
ヒューマン・ライツ・ウォッチ エチオピア : オロミア州西部の民間人が無防備のまま取り残されている

エチオピア : オロミア州西部の民間人が無防備のまま取り残されている


(ナイロビ、2022年8月31日) 2022年6月、オロミア州西部で武装集団が数百人のアムハラ人民間人を殺害したが、エチオピア治安部隊は民間人保護に向けて殆ど何もしなかった、とヒューマン・ライツ・ウォッチ(以下HRW)は本日述べた。約3ヶ月経過した今もエチオピア政府は、十分な避難所を提供せず、生き残った住民の健康と保護に関する深刻な懸念に有意義な対処をしていない。






















Conflict in Western Oromia 西オロミア州の紛争

Since 2019, Ethiopian government forces and the Oromo Liberation Army (OLA) armed group have engaged in an armed conflict in western Oromia. The OLA was previously the military wing of the Oromo Liberation Front (OLF), a once-banned political opposition group, that fought a low-level insurgency for the self-determination of Oromos for decades.


After Prime Minister Abiy Ahmed assumed office in April 2018, the government reached an agreement with various opposition groups, including the exiled leaders of the Oromo Liberation Front in Eritrea, who agreed to lay down arms, reintegrate, and commit to a peaceful political struggle. However, negotiations soon broke down.


By early 2019, the government had established military command posts in western and southern Oromia. Federal and regional security forces began coordinated military operations against the OLA. In April 2019, the OLA formally broke its ties with the OLF and continued its armed operations.


The conflict has resulted in serious human rights abuses. Government forces have carried out summary executions, arbitrary arrests, and detentions of Oromos, and have at times cut communications in the area. The OLA has killed government officials and attacked non-military government offices. Unidentified armed assailants have also been implicated in killings, abductions, destruction of homes, and mass displacements of ethnic Amhara communities. Residents of Tole kebele in western Oromia said that OLA fighters in the neighboring hills for the past three years have abducted people and demanded ransom.


Human Rights Watch documented a March 30, 2021, attack on Babo Gembel district, West Wellega Zone. At around 8 p.m., gunmen surrounded Sedeka village, in Bone kebele, forced the Amhara residents to gather for a meeting, and shot 28 dead. A man who had fled the village as residents were being gathered said that the armed men spoke Afaan-Oromo, the Oromo language, and had distinctive long hair, which residents said was common among OLA fighters. He climbed a tree and stayed there until 2 a.m., “I later heard gunfire,” he said at the time. Residents called for help from the Oromia regional special forces, who were stationed about 30 minutes away, but they didn’t arrive until 2 a.m., long after the attack had ended.


One village leader lost his brother and his sister-in-law in the attack. “We had just celebrated their marriage on Thursday [March 25], and they were then killed on Tuesday evening,” he said. “After all the preparations to celebrate their marriage, we began to prepare for their funeral … A mother of a 15-day-old baby was also among the killed.”



Attacks in Tole and Sene Kebeles, June 18


On June 14, the OLA clashed with government forces in the Gambella region, and in Gimbi town, in western Oromia, 49 kilometers from Tole kebele. Around June 17, government security forces stationed in Tole, along with a small number of local militiamen and Oromia police, left the area without explanation, several local residents said.


In the early hours of June 18, residents in several villages in the adjacent Tole and Sene kebeles saw armed men gathering. They said the attackers wore a mix of civilian clothes and uniforms worn by the Oromia regional special forces, militias, and the former Ethiopian national military uniform. They later noted that they spoke in Afaan Oromo and some of the armed men had long hair.


At 7 a.m., a farmer in Silsaw village and a kebele official, among others, called various officials and security forces for protection and support. The official said, “When I first called, they said they couldn’t take action, without discussion and reaching an agreement with the zone [an administrative division].”


Around 9 a.m., attackers began shooting near Silsaw village in Tole kebele and started torching village buildings. Residents said scores of men, armed with military assault weapons, then stormed villages around Tole and Sene kebeles and pursued residents who fled into surrounding areas.


Some farmers around Silsaw and other villages reported that they initially tried to resist the attack, but were outnumbered by the armed men, who carried machine guns, rifles, and Kalashnikov assault weapons. “Some of the men among us had our own guns,” said a farmer from Silsaw. “When they started shooting, we also tried to defend ourselves. Twelve people among us who were trying to defend themselves were also killed.”


Many residents began to flee into nearby farmland or river areas. An 18-year-old woman from Silsaw village described being captured:


I was fetching water when these forces approached. I ran to Chekorsa village, but I was caught and taken away from there to a field. Others that were running away were shot. They gathered other people as well [and brought them to the field]. Many were children. We were around 60. They asked us for money, phones, jewelry, and watches. After they took our property, they started shooting.


