensouda said that she was closely scrutinizing “allegations of crimes under the Court’s jurisdiction, including attacks against civilians, murder and pillaging in the Central African Republic.” Pillage, rape, and murder, including by summary execution, all constitute war crimes under the statute of the ICC.




Roughly 5,000 Seleka fighters seized power from the Bozizé government in a coup on March 24 after a military offensive, in which they fought their way from northern Central African Republic to the capital, Bangui. The offensive followed the collapse of a power-sharing deal, the January 2013 Libreville Agreement, which created a unity government. Both the United Nations and African Union condemned the coup.


The Seleka coalition comprises at least four main armed rebel groups that have been operating in the northern part of the country since 2003: the Convention of Patriots for Justice and Peace, the Convention of Patriots of Salvation and Kodro, the Democratic Front of the Central African People, and the Union of Democratic Forces for Unity.


  • 正義と平和愛国者会議
  • 救済とコドロ愛国者会議
  •  中央アフリカ人民民主戦線
  •  統一民主勢力連合
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