Nickelbird’s Daily Drawings Nickelbird’s Daily Drawings

The man thought to become a bird.
My workes are here.

Germany 19

2006-06-21 08:22:34 | Landscape
Ratstrinkstube (wonderful drinking-chugalugging).

This device clock shows a certain fable.
In 1631, this Protestant town (Rothenburg od der Tauber) was occupied by General Terry of the Catholic armed forces.
And he said " I do not seize this town if somebody drank wine of 3.25 liters at a stretch".
Because Mayor Nushu accomplished this great achievement, the town was saved.

The doll of the general whom held a pistol in the left and the right, the doll of the chuging mayor emerge each at same time on the windows.


2 コメント

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Hi! Spitz (Nickelbird)
2006-06-22 09:32:35
I'm glad my sketches backuped to remember your memoriesof Rothenburg.


思い出しました! (スピッツ)
2006-06-21 22:40:22
Nickelbird さん こんばんは!

仕掛け時計 思い出しました!懐かしいです。城壁を歩いて回ったり 石畳の道を歩いたり・・・クリスマス用品を1年中売ってるお店もありましたよね。いくつか買って来ましたよ。ロマンチック街道の中でも ローテンブルグの街が1番印象に残っています。

サッカー 最後まで頑張ってほしいですね。
