ヨーロッパ - スイス - テクノロジー

セッップ ファエスラー

癌組織診断 Cancer tissue diagnostics

2018-11-27 18:45:59 | ビジネス

Cancer tissue diagnostics
Diagnostic tissulaire du cancer


Fast Fluidic Exchange (FFeX) technology:


Lunaphore Technologies SA, a medtech company, focuses on the development 
of a tissue diagnostics platform for the analysis and classification of tumors. Its 
platform is based on a microfluidic chip technology that allows fine-tuning of 
diagnostic assays and increases their speed and accuracy.


+ Test can be performed in less than 5min, v.s. 2-8h 

using other technologies

+ Higher degrees of responsiveness for urgent testing 

and enable IHC - Immunohistochemistry consultation 

during biopsy procedures

+ Patients can benefit from a faster, better and more 

personalized treatment starting in the operating room 


The award-winning company was founded in 2014 and is based in Lausanne, Switzerland.






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Business development – 営業開発・EU ・スイス ・Switzerland








自律カメラロボット Autonomous camera robots

2018-11-26 16:16:16 | ビジネス

Autonomous camera robots
Autonome Kameraroboter
Robots de caméras autonomes


Through automation, take video production to the next level:


Seervision AG is a spin-off from the Automatic Control Laboratory of ETH 
Zurich and is developing automation robots and software for professional 
event video productions.


The mission:


+ create the world’s first portable, scene-aware, 

autonomous video production 

+ turn every camera into a robotic cameraman

+ turn every cameraman into a multi-camera crew

+ execute all operational tasks of traditional camera 

crews autonomously

+ leaving only creative storytelling to human operators



The company estimates that they can reduce the average cost of a 
production by 40% through there technology, making professional 
video accessible to entirely new segments.


The award-winning company Seervision AG was incorporated August 23, 
2016 and is based in Zurich, Switzerland.






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Business development – 営業開発・EU ・スイス ・Switzerland









食品の新鮮さ - リアルタイムセンサー Food freshness – real time sensor

2018-11-20 16:34:43 | ビジネス

食品の新鮮さ - リアルタイムセンサー
Food freshness – real time sensor
Lebensmittel frische - Echtzeitsensor
Fraîcheur alimentaire - capteur temps réel


Food last mile logistics through low-cost freshtags integrated into various kinds of food packaging:


Is it fresh GmbH is a start-up company active in the field of smart packaging and printed electronics. The company develops printed freshtags, which is a combination of sensors for real-time measurements of freshness parameters in perishables and NFC (Near-field communication) chips for wireless read-out. 


Monitored parameters - tracking of each single food package:


+ manufacturing date 
+ temperature 
+ biochemical parameters providing the product's freshness status in real time


Roughly 1/3 of produced food is wasted globally:


Each person produces an average 180kg of food waste every year. Between 30% and 40% of all foods are wasted due in part to the misconception that food must be disposed of once its expiration date has passed.



The company "Is It Fresh GmbH”, a spin-off from the Forschungszentrum Jülich GmbH was created 26.07.2017 and is based in Aachen, Germany and in Seoul, South Korea.







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Business development – 営業開発・EU ・スイス ・Switzerland



センサ+ソフトウェア農業のための Sensors + software for farming

2018-11-12 16:10:43 | ビジネス

Sensors + software for farming
Sensoren + Software für die Landwirtschaft
Capteurs + logiciel pour l'agriculture


Combining the power of hardware sensors and software to help small scale farmers gaining unique and useful insights about their farm:


Medium-sized farms make up 85% of the farms in the USA and 99% globally – representing far more people whose livelihoods depend on smaller farming operations.


Smart Yields provides farmers:


+ simple, actionable insights

+ optimize plant production

+ water usage

+ labor management



The company Smart Yields was founded in 2015 and is based in Honolulu, Hawaii, United States and is also operating in Asia and as well as in Europe.






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Business development – 営業開発・EU ・スイス ・Switzerland










助け - 麻痺患者 Helps - paralysed patients

2018-11-01 11:37:46 | ビジネス

助け - 麻痺患者
Helps - paralysed patients
Hilft bei gelähmten Patienten
Aide - patients paralysés



Breakthrough in neurotechnology helps paralysed patients walk again:


Scientists from the Ecole Polytechnique Fédérale de Lausanne (EPFL)
Switzerland have developed a treatment of targeted epidural electrical 
stimulation (EES) and weight-assisted therapy, called STIMO (STImulation
 Movement Overground), which has restored sufficient muscle movement 
in paraplegic patients for them to be able to walk.