They were bragging, as they were shooting … saying “We are heroes, and no one can escape from us. We will kill you all. Even those who escape, we will come after you wherever you are.”


The woman said she was shot in the arm, around her back, and in her leg, but managed to survive, along with seven other people.


A man, 48, said: “We hid in the bushes. Two people were killed near me. One was my wife’s relative. He left behind three young children.”


A woman, 20, fled Silsaw village along with her aunt and her aunt’s 6-month-old twins. “I was carrying one of the babies … It was such a difficult moment,” she said. “Bullets were going over our heads. I thought we were doomed. We survived by God’s mercy.”



Retrieval of Bodies, Burials 遺体の回収、埋葬

At about 4 p.m., a small contingent of Ethiopian military forces arrived in Tole kebele. Residents began returning home that evening.


A farmer, 48, from Gutin lost four family members, including his 22-year-old in daughter-in-law and his 4-year-old granddaughter. He found their charred bodies along with 10 other people, in a burned grass-thatched house in the village. He said that 5 of those killed were children under age 8.


In Sene kebele, a man from Sene village returned to find 21 people in his compound dead, including his wife and daughter, 8 other relatives, and several neighbors. His 11-year-old son survived but had been shot 4 times.


A man from Chekorsa said he had desperately searched for his family:


I tried to go check on the house where I took my family members [for safety], but they weren’t there. I looked for them in the maize fields but couldn’t find them. I heard that many people were collected and killed in Silsaw [a neighboring village]. I saw people injured and dead on the way.


He said he found the bodies of his wife, who was 8-months’ pregnant, and their three young children in the mosque compound, where the assailants had gathered and executed 29 people:


My wife and three children, ages 2, 6 and 10, were killed with others in the compound of the mosque. Everyone was rushing to identify the dead bodies. I tried to help gather those killed. It was raining heavily at the time.


It’s difficult to explain what I felt after what happened. I can’t say that human beings did this. It is the maximum cruelty I have seen. We couldn’t bury them all that day.


Residents said that 112 people were killed in Silsaw alone and that they buried about 60 people in the mosque compound. Community leaders said that over 400 people were killed in Tole and Sene areas, during the June 18 attack, and had made lists of the dead.


“The majority of the victims were women and children,” a kebele official from Gutin village said. “The village was filled with dead bodies … We started collecting them and burying them in different areas, some in mass graves.”


Some of the survivors had been displaced from other areas. “We previously lived in Arjo [East Wellega Zone],” said a 38-year-old woman from Tole. “We were forced to leave the area after our houses were burned and property looted. That was eight months ago, and we fled to Tole, now [this] happened again.”



Looting and Destruction of Property 財産の略奪と破壊

The assailants looted property and livestock and destroyed civilian structures during the attack. Satellite imagery recorded on June 18, at about 10 a.m., shows smoke plumes emanating from Gutin, Chekorsa, and Silsaw villages. Additional smoke plumes were visible over Gutin 45 minutes later. Thermal anomaly data collected by an environmental sensor, and reviewed by Human Rights Watch, also confirms the time of those attacks, showing several fires in Tole kebele.


Human Rights Watch was able to estimate the scale of the destruction by analyzing satellite imagery recorded on July 25. Damage signatures detected on satellite imagery are consistent with arson and confirm the destruction of approximately 480 structures across 5 villages in Tole kebele, including Gutin, Chekorsa, Silsaw and Begene, but were unable to identify the fifth village with visible destruction. Most of the damaged structures seen on imagery are tukuls (huts). Silsaw and Begene recorded the highest number of structures affected. These numbers might be an underestimate, as it only included the area covered by the satellite imagery.


A man from Chekorsa said that his house had bullet holes and several other houses in the village were burned, and stores destroyed.


“I had so many properties back there,” said a man from Silsaw. “I had a farm, I just brought fertilizer. But my house was burned down, I lost everything.” He had left Silsaw for Wollo, in the Amhara region and had no plans to return.


Three residents from Silsaw and Begene villages said that a separate group of attackers had looted property, including livestock and personal items. A resident of Begene said:


There were three groups. The first that killed people indiscriminately, a second group that looted cows and properties, and a third that burned houses. Sixteen of my cows were taken, and 100 quintals [a unit of weight equal to 112 pounds] of grain destroyed. My house was burned down, and I lost over 200,000 Ethiopian birr [US$3,800].



Inadequate Investigations and Humanitarian Assistance 不十分な調査と人道支援

The government and the Ethiopian Red Cross reported that they provided humanitarian assistance to residents following the June 18 attack. However, remaining residents who spoke to Human Rights Watch said that they only received a one-time distribution of food, and as of August lacked shelter and faced serious health risks.


