


2013-07-26 05:42:56 | 旅行

It seem when living according to the desire to the utmost and learning …

It works a change voluntarily. Water rots sooner or later when collecting thoroughly to water in (cont) tl.gd/mbf4tk

It aims above the little bit the present self.
It can find by doing so, and the grip and taking feel it easily.

It doesn't feel one's years has the target and challenges. It want to believe the possibility not (cont) tl.gd/mbiqsk

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2013-07-25 05:45:10 | 旅行

There is perhaps no thing of can't costing so much in reality.

It's an ideal to blow thought and feeling into people's mind as becoming vitality about the possibility of a dormant faculty.

It is wiser for there to be also no reason for becoming satisfactory, to change in the place which (cont) tl.gd/mb6v3i

It came to Kyoto To-ji Temple.
Various faces are shown whenever comes at that time. It is said (cont) tl.gd/mb7rc3

The one scene in the trip … It tasted a summer refreshing feel when I looked at children who played with in a park.

It is inexpensive hope that expects the intercession.
It is the most useless though is the easiest. (cont) tl.gd/mb8klr

It comes from an unexpected district when the chance to be going to connect in the future visits (cont) tl.gd/mbb23c


2013-07-24 10:52:39 | 旅行

Originality that arises at the end about which it thoroughly thought.
Have the stickiness done to (cont) tl.gd/maunv7

An important thing is to mobilize person's all strong points desires and to increase the entire ability.
The working person works hard.

If we wish to express our gratitude, it becomes a rich life, and a more powerful signal can be sent and the desire be brought close.

The person has each aimed life.
Can't make to the selection of what life, and lazy man survive (cont) tl.gd/mb2ie4

The thing said that it keeps breaking the husk is made them to be puzzled to the stereotype and (cont) tl.gd/mb2kdm

There is no unhappiness in the life. It's spiritual existence, and only a necessary thing occurs.

It hopes because it is taken care that your idea or neither how to originate the word nor the (cont) tl.gd/mb4ctv


2013-07-23 05:48:52 | 旅行

I change a point of view and adopt a new viewpoint and will try reproduction and hear music, spirit appear.

The hurdle of the growth of the soul is clear. The thing that it touches the nature that has faced (cont) tl.gd/map57m

The rhythm of everyone's mind falls in disorder in the group that doesn't speak. A satisfactory (cont) tl.gd/mar1t1

The start that working today new feelings boils is trusted, it is strained, and to the way of the euphoria.

It gives up, and who was impossibility feel so far at an unanticipated opportunity to achieve it. Music to like to support you.


2013-07-22 06:00:27 | 旅行

Neither fulfillment nor definite aim in life isn't given from the circumference of others.
Oneself makes.
And fresh vitality is acquired.

It is the same as running in the dark there is no target no matter what it does. Then, motivation (cont) tl.gd/mai2pu

The dream materializes when a lucky chance visits and the chance can be made the best use of. The (cont) tl.gd/mai59h

To play just press the switch. The rehabilitation will take time but you start to hear your favorite music
Will accelerate.

Naturally, it will spend a travel ahead by new touch. The best moment connected according to its music is evoked.

The first leading method is to straighten an own mind, and to change an own action.
It resets on the any minutes.

It makes an excuse when driven in to a painful environment, the grumble tends just to go out to (cont) tl.gd/maj9mk

It is reason necessary when getting depressed because it worries.
The unnecessary one is feelings. (cont) tl.gd/malc0f