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フェイルセーフアルゴリズム - ドローン Failsafe algorithm – drones

2019-03-05 16:40:49 | ビジネス

フェイルセーフアルゴリズム - ドローン
Failsafe algorithm – drones
Ausfallsicherer Algorithmus - Drohnen
Algorithme Failsafe - drones


Failsafe technology for quadcopters consumer and commercial drones:


Verity Studios AG has completed more than 100,000 autonomous flights safely above people, across more than 20 countries worldwide during its drone shows.



Patented Failsafe solution:


+ control and land a quadrotor after a loss of one, or even two, of its propulsion systems

+ instead of spinning out of control and crashing to the ground, the drone stays in the air,

stabilizing itself

+ can be safely navigated to an appropriate landing location

+ no need to pay for expensive retrofit systems, like parachutes

+ can be implemented into existing quadcopters by a simple firmware update

+ lowest cost and highest efficiency risk-mitigation feature on the market



The company Verity Studios AG was founded in 2014 and is based in Zurich, 






Thank you for reading


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Business development – 営業開発・EU ・スイス ・Switzerland













