
ヒューマン・ライツ・ウォッチ 西アフリカ:周辺国による対ボコハラム攻勢



(Abuja FEBRUARY 11, 2015) – The African forces responding to the growing threat from Boko Haram with a multinational military offensive should protect civilians and respect prisoners’ rights, Human Rights Watch said today.


On February 7, 2015, regional governments, backed by the African Union (AU), created an 8,750-member Multinational Joint Task Force (MNJTF), consisting of security forces from Nigeria, Chad, Cameroon, Niger, and Benin to respond to Boko Haram. The Nigerian armed group’s attacks on civilians in the past year alone have resulted in thousands of deaths in Nigeria, and its lethal attacks in neighboring Cameroon and Niger are escalating.


“The regional force needs concrete measures to make sure civilians in the region are protected, along with the hundreds of abductees and child soldiers,” said Daniel Bekele, Africa director at Human Rights Watch. “Respect for human rights, including the rights of prisoners, must not be lost in the urgency of the growing regional threat posed by Boko Haram.”


It is crucial for the new multinational force to fully abide by international human rights and humanitarian law, Human Rights Watch said. This is essential not only to meet the obligations of AU member countries, but also because abuses committed in the name of fighting Boko Haram are only likely to increase the group’s appeal among residents within and beyond Nigeria who have already borne the brunt of abuse by all parties.


Regional governments are finalizing the operational mandate for the mission against Boko Haram. They are expected to seek a United Nations Security Council mandate, which could also include logistical support from other countries. In the meantime, thousands of soldiers, as well as jets and helicopter gunships from Cameroon, Chad, Niger, and Nigeria are already fighting both in their own countries and on other fronts.


Serious past abuses by some security forces participating in the multinational force raise concerns about the need for all armed forces to minimize harm to civilians and ensure the humane treatment of all prisoners, in accordance with international humanitarian and human rights law, Human Rights Watch said. These concerns are heightened by the presence in Boko Haram of child soldiers and many abducted men and boys who have been pressed into a combat role.


The Nigerian security forces are of particular concern. In the course of responding to Boko Haram since 2009, they have used excessive force, torched homes and villages, and tortured and detained thousands of suspects in inhumane conditions. Many of the people they have detained died in custody or were killed.


Chadian troops in the Central African Republic have also been involved in abuses that are yet to be investigated. They include an indiscriminate attack on a market in Bangui in March 2014 that killed about 30 people and wounded several hundred others, according to the UN.


“We know that hundreds of men, women, and children have been abducted by Boko Haram and are in communities under the group’s control,” Bekele said. “The regional powers carrying out military actions need to take all feasible steps to protect these and other civilians.”


Since 2009, and increasingly since mid-2013, Boko Haram has carried out several hundred attacks against civilians and civilian structures in schools, marketplaces, and places of worship. An estimated 3,750 civilians were killed by Boko Haram attacks in 2014, in what likely amounts to crimes against humanity. The group has also abducted hundreds of women and girls and forcefully conscripted young men and boys. Nearly one million people have been displaced by the fighting within Nigeria and across its borders.


Boko Haram has also attacked villages in Cameroon, and kidnapped businessmen, religious representatives, and tourists, holding them for ransom. During an attack on February 4, 2015, in the town of Fokotol, its deadliest on Cameroonian soil, Boko Haram allegedly killed scores of people, burned churches and mosques, and used civilians as shields. On February 8, the group allegedly abducted numerous civilians from a bus taking people to a local market. Several were reportedly later killed.


Boko Haram has also carried out four attacks since February 6 on towns in southeastern Niger. In Diffa, the insurgents stormed a prison and allegedly set off a car bomb near a government office.


Under international law, civilians may never be the deliberate target of attack unless and only for such time as they take a direct part in hostilities; and warring parties are required to take all feasible precautions to minimize harm to civilians and civilian objects. Attacks that fail to discriminate between combatants and civilians, or that would cause disproportionate harm to civilians, are prohibited. Abuses of civilians and captured combatants such as murder, torture, and other ill-treatment may amount to war crimes.


