The JAG Relief Action Updates (English Edition)

On our suffering churches and relief activities

A Report from Pastor Ito of Izumi Fukuin Chapel (2/29/2012)

2012-02-29 22:04:51 | Testimony

Thank you for your prayers and support.

 Thanks to your prayers and the grace of the Lord we held the second Tea and Talkevent on Tuesday the 28th at the Higashi Matsushima Amazing Grace Support Center.
 The last event was planned and run by Dr. Kitano and bible school students from CBC Japan, but this time the center staff handled the planning through multiple discussions and much prayer.
 We were blessed with good weather and just as with the last event, people began showing up an hour before the start time and by the time we began the event at 1:30PM the center was nearly full.
 The volunteer staff member who runs the center emceed the event and led worship and then the event was opened in prayer by pastor Honma, a retired minister. Then some of our lady staff members led some games which were followed by a concert DVD of gospel singer Yuri Mori. We then finished with a time of sharing the Word and a brief prayer for the disaster victims healing, peace and salvation.
 Since tea was a main part of the event we had a number of delicious snacks prepared. This time the ladies group of the Izumi church prepared enough homemade chiffon cake and cookies to feed 100 people. In addition they purchased 200 bite sized manjyu and the various tsukemono that are always present at these types of events around the Tohoku region.All of it was gladly eaten by those present.
 The tea and talkevent is one of the many events at the center that people really look forward too. It is a great time of healing for the disaster victims allowing them to enjoy some tea and snacks, chat together, laying down their burdens, sing some worship songs and listen to the Word while being bathed in prayer.
 It was a wonderful event which led by the love of the Spirit I lifted up a tear filled prayer, May the protection, healing and peace of the Lord rest abundantly on all that are here.
 Thank you for your prayers and support.

To view more photos of this event please click here and scroll to the bottom and click on the thumbnail images.

A Report from Pastor Fuyuki Okuda of Iwaki Assembly (2/25/2012)

2012-02-25 18:42:51 | Testimony

From the 24th to the 25th of February we were blessed to have pastor Koji Hayashi come to Iwaki. "It was really great!" is the only thing that I can say. He held a praise seminar but the contents were actually a seminar about true worship. He taught about worshipping in spirit and in truth, which of course means that we worship God sincerely but he also included that dealing with one another in sincerity is part of worship.

Before discussing how to go about ministering he clearly expressed the fundamental attitude of being a worshipper. I really believe that it was a good seminar for our church members. Thank you for your prayers.

We also visited "Mominoki" (trans. fir tree) which is the Catholic relief center for the Saitama parish, and there we had an enjoyable time chatting with the volunteers. It is a beautiful little cafe which employs disaster victims. They make a delicious cafe latte. It is located directly next door to the temporary housing site and so it is easy to get to.

If you get a chance to come to Iwaki, by all means visit "Mominoki".




Iwaki Assembly: Activities of the "Disaster Relief Preacher" (2/23/2012)

2012-02-24 07:33:12 | Testimony

Tomorrow and the next day we will have pastor Koji Hayashi (Tokyo Metro Church), who is known as the "Disaster Relief Preacher", come and visit Iwaki Assembly.

2/24 Friday
             2/25 Saturday
Day  Visit disaster area                  Day Visit Takahisa temp. hous. site
Evening  Praise sem. Gospel Night  Evening Praise seminar cont.

Please pray for God's blessing.

A Report from Pastor Fuyuki Okuda of Iwaki Assembly (2/23/2012)

2012-02-23 20:26:33 | Testimony

On February the 22nd we distributed hot water bottles and disposable heat packs at building A of the Chuodai Takahisa #1 temporary housing site.
We distributed only to residences where the people were at home at the time and they were all very happy for our visit. A few people said, "I don't need a water bottle," or "No thanks on the heating packs," but other than that everyone graciously accepted the items.

Right now in Iwaki the local churches are networking and cooperating to aid damaged churches, help with radiation cleanup and work to provide radiation free food products.

A Report from Pastor Ito of Izumi Fukuin Chapel (2/22/2012)

2012-02-22 22:28:08 | Testimony

Praise the Lord.

