
ヒューマン・ライツ・ウォッチ ホンジュラス:米州機構は虐待を終わらせるよう働きかけるべき



(Washington, DC, September 23, 2009) – The Organization of American States should press the Honduran de facto government to halt the excessive use of force against protesters and to guarantee other fundamental rights, Human Rights Watch said today.


Human Rights Watch has received credible reports that the use of excessive force by Honduran security forces against demonstrators has caused at least one death, and possibly more. Credible sources also report that more than 150 people have been arbitrarily detained.


“The international community should immediately take steps to prevent further abuses by the Honduran security forces,” said José Miguel Vivanco, Americas director at Human Rights Watch.


The Committee for Families of the Disappeared and Detainees (COFADEH), a respected local nongovernmental organization, reported that 16-year-old José Jacobo Perdomo was killed on the afternoon of September 22, 2009, by police in San Pedro Sula. The group has also received unconfirmed reports of four more deaths caused by police violence today in Tegucigalpa.

評価の高い地元NGO「失踪者及び拘留者の家族委員会」(The Committee for Families of the Disappeared and Detainees:COFADEH)は、2009年9月22日午後ホセ・ハコボ・ペルドモ(16歳:José Jacobo Perdomo)はサン・ペドロスーラ(San Pedro Sula)で警察に殺害されたと報じた。同団体は又、テグシガルパ(Tegucigalpa)で警察の暴力により更に4名が死亡したという未確認情報を入手している。

Local rights defenders also reported that more than 150 detainees had been held in the “Chochy Sosa” baseball stadium. Some of the detainees had been arrested during confrontations with security forces on September 22, while others were reportedly detained during police sweeps through several Tegucigalpa neighborhoods early on the morning of September 23. By the afternoon on September 23, some of these detainees had been released, while others were relocated to detention facilities in the capital. The local rights defenders said the detainees were not informed of the grounds on which they were being held in the stadium, nor is it clear what criminal charges, if any, those who continue to be detained may face.

地元人権保護活動家は又、150名を超える者が“チョシー・ソーサ(Chochy Sosa)”ベースボール・スタジアムに拘束されている、と報じた。拘留されている者の一部は9月22日に治安部隊と対立した際に逮捕され、その他は伝えられるところによると9月23日の早朝、テグシガルパ近郊の数箇所で警察が行った一斉摘発の際に拘束されたようだ。9月23日の午後までに、拘留されていた者の一部は釈放されたが、他は首都にある拘留施設に移送された。地元人権保護活動家は、同スタジアムに拘束されている根拠について告知されていず、又拘留され続けている者が掛けられる可能性のある刑事容疑についても明らかにされていない、と語った。

Human Rights Watch also received credible reports that some protesters have engaged in acts of vandalism and violence directed at security forces.


“The Honduran police certainly are entitled to detain protesters who engage in violent criminal activity,” said Vivanco. “But that does not give them carte blanche to engage in brutality or disregard basic due process rights.”


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