Nickelbird’s Daily Drawings Nickelbird’s Daily Drawings

The man thought to become a bird.
My workes are here.

A sign

2005-06-20 00:12:32 | Weblog
In Porto of northern Portugal, the brewing of wine is prosperous.
I come from the place name, and we get close as PORTOWAIN.
It is a characteristic that it is sweet.

SANDEMAN Company is a well known brewery in that.
I observed this factory last year.
A mark of a black mantle was impressive with a company name on the front entrance.

I thought that there would be time to draw sometime and took a photograph. I carried out the thought now.


3 コメント

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SEE YOU! (mikitan)
2005-06-20 16:08:17
今度はアメリカ?いいなー気を付けて行ってらっしやーい☆彡 素敵な絵を 待ってまーす。
Thank you so much. (Nickelbird)
2005-06-20 15:57:10
Hello! ya421

I feel glad that my picture always gives you something.

And I always look forward to an image of your Blog.

I travel in the West Coast of USA from tomorrow to the end of the month. I expect a trip of trains "Coast Star Light" from Los Angeles to Oakland. It will be just for scenery from the train's window to be drawn by me.

Good-bye for a while
Good morning!! (ya421)
2005-06-20 10:43:58
Your pictures and photos are worldwide, so it is very interesting!!

I'm enjoying them.