 Thank you for supporting and praying for the relief work that we are doing at the Higashi Matsushima Amazing Grace Support Center.

 Even now, we daily have many disaster victims coming to the center to pick up household heating appliances that they applied to receive as well as to choose some cold weather clothing from the stockpile that we have to offer. In addition many of those that come spend some time in our "tea and talk" space, sharing with our staff the various emotional burdens that they are carrying.

 Our staff is doing all that they can to minister to those that come but because of the overwhelming amount of relief work we are finding that they cannot adequately deal with all those who visit.

 With the current pace of relief work at the Higashi Matsushima Amazing Grace Support Center we are realizing that we need volunteers to come and drink tea, talk, listen to and even pray with the visiting disaster victims, in other words provide emotional care. Specifically speaking, other than Sunday and Monday, you could come and minister to the disaster victims in the aforementioned manner any day from 10AM to about 5PM.

 Of course this is ministry that both active ministers and retired ministers can do as well as believers who have a burden for this type of work.
 At the center we have the facilities to lodging people and to prepare food and there is a convenient store and various restaurants nearby. Please by all means, pray about coming and helping us minster. Even if you do not come by car, you can arrive at a nearby train station and we can pick you up and bring you to the support center.

 For further inquiries please call pastor Ito (080-2815-4418),
 or the support centers Mr. Furuhashi (080-4369-3712 English OK).
 We look forward to hearing from you.
 Thank you for your prayers and support.

A Report from Pastor Ito of Izumi Fukuin Chapel (2/19/2012 Pt. 2)

2012-02-19 20:58:35 | Testimony


Praise the Lord.

 Thank you so much for praying for the relief work that is occurring at the Higashi Matsushima Amazing Grace Support Center. On Saturday the 18th at the center we held the 25th meal distribution. There was a light snow and a cold north wind blowing but we still saw over 400 people in attendance.

 For this event we had the normal members from the Izumi church and the regular volunteer staff as well as pastor Tsuchiya, his family and church members from the Niigata church, pastor Yokoyama and her husband from the Shinai Christ church in Kitakata city, pastor Dan and church members from Yokota ICA in Fusa city, as well as pastor Glenn and church members from the Shinohara church in Yokohama come from great distances to help minister the love of God. One of the members from Izumi even brought two non-Christian friends along to help. We also had 6 staff members from the "Tohoku Hope Festival", which is planned for March 2-4, come with a large billboard bus advertising the event. We also had the ever present and helpful Shiroma family and Niida family from the local neighborhood help out as well, making a total of about 50 workers; the largest meal distribution team that we have had yet.

 Outside in the cold blustery wind Izumis pastor Aiko, Kitakatas pastor Seiko and Niigatas pastor Yasuko bravely battled the elements and prepared 450 servings of curry udon noodle soup by using 4 large gas rings and 2 big wood fire stoves. Also, a team of ladies from the Yokota church put together meal packs that consisted of disposable chopsticks, wet napkins, green tea, an orange, a dorayaki and a tract. Along with that a group led by the ladies of the Shinohara church passed out daily necessity packs consisting of toilet paper, disposable compresses, cooking ingredients and snacks.

 On top of that, the day before the event the Kanazawa church sent a large amount of brownies which we were able to distribute and everyone gladly accepted them. These were actually relief gifts from a Korean church.
 Pastor Glenn and his members as well as the people from the Izumi church handled cleaning up the disposable bowls and chopsticks all of which they did while standing out in the cold for 2 straight hours.
 Even though we were not scheduled to start passing out the meal tickets until 11:30, there were still lots of people gathering at the center from around 9:30 in the morning. So many people came that there was no room inside the center to stand and so we had to have some wait in a tent outside. Amidst such a packed house, pastor Tsuchiya from Niigata's daughter Kaori led worship songs and pastor Tsuchiya himself shared testimonies, gave directions regarding the meal distribution and used his beautiful voice to sing acappella; all making for an enjoyable time leading up to the meal start time of 11:40AM.
 When the meal preparations were finally finished pastor Tsuchiya opened the meal with a prayer. By the grace of God, we were able to smoothly guide the 400 visitors through the meal distribution. Also, we were able to have the staff members from the "Tohoku Hope Festival" came with their billboard bus and help us to minister the love of God through the meal distribution. That festival will be held from March the 2nd to the 4th at the Grande 21 Super Arena in the town of Rifu which is about a 30 minute drive from the Higashi Matsushima Amazing Grace Support Center.

