*Shinin - Shire*


again, day4

2009年06月20日 21時36分18秒 | Read Me 通告板
will fly to Hobart tomorrow, the weather of Hobart seems no so good (it's rainy!)
i want to be Ms. Sunshine XDD

went the St.Kilda Beach (again), Melbourne Museum, State Library of Victoria (!!), Victoria Pd etc, just today.
the places of i had visited ... better write it in HK.

りんご飴 is avaialbe in Melbourne !!! so wonder ( and little bit weird, i don't think Aussie people would like that)
i brought one, let's see how it appears later....

my targets of attractions of the CBD are almosted killed (XD)
not yet to climb up the obsercvation desk, surely i do hope that the sunny day will "return" aty the day i "returm" to Melbourne.

tmr 12:20 leave MEL (airport) again,
also, see you guys again .... later ~~~

Emmmm, it is nearly 11pm here now.


2 コメント

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XD (西)
2009-06-30 16:11:04
此BLOG 的mother language 轉左XDD
:B (Shirin)
2009-07-01 19:05:51
I can't type language other than English ma, in this country ~~~