


2013-07-04 08:15:43 | 旅行

It can get luck by willpower.
Led to the high soul and the life doesn't have misfortune.
Only a necessary thing happens.
Take the new moment

It is noticed in how much love wrapped a casual your present self alive are actually felt, it was (cont) tl.gd/m62icv

The life is always whispered to you.
It listens to the saying.
Next, it commits to doing the needed adjustment. A significant time

It plans to pass future in a feeling new naturally. And it is a beat linked to the music which stirs up the highest moment.

The life is a roller coaster.
Please understand it when so u dip lotion flies in a state high once again because it only builds excitement.

Take the responsibility of the life in one of the strongest one that is possible to do.
It's a way (cont) tl.gd/m647du

There is no stress and it is possible to live easily when the life is resigned.
An unexpected (cont) tl.gd/m64cmi

Nature think receives energy in the body and the mind.
It is power of the nature invited to (cont) tl.gd/m6511u