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英語長文・和訳問題トレーニング 140020(さくら教育研究所)

2022-08-12 | 日記

 The world's first subway was built in London in 1863.  At that time, the government was looking for a way to reduce traffic problems in London.  The poor areas of the city were so crowded that it was almost impossible for horse carriages to get around.  The city officials tried to make it possible for workers to live outside of London.  If people had a cheap and convenient way to get to work, they would move outside of the city.  This would also help people ease the pressure of living in the poor parts of London.  From these problems, the idea of the first subway system was born.

英語長文・和訳問題トレーニング 140019(さくら教育研究所)

2022-08-12 | 日記

 Western clothes have buttons on the right for men.  This is convenient because the majority of men are right-handed.  It is easier for them to use the right hand when buttoning up.  Why, then, do women's clothes have buttons on the left, even though most women are also right-handed?  Is this a kind of discrimination? In fact, there is a reason why women's buttons are on that side.  In the past, buttons were quite expensive and only very rich people could afford them.  Women in such wealthy families had servants who dressed them.  Therefore, to make it easier for the servants, buttons were put on the left.

英語長文・和訳問題トレーニング 140018(さくら教育研究所)

2022-08-05 | 日記

 Since softball was invented as a game to be played rather than watched, it became popular soon after it was invented.  For several years, however, it was not very well organized and had no official name.  It was called such names as diamond ball, recreation ball, and playground ball.  In 1908 the National Amateur Playground Ball Association was organized to promote the outdoor play of the game and to draw up rules.  In 1926 it was given the name of "softball," but the name did not become official until 1933.  However, the term "softball" is not really true anymore because the modern softball is as hard as a baseball.