 This time the Lord sent many disaster victims to the center and helped us to boldly minister his love. I truly feel that this was the hand of God at work; displaying His glory to all. We heard many disaster victims say things like, I always look forward to these meal distributions!, What is the next thing that you have planned at the center?, and I’m looking forward to the upcoming Tea and Talk event!There were also statements like, I want to study the bible. How should I go about doing that?I want to go to a church and see what its like, showing that people are slowly starting to thirst after the Lord.
 With statements like that and with the Lords leading I have begun praying about finally opening a bible study at the center that will start sometime in March and that will be aimed at the disaster victims. I ask that you please remember this in your prayers.

 The next event that we have planned at the Support Center is for Tuesday the 28th and it will be our second
Tea and Talk event. On the 23rd we are scheduled to go and help six households in the city of Rikuzen Takada. I would really appreciate it if you would add these events to your prayers.

 All the glory belongs to the Lord.
  Thank you for your prayers, your loving support and your cooperation.


To view more photos of this event please click here and scroll to the bottom and click on the thumbnail images.

A Report from Pastor Ito of Izumi Fukuin Chapel (2/16/2012)

2012-02-16 23:04:27 | Testimony


Praise the Name of the Lord.
 Thank you for always supporting and praying for the relief work at the Higashi Matsushima Amazing Grace Support Center.

 On Tuesday the 14th we had a pastor and board members from a JAG church in Tokyo as well as some employees from a wedding chapel in Roppongi come and visit the center. The purpose for there visit was in preparation for a 1 year disaster remembrance concert, aimed at unbelievers, which will be held at the wedding chapel on the evening of March the 11th. They came to get a feel for the current relief work at the center and to get some up-to-date footage of the disaster area.

 We showed them around to the Kadonowaki and Watanoha areas of Ishinomaki, the Ishinomaki port, the inlet to the Kitakami river and we even climbed Mt. Hiyori. We also drove from the Okaido neighborhood to the Omagari neighborhood of Higashi Matsushima city, showing them the breadth of the region that our center is working in. They took video of each place we visited and ended by filming the current state of things at the relief center. They also taped interviews with some of our staff.
 According to the pastor, many people in Tokyo have gradually forgotten the disaster and there are even people who have raised doubts as to the necessity of further relief work. Being disturbed by these voices, he has felt the urgency to share with the people in Tokyo the continued need of relief work throughout the disaster area and so he is coordinating this charity concert.
 I'm sure that being far away from the disaster area makes it difficult to truly understand the current situation of things here, and with the limited amount of information coming out of the disaster area it may make it difficult to grasp the continued necessity for relief work. But just like this pastor who came, you too can come and directly encounter the disaster area, seeing the tragic scenes, walk the muddy streets where rubble still lies strewn about and smell the stench of salt that hangs in the air; then you will feel what the current state of the disaster area really is. You could also come to the center and talk with the disaster victims, hearing what kind of help is needed; learning that relief work is as necessary now as it ever was. And just like this pastor you could be a big encouragement to us relief workers just by coming up for the day, touring the disaster area and praying over the relief work. We would gladly receive you and hope to see you soon.

 Even if you do not come by car, you can arrive at Sendai station or any other nearby train station or bus stop and we can pick you up and bring you to the support center.
 For further inquiries please call pastor Ito (080-2815-4418), or
 the Support Centers Mr. Furuhashi (080-4369-3712 English OK).
 We look forward to hearing from you.
 Thank you for your prayers and support.


(taken Tuesday the 14th)

This is the Omagarihama neighborhood which is 2km from the center, due east towards the coast. Even now, 11 months after the disaster there are numerous houses that have been left as there are. There is a frightening silence in these areas.

A Report from Pastor Toyomi Sanga of Koriyama Grace Garden Chapel (2/13/2012)

2012-02-14 10:22:21 | Testimony

Diary A Puppy's Story》 2012. 2. 13

The sky this morning was, for the first time in a long time, blue.
The air was cold but there was no wind.
I took Joshu for a walk to a nearby drugstore.