As regional governments and the African Union finalize operational plans for the Multinational Joint Task Force, they should:


  • Include lawyers with experience of applying the laws of war in non-international armed conflicts, war crimes, and command responsibility;
  • 非国際間武装紛争・戦争犯罪・指揮命令責任への戦争法適用に関し経験のある弁護士を加えること
  • Include military police – or those exercising the provost marshal function – mandated to respond to disciplinary lapses by soldiers;
  • 兵士による懲戒事由に対応する権限を与えられた、憲兵や軍の司法機能を行使する者を加えること
  • Include in the mandate of the international force the need to develop and publish rules of engagement that prioritize minimizing harm to civilians and civilian objects during military operations;
  • 多国籍軍の任務に、軍事活動の際に民間人と民用物への危害を最小限に抑えるのを優先する、交戦規則の作成と公表を盛り込むこと
  • Include a strong and well-staffed AU human rights monitoring team to work alongside the regional military force to monitor adherence to international humanitarian and human rights law by all parties, and report publicly and regularly to the AU Peace and Security Council or the African Commission on Human and Peoples’ Rights on its findings and recommendations;
  • 周辺国で構成する軍と活動し、国際的な人権保護法と人道法への全当時勢力の順守状況を監視すると共に、「アフリカ連合平和・安全保障理事会」や「人及び人民の権利に関するアフリカ委員会」に、監視活動で知り得た事実や勧告を定期的に公開の場で報告するため、有能かつ十分な人員から成るアフリカ連合人権監視班を加えること
  • Ensure that all credible allegations of violations of international human rights and humanitarian law by any party are promptly, thoroughly, and impartially investigated, and that those responsible for crimes are appropriately prosecuted. The investigators, prosecutors and judges should be outside the military chain of command;
  • 国際的な人権保護法と人道法への違反があったという信頼性の高い申立があった場合には、その加害者がいかなる当事者勢力であったとしても、迅速・徹底的・公平な捜査と、犯罪の加害者への適切な訴追を保証すること。捜査官・検察官・裁判官は、軍の指揮命令系統から外れていなければならない。
  • Establish a strategy to improve the treatment of combatants, many of whom have been abducted and pressed into service by Boko Haram, after they defect or surrender, including establishing reception points for these combatants;
  • ボコハラムによって拉致され強制的に任務を課されていた者が多い戦闘員が、脱走あるいは降伏した後の、その受入れ場所の確立を含む、戦闘員の処遇改善戦略を確立すること。
  • Ensure that any children captured or escaped from Boko Haram custody are promptly transferred to the care of UNICEF, or appropriate Nigerian or nongovernmental organizations, and reunited with their families as soon as possible, taking the best interests of the child into account; and
  • ボコハラムに捕えられていた、あるいはボコハラムによる拘留から逃れてきた子どもは、彼らにとって最大の利益となることを考慮し、速やかにユニセフあるいは適切なナイジェリア人団体あるいはNGOのケアに委ねられ、出来る限り早く家族の元に戻されるよう保証すること
  • Draw on and integrate expertise from relevant UN sources regarding human rights and civilian protection challenges, including the Office of the High Commissioner for Human Rights, the Department of Peacekeeping Operations, the Special Representative of the Secretary-General on Children and Armed Conflict, and the Special Representative of the Secretary-General on Sexual Violence in Armed Conflict.
  • 「国連人権高等弁務官事務所」、「平和維持活動局」、「子どもと武装紛争に関する国連事務総長特別代表」、「紛争下の性的暴力に関する国連事務総長特別代表」などを含む人権と民間人保護に関する国連諸機関の専門家を利用し取入れること

“Residents of northeastern Nigeria have been in a precarious position, caught between Boko Haram and Nigeria’s security forces,” Bekele said. “Any action taken on their behalf should strive to protect them from further harm.”


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