


2013-07-11 05:43:31 | 旅行

The moment when it wakes up is a message of the memory of the dream. The self-image which becomes the reality.

The moment it choose to look at life as positive or negative is the moment you choose your experience.

A splendid one-day beginning
It's a beat of the support for oneself whom I accept a sound to echo this morning and challenge daringly

Sociably, the exchange with the person who belongs to the genre with a different work and circle is (cont) tl.gd/m7lldr

Silence is the best answer for all stupid questions.

As for power to believe, the seen thing and the felt thing come to be controlled.
Nature tells that (cont) tl.gd/m7m3he

Future there is still unfinished. So I keep walking.

The person who has continued to work hard is automatically brushed up the soul through the devotion (cont) tl.gd/m7qfar