His little body rhythmical bounced along as he moved making for an enjoyable walk.

Last Saturday was February the 11th.
It has been 11 months since that day.

On Saturday we held the Grace Garden Chapel's kid's church staff meeting in the office space that is being rented for our relief activities.
That is the office that was flooded by the typhoon right after we started renting it and was finally put back to use in November (^^;)

I had gone out to get one of the kid's church staff who was having car troubles and as we pulled in to the office parking lot Mr. and Mrs. W, who we met when distributing "Life Starter Kits" last year, come walking out of the entrance of the office.

"We just stopped by to say thanks for the kerosene that you’all gave us. It ain't much but please have some of these mikans," they said as they handed over a box of mikans.

We stood in the parking lot amidst the falling snow talking for ten minutes or so.
Everyone was looked really cold so I offered, "Why don't you come have a cup of tea before you go." The husband playfully responded, "Sure, but I'd really like so coffee if you've got any."

The couple, our staff member Ms. R, and myself sat around a table in the office.

Hearing my voice, Joshu, who was back in the building where the staff meeting was, started acting up.
He was making an awful racket, whimpering and whining, so I brought him in and made him sit on the floor by the W's.

Then they spoke to each other about Joshu and said, "Wow! He's exactly the same isn't he. "

"Sorry, what? Is the dog bothering you?" I asked.
"No, no...the dog that my son's family used to have...was a lot like this one," the wife replied.

Then the husband said, "That day we were told, 'you can return to your home briefly but you must come right back', so I went to our house, put the dog in his cage, threw a lot of food in with him and then locked the cage door."

We all fell silent.
There was nothing that we could say.

"Finally about 2 months later I was able to get back and check on the house and--this is how I found him," he said as he stretched his arms out mimicking the dog’s dead body.

I didn't know what to say, I just drew Joshu up onto my lap.

Then the wife said, "At the time my son lamented the fact that we should've just left the dog in the cage with the door open."
"His name was Hug."
"That’s because our grandson would squeeze him tight and say, 'hug, hug!'"

"Well that's...that's just terrible. It must be especially tough on your son and grandson," I said. The wife quickly replied, "Hug was a 7 month old puppy." She squinted and gazed at Joshu sitting on my lap, "Just the same, a little black pup."

"A lot of people we know lost dogs and other pets including a real pretty Persian cat." said the husband.

"That day we went to our house and then came back thinking that we would be able to get back again in 2 or 3 days," the husband said as he let out a deep sigh.

"It was nice to come back here and see you all again," the W's said with a soft smile as they prepared to go home.

"I'm sorry that you had to see Joshu, I feel really bad," I said apologizing over and over to the W's.

In Koriyama city there is a temporary housing site with 240 families living in it and in one corner of the property there is a lot of metal boxes that look like coin lockers.
They have no windows or anything; they are just a bunch of lock boxes stacked on top of each other.

It's made a bit of a fuss but there are rumors going around that the boxes are for dealing with the pets of people that live in the temporary housing units.
Those boxes.
They say that you put your cats or dogs in those dark locked boxes.

It's been 11 months since that day.
Everyone has been doing all they can to stay alive.

Even still I keep thinking that some how, some way there has to be a better way of going about things.
It's at those times that I feel my own lack of ability, lack of strength and lack of endurance.

That's when I say to myself.

"Toyomi! Talk to your family with a bright tone and a cheerful smile. I'll clean up the house a bit and meet my son husband in a good mood and we can sit around the table eating the miso soup that they like so much.

And when Joshu comes to me with his chew toy, begging me to play with him, staring at me with those cute little eyes, I will take the time to be with him and go on a short walk, even if it's snowing.

I'll pray for friends both far and near, pray God's protection on them, pray that even amidst sad and difficult times that they can have hope and pray that they can end each day knowing peace in their hearts.
I will not forget that it is in order to accomplish these thing that God has given me strength."

Everyday, with the people I meet and with the work that I do, I can't imagine that there is anything more lovely than doing this.

