ヨーロッパ - スイス - テクノロジー

セッップ ファエスラー

老人介護支援 Elderly care

2016-04-20 07:26:26 | ビジネス

Elderly care

DomoSafety offers a smart home care service. DomoCare stands out for its unique preventive approach compared to standard emergency alarms of competing systems which are limited to ‘react’ to emergency situations.

The core innovation of DomoSafety lies in the algorithm which allows to analyze the behavior of elderly people by using sensors installed in strategic places in their home. The system identifies potential risks possibly linked to a modification in their usual patterns of behavior and consequently activates an alarm (either anticipatory or “emergency”) directed to the appropriate person (relative, hospital, …).

+ Pack Start™
This is the basic of our upgradeable service, comprising the emergency call button.

+ Pack Mobility™
This package adds access to our services relating to mobility and risks of falling.

+ Pack Care®
This package adds services relating to sleep and risks of falling at night.




Sepp Faessler

Implementing your ideas for the future, fascinates us!

+ International business development.
+ Global dedication.
+ Swissness.
+ Do business in Europe.
+ High quality consultant services.
+ Free 1/2 hour Phone Consultation.
+ コンサルタント・EU スイス 素晴らしい情報、答えと結果!
+ 30分間 の電話コンサルティングは無料。


