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モビリティ革命 Mobility revolution

2018-06-06 10:39:56 | ビジネス

Mobility revolution
Révolution de la mobilité



Human driven vehicles and autonomous vehicles will coexist:


Bestmile empowers mobility providers to deploy, manage and optimize autonomous and conventional driven vehicle fleets. Bestmile's cloud platform enables the intelligent operation and optimization of autonomous mobility services, managing fixed-route and on-demand services regardless of the vehicle brand or type.


The cutting-edge:


+ optimized missions and planning

+ real-time automated dispatching

+ intelligent routing

+ electrical energy management.

+ fixed routes

+ fixed schedules

+ on-demand door-to-door services

+ multiple integration scenarios

+ integration with existing infrastructure

+ turnkey solution

+ use proprietary applications



The company Bestmile SA was incorporated January 2014 and has global offices in San Francisco (USA) and Lausanne (Switzerland).






Thank you for reading


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Business development – 営業開発・EU ・スイス ・Switzerland



