


2013-07-13 05:40:33 | 旅行

The life is a roller coaster.
Please understand it when so u dip lotion flies in a state high once again because it only builds excitement

I sometimes assume a defiant attitude when "the hopeless thing is hopeless", and simplicity considers.

Have originality to be born after You thought it out thoroughly, tenacity to carry out till the last.

Live with purpose, passion and praise, knowing that you were destined to live in victory.

It had been impossible until now to give up, in an unexpected opportunity, Feel like achieve that. Favorite music to cheer you.

It can get luck by willpower.
led to the high soul the life doesn't have misfortune.
Only a (cont) tl.gd/m8d9vj

To play just press the switch. The rehabilitation will take time but, if you start to hear your favorite music
Will accelerate.