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排ガス浄化 - 船舶 Exhaust gas cleaning - marine vessels

2019-01-28 16:46:29 | ビジネス

排ガス浄化 - 船舶
Exhaust gas cleaning - marine vessels
Abgasreinigung - Schiffe
Épuration des gaz d'échappement – navires


According to the European Environment Agency, merchant ships give off 
204 times more sulfur than the billion cars on the roads worldwide:


Daphne Technology SA is developing a catalyst-free, Nano-technology that 
helps the petrochemical, power and transportation industries reduce air 
emissions to the levels required by international and national regulations. 
The patented solution can be miniaturized and is especially well-suited to 
meet the requirements of marine vessels. 


Filter that can be installed in the ships’ exhaust stacks:


+ low-cost

+ eco-friendly

+ cut down on sulfur emissions

+ decrease nitrogen oxide pollution

+ no fuel switching needed

+ substantial reduction in operating costs


The company Daphne Technology SA is a spin-off from the “École polytechnique fédérale de Lausanne (EPFL) incorporated in 2017 and is based in Ecublens, Switzerland.






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Business development – 営業開発・EU ・スイス ・Switzerland












安いクリーンエネルギー Cheap clean energy

2019-01-22 14:13:19 | ビジネス

Cheap clean energy
Günstige saubere Energie
Energie propre bon marché


One billion people do not have access to electricity:


HiLyte-Power is a Swiss-based startup that aims at providing cheap clean 
energy for people who still use kerosene for lighting. The HiLyte battery 
produces enough power to both charge a phone and give light to a room 
for one night, all the consumables being non-toxic and easy to find 
everywhere on Earth.


The company’s HiLyte battery is also an excellent tool for teaching 
chemistry in schools worldwide.


The Iron battery:


+ based on iron, paper, and iron salt

+ cheap and nontoxic without any harm for the environment

+ consumables easy to find everywhere in the world


The award-winning company HiLyte Sarl. was founded in January 2018 
and is based in Neuchâtel, Switzerland.






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Business development – 営業開発・EU ・スイス ・Switzerland
















カーボンファイバー3Dプリント Carbon fiber 3D printing

2019-01-18 16:34:51 | ビジネス


Carbon fiber 3D printing
Kohlefaser 3D-Druck
Impression 3D fibre de carbone


Simplifying the use of high-performance materials:


9T Labs has developed a 3D printing technique that uses continuously 
reinforced carbon fiber composites. Their innovative 3d printer integrates 
state-of-the-art sensor technology and learning techniques that allow for 
flexible manufacturing, complex geometric designs as well as faster and 
cheaper low volume production compared to conventional processes.


Carbon fiber materials due to its extraordinary high strength to weight ratio 
is used to design parts for satellites, medical prosthetics, drones, aeronautic, 
watches, automotive and other fields.


Advantages: No need to buy a new 3D printer



The award-winning company 9T Labs AG, a spinoff from ETH Zurich, was 
founded 2018 and is based in Zurich, Switzerland.






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Business development – 営業開発・EU ・スイス ・Switzerland










小売自動化ロボット Retail Automation Robot

2019-01-14 12:58:59 | ビジネス

Retail Automation Robot
Vente au detail Robot d'automatisation
Roboter für die Einzelhandelsautomatisierung


Auditing shelf stock is boring, inconvenient, time- and labor-intensive 
and prone to error:


Simbe Robotics, Inc. develops and manufactures Tally, an autonomous 
robotic shelf auditing and analytics solution for the retail Industry. The 
device navigates store aisles capturing current inventory levels and 
feeding the data to store staffers.


Tally travels around a store scanning the shelves for 

issues such as:


+ low stock

+ pricing errors and more


feedback to a tablet device in real-time


It is estimated that global retailers lose around 634.1 billion dollars per year in 
missed sales opportunities arising from out of stock items, empty shelves, and
 other inconsistencies in-store.


The company Simbe Robotics, Inc. was founded in 2014 and is headquartered 
in San Francisco, California, USA.








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Business development – 営業開発・EU ・スイス ・Switzerland



