回胴式遊技機技術研究 J-Slot Amusement Specification


Raspberry Pi 3 Model b+ (English)

2022-09-10 17:30:55 | 日記

Have you ever used Raspberry Pi? I bought it two years ago. One of the customers who watched our website required us to develop the system which would be able to control playing slot machine via web camera from a far distance place. We tried to develop it. 

At first, we had to make a prototype system made. We adopted Raspberry Pi. We were able to make a system that was able to control playing slot machines via a web camera. However, it had a possibility under the Wifi environment only. We told the consequence to the customer. Unfortunately, viruses spreading widely let the development stop. We were not able to contact the customer. We waited two years but nothing occurred. The raspberry Pi is a reasonable price but we should have gotten contained also peripheral equipment. Nobody tried to get burden the total cost. After all, we paid all of them even though nothing had the benefit. We should have stopped opening information because of keeping secrets. 

We are able to recognize after two years of waiting is enough to fulfill our responsibility to keep a secret. We are going to continue to develop it for those who ask for this kind of system. Please pay attention to our job. We will open the information whatever concerns it.
Please inquire us without hesitation. We will inform you politely of all that we know.
TEL 090-3194-4902 
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2022-09-10 13:18:30 | 日記
  1. Raspberry Pi公式ページよりRaspberry Pi ImagerをPCにインストールする
  2. 作業用PCにmicroSDカードを挿入する
  3. Raspberry Pi Imagerを使ってOSをmicroSDカードへ書き込む
  • OSの選択=32bit
  • ユーザー設定

TEL 090-3194-4902 
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