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タイヤのリサイクル技術 Tires recycling technology

2016-09-13 16:03:45 | ビジネス

Tires recycling technology
Reifen-Wiederverwertung Technologie
Technologie de recyclage des pneu

550 millions of scrap tires in Europe and the USA ever year!

Tires are among the largest and most problematic source of waste worldwide.

Tyre Recycling Solutions SA has developed three technologies which, when combined, turn tire recycling from a negative and fragmented value chain into a valuable business opportunity. On one hand the technology recovers the existing synthetic fiber and / or metal in the tires and the other producing a high-quality powder that can be used for various products.

+ Cut tires in 3 flat parts - t-cut™ & collect
3 times more tires in the same storage space.
65% reduction in scrap tire transportation cost.

+ Ultra-high-pressure water jet - water pulse™
Pulverize the rubber into fine powder with particle sizes from 50 microns to 1mm.
Separate completely the rubber from the synthetic fiber and steel wires.

+ Biological surface de-vulcanization for rubber powders - biodevulc™ and TyreXol™
The bacteria remove the sulfur bonds from the surface of the vulcanized rubber powder.
Bacterial treatment reduces tire odor allowing for odor-sensitive applications.

Company: The Mission of Tyre Recycling Solutions SA, founded in march 2013, situated in Gland, Switzerland, is to change the rules in a scrap tire-free world, by delivering economically viable solutions to produce high-value and quality products out of recycled tires.



Thank you for reading

Sepp Faessler

Our service: Implementing your ideas for the future, fascinates us!

+ Business development.
+ Global dedication.
+ Swissness.
+ Do business in Europe.
+ High quality services.
+ Free 1/2 hour Phone - Skype Consultation.
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