A Report from Pastor Ito of Izumi Fukuin Chapel (2/13/2012)

2012-02-09 19:28:55 | Testimony


Praise the name of the Lord.

Movie Evangelism "Shiogari Toge"
 Thank you for praying and supporting the Higashi Matsushima Amazing Grace Support Center. On Saturday the 11th we held a viewing of Ayako Miura's movie "Shiogari Toge". This was the first time that we have had a movie viewing at the center but both the one o'clock and three thirty showings were well attended.
We had some attend because they saw our fliers, others who we know well came because we called them and let them know about the event and still others came because they often attend our meal distributions. We sang worship songs together, watch
ed the movie, shared from the Word and closed with a time of prayer.


 During the time of talking and eating snacks after the movie we were able to pray for people's individual needs. Everyone said their hearts were moved by the movie, opening them up to God and that they felt healed and relieved by the worship songs.

Current situation and prayer needs at the center
 Starting last year around October we began taking applications for disaster victims to receive various home heating appliances but because of the overwhelming response we had to stop further applications on the 25th of December of last year. Finally we have been able to process and distribute that first round of applications and on Wednesday of this week reopened the application process for new people. Our staff is busy everyday with the cycle of accepting applications, buying the needed appliances and then distributing them. I would be thankful if you would pray that our staffs ministry would be anointed and that we would recieve the necessary funds to continue with our relief efforts.

Current situation and needs in the disaster area
 While we do not have much snow on the ground here in the disaster area the temperature tends to stay around minus 4 to minus 7 degrees celsius. Also, there is often very strong winds blowing in off the ocean which make well insulated cold weather clothes a necessity and currently at the center whenever we put out clothes for people to take they are all immediately snatched up. We are also in need of disposable heat packs which are greatly desired by the disaster victims. We would greatly appreciate any help in the area of disposable heat packs, cold weather clothes or simply donations. With your preciously donated relief goods and your continual prayers I was able to see the hand of God working to save souls and give true releif through this recent movie evangelism event.

 Thank you all for your prayers and support.

To view more photos of the movie event please click here and scroll to the bottom and click on the thumbnail images.

A Report from Pastor Ito of Izumi Fukuin Chapel (2/9/2012)

2012-02-09 16:40:22 | Testimony

Praise the Lord.
Thank you for your prayers and support of the relief work occurring at Higashi Matsushima Amazing Grace Support Center.

Everyday the relief work continues at the center.  We daily have people coming to the center, picking up the home heating appliances that they applied for and picking up needed cold weather clothes that we have laying out for their perusal.
Many of the disaster victims are unable to sleep at night and are struggling with fear and anxiety of what is to come. In one corner of the center we have a "Tea and Talk" space where people can drink tea and comfortably unload the emotional burdens that they are carrying.

This is one practical way that we are providing both material relief along with emotional relief here at the center.
Please, by all means, pray that the center can be used for the emotional care of the victims and that our evangelistic outreach will continue moving forward. Also pray for an anointing on the volunteer staff members as they interact with the disaster victims, listen to their stories, and pray for the Lord's healing and comfort; all why serving the victims with the grace and love of the Lord.

For this ministry we need people who can interact with the people coming to the center and spend time talking with them. Simply being there, drinking tea and chatting with them would be fine. Please pray that pastors, both active and retired, as well as believers would be able to come and fill this role.

Thank you everyone for your prayer and precious support.

A Report from Pastor Ito of Izumi Fukuin Chapel (2/7/2012)

2012-02-07 23:14:47 | Testimony

It has flown by but very soon it will be one year since the Great Tohoku Earthquake.
Praise the Lord.
Thank you so much for your constant support and prayers for the relief work at the Higashi Matsushima Amazing Grace Relief Center.

On Sunday the 5th at 3PM and then again at 5PM we held concerts by American country musician Dennis Agajanian.
Many disaster victims came to line up an hour before the start time even while we were still setting up the PA system. There were regular attendees, brand new first timers and staff members all waiting with expectation for God's grace to be poured out; making for a wonderful atmosphere at the concert's opening with a tangible presence of God.
With superior guitar skills that amazed everyone, brother Agajanian mixed in his testimony, boldly proclaiming the gospel. He closed with an altar call inviting people to accept Christ and many people responded making commitments to the Lord.
Even after the concert finished many of the people lingered and spent a blessed time eating snacks and fellowshipping with brother Agajanian and the other guests.
One of the disaster victims who came from Ishinomaki city said, "After the tsunami every day has seemed endlessly painful but after an event like this I really feel lifted up." In the end I was able to lay hands on the person and pray for them that they would be touched by the Lord.

