


2011-12-29 01:22:26 | 旅行
06:32 from Twitter for iPhone
A memory of a soul mentions my hurdle, and awaking goes to the front even a little from yesterday.
08:40 from Twitter for iPhone
今年 いっぱい迄仕事の方ガンバって行きましょうか!!!
10:00 from Twitter for iPhone
Far from fake always real
21:08 from Twitter for iPhone
Vida Rica, la vista maravillosa de vida puede dar la vida fuertemente a la música.
by superkoolman on Twitter


2011-12-27 01:23:23 | 旅行
06:15 from Twitter for iPhone
I want fruit and come to the wholesale market this morning. I listen to music, and let's do its best today.
10:05 from Twitter for iPhone
My music is indispensable to the hurdle clearance of spiritual growth.
10:05 from Twitter for iPhone
The sensitivity which can deal with fate richly freely cannot be missed.
11:37 from Twitter for iPhone
13:56 from Twitter for iPhone
RT @kei_surf: たいした波ではありませんがね^^ RT@H3_surf高知は波がないっす。羨ましい(´-`).。oO( RT @kei_surf: 潮引いて割れ始めている湘南の波です→ http://t.co/zJWMu6Nt  休みの人は海へ急げ~~~^
14:56 from Twitter for iPhone
When I am absorbed in a dream of the memory of feelings, music supports you.
14:57 from Twitter for iPhone
Strangely, a picture and memory to revive clearly. I become rich, and the image enables all it potentially.
16:29 from Twitter for iPhone
RT @yuko1222: パワフルでソウルフル!大地を感じる歌声をまずは聞いてみてくださいね♪ http://t.co/OwXhLWTu 
19:52 from Twitter for iPhone
I will show spirit! I am motivated by oneself who was tired from desk work
by superkoolman on Twitter