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安いクリーンエネルギー Cheap clean energy

2019-01-22 14:13:19 | ビジネス

Cheap clean energy
Günstige saubere Energie
Energie propre bon marché


One billion people do not have access to electricity:


HiLyte-Power is a Swiss-based startup that aims at providing cheap clean 
energy for people who still use kerosene for lighting. The HiLyte battery 
produces enough power to both charge a phone and give light to a room 
for one night, all the consumables being non-toxic and easy to find 
everywhere on Earth.


The company’s HiLyte battery is also an excellent tool for teaching 
chemistry in schools worldwide.


The Iron battery:


+ based on iron, paper, and iron salt

+ cheap and nontoxic without any harm for the environment

+ consumables easy to find everywhere in the world


The award-winning company HiLyte Sarl. was founded in January 2018 
and is based in Neuchâtel, Switzerland.






Thank you for reading


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Business development – 営業開発・EU ・スイス ・Switzerland
















