


2013-07-09 05:39:37 | 旅行

It aims above the little bit and the your present self.
You can find by doing so, and the grip and taking feel it easily.

Age isn't actually important, in order to pursue a dream.
It's important to pursue a dream, while it risked the life.

The person who duly evaluates the appearance that becomes all-out the appearance in which works (cont) tl.gd/m76nsc

Impurities of the mind come off chooses from among the one's favorite genre moves, and so as not to (cont) tl.gd/m77tju

It is reason necessary when getting depressed because it worries.
The unnecessary one is feelings. (cont) tl.gd/m78oh4

It understand the importance of happiness because it experiences suffering.
Suffering is a process because it becomes happy.
Good Luck