*Shinin - Shire*


SSI ●Section D ●

2005年05月27日 22時24分46秒 | 我的文件 #夾#
Sustainable Development – the future of Hong Kong

More and more species face extinction. The ecosystem is under the threat of anthropogenic activities. Our health is also harmed by pollution or toxic chemicals. The surrounding environment is becoming unsuitable for organism living. Furthermore, the abundant resourse of fossil fuels is limited. That’s mean the reliable supply of electricity which human demand everyday will absent after a century. The above are the facts that we unwilling to see. However, the prediction are bleak unless we secure a long-term solution ― the works for sustainable development.

Since a good environmental management is important to us and our next generations, I advocate to make the use of renewable energy as common. Technologies for renewable energy like wind power and solar power can be use in Hong Kong. In long run, these are cheaper and cleaner than fossil fuels because almost no pollutants will formed in processes. The SAR Government should educate the citizens about the advantages of this kind of “new” energy. and investigate the policy for usage. Moreover, recycle the materials (papers, cans and bottles) is another method to cut down on the amount of waste, as well as to keep the sustainability of Hong Kong. It is not tough to carry out.

To gain the experience of unique hall life in HKU and widen my scientific knowledge, especially the field of ecology, I apply to this meaningful summer programme. Knowledge is power, it can be a tool to save the current situation and reduce the negative effect of catastrophes. Improving the quality of environment is the responsibility of every part of global community. As a teenager of Hong Kong, I really hope that having the chance to be a contributor of building a sustainable future for local ,even the whole earth !

(300 words)

不多不少的 300 字
Grammar 應該有少少錯 (因為百分百出自我手筆ま..)
読 Science 的人怕且不會非常在意這個罷 (合十)

謀事在人, 成事在天

愛國者號 (仮)

2005年05月27日 19時57分06秒 | 正統日記(仮)
星期四 + 五 合輯.

今天的新壮舉 :
由 (27/5的)7:30pm 睡到 (28/5的)1:30am.

期間接過 薯暑君 的一通電話,
在這個「夢」中知道了網王 part 13 的出 card 消息
有些苦惱..... 買不買好 ?
KONAMI 出得太濫罷..
でも我想不超過 6包 都OK的~~
(因為有可愛的菊丸, 我上釣了~)


為甚麼日文中也有"泓"字 (大問號)



今天小蚊同学発焼 absent,
陳泓 (還有我方同学) 有點寂寞な..
希望親愛的蚊早日康復 (←蛙化的蚊)

VP 今天也 absent, 他出公差去~~

Bowie 下午外出領奬,
於是好事之徒(在下です) 就加入了 Nico薯組,
去做偉大的 Chem 實験.


Eason 新 CD U87 敲定 6月7日出
製作相當認真, 絶対注目 !


成績不俗! (大欣慰)

今天竟有 45人次出席~


我家電梯是 HITACHI 的出品 (那年代是日製的)
樓層是用 XX楼 表示 ; close door 是 関門,


UNIQLO 将於八月尾在香港開第一間分店.
(在新宿時已經想買它的(格仔)毛巾, 反正又不貴)



Lunch Time 做中化小組討論,
宇枝薯龜一組, (我竟然是考生丁..)
一打開題目便在心中暗叫不妙 ////

這種 topic 會讓人為取分違背良心......
雖然我不反対愛國, 卻着實不愛共産党..
有點対不起薯君 ()

其實我不認為自己今次的表現很好罷 //


話説三號同学扶正了一號同学一把, 使其不致離題~
事後, 一號(対三號搭膊頭)説: 合作愉快!




Chem 堂趨向荒唐

『難道我會未卜先知, 識未教的東西 ?』
(受訪者: 香港 / 龜(18) 女性)


近日, 我身邊粉紅色的勢力抬頭,
那些 Miss愈来愈愛穿這顔色,
(希望 PK Pang 和荘公公不要穿才好..)
新一期B PASS 的字様也是 粉紅 .
春天 / 櫻花 的関係 ?

順帯一提, 我的私家chopstick 也是櫻花為主的,
(但怎麼這種東西也要有個精緻的名字 ?)
不過chopstick 是紺色 (←dark blue),
才不是 PINK ~!

現在時間: 28/5 早上七時 (平日的起床時辰)

昨日支出: 150 cents
是日支出: 十三元 (豪華地吃了飯盒)
正在聴: 嗚呼初恋 / 3B LAB.☆
(之前的是 Suite November全部八首 + REVERSE / TETSU69 )
(不否認了: 我喜歡 tetsu 寫的曲子~)