A farmer, 48, from Silsaw said: “We are now living with the help of the Ethiopian military who are sharing their own food … We don’t even have enough cooking utensils, so we are sharing one utensil among 10 people.” A man from Chekorsa said a registration of remaining residents took place in early August but added that they still did not receive any additional aid.


A farmer from Begene said: “There is nowhere to shelter now. It’s the rainy season. We sometimes use plastic shelter from the rain. But we don’t have enough food to sustain our lives ... we are worried about malaria.” He added: “It’s time to remove the weeds from the farms, but we can’t because it’s not safe. The Ethiopian military can’t protect us there so people are losing hope to live here and are leaving … Many went to Wollo or Debre Birhan [in the Amhara region].”

ベゲネ村のある農民は、「今はどこにも避難する場所がありません。雨季ですから、時々ビニール製の避難所で雨をしのいでいます。生活の維持に十分な食糧がありません・・・マラリアが心配です。」、と語り、「畑の草取りをする時期なんだけど、危なくてできません。ここではエチオピア軍が私たちを守れないので、みんなはここで生活する望みを失い、出てってます・・・ (アムハラ州の)ウォロやデブレ・ビルハンに行った人が多い。」、と付け加えた。

Survivors with serious injuries have also faced obstacles to receiving adequate medical care. The man from Sene whose 11-year-old son was shot four times said he had been struggling to get him proper treatment: “I am begging to treat my son and moving from hospital to hospital … My son is not completely healed, but the hospital gave me a discharge letter. And I don’t know where to take him now. I am standing in the rain. I don’t know where to go. Right now, I have nothing.”


Similarly, more than 18 months after the March 2021 attack on kebele, the survivors were still living at a displacement site in Benishangul-Gumuz. “It’s been four months since we received food aid, we are starving,” said the village leader in August. “We received a call from the local authorities to return, but still, we are afraid. We were informed that it is still insecure …We heard that only four people were punished, and that many residents seeking to flee have been abducted.”


Several residents from Tole raised concerns that the government had inadequately investigated the attack. “One week after the incident, a wereda (district) official and the vice-president of the Oromia regional state came and talked to us,” said a man from Gutin. “Since then, no one has talked to us.” A farmer from Begene said that “no government body came to my village to investigate the number of killings or property destroyed.”

政府の襲撃捜査は不十分だった、とトール区の住民数人は懸念を示した。「事件の1週間後地区の役人とオロミア州の副知事が来て、私たちと話をしました。その後は誰からも話しを聞いて貰っていません。」、とグティン村の男性は語った。ベゲネ村のある農民は、「何の政府機関も、殺された人や壊された財産の数の調査で村に来ていないよ。」 と語っている。

However, a farmer from Silsaw said that government investigators came once to speak to communities gathered around Chekorsa village: “They went around Chekorsa and Silsaw. They went to Silsaw to observe where people were buried, and property destroyed. But they didn’t go to other areas where the attacks happened.”



Recommendations 勧告

All parties to the armed conflict in western Oromia should facilitate the provision of humanitarian assistance to all populations at risk. They should also cooperate and provide full, unimpeded access to independent investigators to all conflict-affected areas.


The Ethiopian government should:


Publicly provide information on the steps it is taking to investigate and appropriately prosecute killings, pillage, the destruction of property, and other abuses by non-state armed groups.

  • 非国家武装集団による殺害、略奪、財産の破壊、他の人権侵害を捜査し、適切に訴追するために執っている措置に関する情報を提供する。

Urgently provide or facilitate humanitarian assistance, including food, medical care, and shelter to Amhara and other communities affected by June 18 violence and other incidents of violence in Oromia.

  • 6月18日にオロミア州で発生した襲撃他の暴力事件の影響を受けたアムハラ人他のコミュニティに、食糧、医療、避難所を含む人道支援を緊急に提供または促進する。

Investigate the role of local and regional authorities and national security forces who may have been negligent in their duty to protect civilians, and publicly disclose the results of the investigation.

  • 民間人を保護する義務を怠った可能性がある州・州当局や国家治安部隊の役割を調査し、調査結果を公表する。

Ensure credible, independent, and impartial investigations into reports of security force abuses, including arbitrary arrests and extrajudicial executions of Oromo communities in western Oromia.

  • 治安部隊がオロミア州西部のオロモ人コミュニティに、恣意的逮捕や超法規的処刑を含む人権侵害を行ったという報道に関し、信頼に足る・独立した・公平な調査を確保する。

To the OLA and other armed groups operating in western Oromia:


Immediately end all unlawful attacks on civilians and civilian property.

  • 民間人と民用財産に対する全ての違法な攻撃を直ちに止める。

Appropriately punish commanders responsible for unlawful attacks and other abuses.

  • 違法攻撃他の人権侵害に責任のある司令官を適切に処罰する。
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