At the center we are able to touch people's hearts by concurrently having daily ministry through relief goods distribution and events like this concert. I am so thankful that I am able to see the Lord working in the hearts of the disaster victims as He pulls off this perfect balance between ministry activities.
This week we are planning on continuing our distribution of home heating appliances and on Saturday the 11th from 1PM and then again at 3PM we will show the movie "Shiori Toge".
I would really appreciate if you would from now on pray that we could include more relief of the heart (ie. evangelistic outreach) as we continue with our material relief.

Starting at noon on Saturday the 18th we are scheduled to have a meal distribution. I would also really appreciate your prayers for this event.
Our two regular staff members that are staying at the center are daily working amidst the cold and snow. I would be thankful if you would pray for their health and safety.

 Thank you for all of your prayers and support.
 All the Glory belongs to the Lord.

To view more photos of brother Agajanian's concert please click here and scroll to the bottom and click on the thumbnail images.

A Report from Pastor Toyomi Sanga of Koriyama Grace Garden Chapel (2/1/2012)

2012-02-01 22:09:22 | Testimony

Report of Koriyama GCS's Relief Activities2/1/2012

Thank you for remembering Fukushima prefecture and encouraging us in prayer. The Lord has given us a new year and with a desire for the "the gospel of the kingdom" to be made known in this land, two weeks ago I began doing that which I can do.

First, with the understanding and cooperation of Convoy of Hope we began visiting people and directly distributing both kerosene and kerosene exchange coupons.

We went around to the cities of Minami Soma, Fukushima, Shirokawa, Miharu, and our own Koriyama, distributing items to evacuees who are living in rented properties. These evacuees often do not receive the same level of support as those living in government erected temporary housing units.
We have entered the bitter cold of winter. While we don't get as much snow as they do in northern Japan, we are keenly aware that there are still a number of people who cannot get out of their homes because of the cold and are in desperate need of fellowship.

As we have been visiting people in their homes they have been saying things like, "I wouldn't mind if you all from Grace stopped bringing relief goods, I just want to spend time with you."
I would greatly appreciate if you would pray all the more for the health of our staff and for financial blessings to continue the relief work.

We continue to lift up all of the churches and their members in prayer.

A Report from Pastor Ito of Izumi Fukuin Chapel (1/31/2012)

2012-02-01 09:42:25 | Testimony

Praise our holy Lord!
Thank you for all of your prayers and support.

Here at the Higashi Matsushima Amazing Grace Support Center we are daily working with many disaster victims even amidst the bitterly cold weather. Since Friday of last week we have had one brother from Miyakojima Chuo church in Osaka come to help; this is now his seventh day earnestly working along with us.

Today, one of our regular staff members went along with me to do relief work in Rikuzentakada city in Iwate prefecture. Currently we are working to support five households with food, sundries, gasoline etc. We were also able to start a house meeting among the people living there in the temporary housing units.

The first team from CBC Japan led by Pastor Shiroishi that came at the very beginning of the year also helped me in ministering at this house meeting, helping to make sure that the seed of the Gospel was continuing to be planted. Through this we have begun to bring spiritual relief and not just physical relief to Rikuzentakada.
I would really appreciate if you would remember to pray for the Spirit to move and save many souls.

Here at the Higashi Matsushima Amazing Grace Support Center we are receiving endless requests for heating appliances, clothing, kitchen appliances etc. Our staff is busy responding to each request: going to meet with the victims, witnessing to them and prayer over them. I would appreciate if you would pray that through the love of God, we could do even more relief work for the disaster victims. Also, cold weather clothing, specifically children
s clothing is running low. It would be a big help if you could provide, preferably new, down jackets, sweaters, socks, gloves etc as well as disposable heating packs.

Thank you again for your prayers and your loving support.