ヨーロッパ - スイス - テクノロジー

セッップ ファエスラー

素晴らしい日本 Amazing Japan

2018-01-30 10:43:33 | ビジネス

Amazing Japan
Erstaunliches Japan
Japon étonnant



Self-parking slippers!


A state-of-the-art hotel in Yokohama, Japan, has opened with rooms that have self-parking slippers.








スマートコーチ - 生体力学データ Smart Coach - biomechanics data

2018-01-29 15:08:20 | ビジネス

スマートコーチ - 生体力学データ
Smart Coach - biomechanics data
Smart Coach - Biomechanische Daten
Smart Coach - données biomécaniques


Collect, analyze and deliver real-time coaching based on an individual runner’s biomechanics data:


A global leader in advanced, accelerometer-based analysis and interpretation. Myotest provides personalized smart training software and services for runners to achieve their performance goals confidently and improve their efficiency based on their own unique physiology.


+ scientifically validated

+ several worldwide patents

+ over 20,000 users


New: development of two new brands, Myotest TECH (integration of technology) and Myotest CARE (measuring the physical health of employees)


In 2004, Patrick Flaction founded the company Acceltec SA – which became Myotest SA – to meet a growing need in the sport and healthcare sectors to be able to assess all types of movement, whether from a preventive, healthcare or sporting performance standpoint. The company is based in Sierre, Switzerland and has a subsidiary company in the United States and another in France to deal with its exports throughout Europe.





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Business development – 営業開発・EU ・スイス ・Switzerland












カーニバル、スイス Carnival, Switzerland

2018-01-26 13:49:58 | ビジネス

Carnival, Switzerland
Karneval, Schweiz
Carnaval, Suisse


Switzerland is a carnival country some of the festivities are hundred and 
more years old:


In parts of East and South Germany, as well as in Austria, the carnival is called Fasching. In Franconia and Baden-Württemberg as well as some other parts of Germany, the carnival is called Fas(t)nacht, Fassenacht or Fasnet; in Switzerland, Fasnacht.


Some of the craziest carnival customs:


Lötschenthal - Tschäggättä



Lucerne – Big Bang




Le Noirmont – Exit of the wild



St. Gallen - Nomination of the “Födlebürger”



Schwyz - Schwyzer Nüssler



Zug - carnival events



Glarus - Sternmarsch 



Liestal – Chienbäse Umzug 



Basel - Basler Fasnacht 





Wish you a great weekend and see you again next week.


Sepp Faessler






地下貨物輸送インフラ、スイス Underground freight transportation infrastructure, Switzerland

2018-01-23 15:04:10 | ビジネス

Underground freight transportation infrastructure, Switzerland 
Unterirdische Güterverkehrsinfrastruktur, Schweiz
Infrastructures de transport de marchandises souterraines, Suisse


Underground logistics system Switzerland - Cargo Sous Terrain (CST)!


100 million Swiss francs commitment …


Several existing CST partners from Switzerland, Europe and China have announced their intention to take part as soon as the CST Act enters into force.


Coop, retailer
Mobiliar, insurance
Migros, retailer
Zurich Cantonal Bank, bank
Swiss Post, postal service
Swisscom, telecom
Credit Suisse, bank
Helvetia, insurance
Gotthard 3 (Antrimon Group), mechatronics company 
Meridiam, European infrastructure developer
Dagong Global, Investment Holding Group from China






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Business development – 営業開発・EU ・スイス ・Switzerland








馬術 + センサー + 分析 Equestrian + sensors + analysis

2018-01-22 15:26:01 | ビジネス

馬術 + センサー + 分析

Equestrian + sensors + analysis

Reitsport + Sensoren + Analyse

Equestre + capteurs + analyse


The skill - sport of horse riding:


Alogo Analysis SA is a Swiss company who provide statistical data for equestrian sports, specifically show-jumping. The goal of the company is to modernize the discipline by introducing innovative solutions to quantify the athletes’performance.


AlogoSHOW a unique patented system enhancesfans experience in venue and raise public interest in the discipline.


AlogoMOVE sensors analyze horse’s movement andwill allow coaches and riders to precisely quantify their performance and thus improve their training.


The company was incorporated 09.08.2016 and the headquarter is based in Apples (Lausanne),Switzerland.






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Business development – 営業開発・EU ・スイス ・Switzerland



