The JAG Relief Action Updates (English Edition)

On our suffering churches and relief activities

A diary entry from Koriyama’s Pastor Toyomi Sanga 6/29

2011-06-29 23:00:25 | Testimony

Diary:  A sunny break in the rainy season, making hot ramen noodles for meal distribution on a hot 30C(86F) day

It is one of those days when even standing still makes you sweat.

Starting to cook at 7:20AM; with the help of 30 volunteers made up of students form Central Bible College in Tokyo, Pastor and Mrs. Honda, Missionary Joyce Kitano, members of C.R.A.S.H. Japan, and members of Koriyama Grace Garden Chapel, we provided meals for around 1000 people in the “Pick Palette Fukushima” evacuation shelter.

100 heads of cabbage, 70 carrots, and countless bunches of long onions... oh and pork.


We made a mistake on calculating how much pork we would need and so we were a little short. We thought we needed around 20kg (44lbs) of pork so we arrived at the supermarket just as it opened (We went directly to the meat counter and said, “20 kilos of pork please!” We really caught them off guard with that one.)

Before I knew it, it was 11o’clock..
Everyone’s faces were beet red and we were all drinking water to stay hydrated, circled around a huge pot struggling to get the food ready.


In the end I thought boiling hot ramen noodles on a boiling hot day?!

But we made 730 portions.

People would walk by as we were cooking and say, “Hey, ramen!”
We were scheduled to start serving fro 11:30AM but there were people already lined up at 11:00.

In the end everyone did their share and we had a great time ministering♪
Thank you guys for all of your hard work!
I give the glory to God for watching over all us as we ministered
on such a dangerously hot day

Give Glory to God!!!!

A diary entry from Koriyama’s Pastor Toyomi Sanga 6/28

2011-06-29 04:09:35 | Testimony

Diary: The heart of a fellow Mom

Today I went to “N” elementary school for the first time in a long time.

Even from the morning it was hot and the humidity was through the roof!
I was making this nostalgic trip to “N” elementary to speak as a lecturer at the Parenting class.

It is pretty much an extension class of the “Coaching Mama” class that we hold at our church. It was a relief to get together again and to see the 12 smiling faces of the other moms.

Regardless of the fact that the Koriyama city board of education has yet to give the thumbs up to restarting the Parenting class, Ms. “S”, one of the school board members, said to me this year, “Hey Tomomi! Please be a lecturer! Share with everyone! Encourage everyone!” With that it was decided that I would be a lecturer.

In all honesty I was a little… no, not a little. I was completely unprepared.

But at the end of May God gave me a theme to share.

It is “I plow my heart. I plow children’s hearts.”
The idea comes from the parable of the sower in the New Testament. The hearts of the children and the parents are seen in the four types of soil, and it is necessary to understand each situation in order to care for each appropriately.

But before that…
We started at 10AM and I allowed the moms to share about the past 3 months.

Just as I thought…
the other mother’s hearts were… troubled.
Here are some of the things they shared.

“I want to believe that the radiation is no big deal. I want to hang out my laundry and futon bedding but… Is it really safe?”

Then one person surprisingly said, “What, its not OK? I am strange or something?”

“I received some vegetables from a neighbor… but I don’t want them…but I can’t give them back.”

“My kids really wanted to play outside and I became hysterical with them.”

“My child used to sleep with their bedroom door closed but now they keep it open all the time.”

“Whenever I hear about radiation hot spots, it makes me uncomfortable.”

“At the beginning of April I began to worry whether my son (6th grade) who is the captain of the intramural softball team, was receiving internal radiation contamination. Considering his responsibility I let him go to softball practice but… I am an idiot? My husband says that he will be fine. I am not sure if I agree.”

Many of the mothers were crying.

“Sorry for crying…” the mothers said. They all tried their best to hold it together.

“I can’t live life and hide from my children how much I worry for them.”

“I want to say ‘It’s alright!’ but I don’t know if I can. Would I be a fool to say that?”

“We have no where else to go and I don’t have the desire to move.”

That is a mother’s heart.
Their hearts have been shaken this entire time.

I told them, “That is all completely normal.”
“From here on we will be receiving lots of information and for that reason you can share with your children what your decisions are; why they can go out and play or why they cannot. Please be very clear with them regarding the things that you are worrying about.”

“This is how we discussed things in our family.

We are going to support your life so that it can continue to improve. Whether it is the tennis team or riding the train to and from school. But we will have to get you regular check ups, so remember that ok?”

“I also shared what a lawyer friend of mine told me, how that on the off chance that you get thyroid cancer it is easy to cure if you catch it early, and so that is why it is necessary to get regular check ups. But more than that remember that God is protecting you.”

“Please clearly express to your children what your thoughts and decisions are. Your decisions will actually encourage your children! I really believe that.”

The moms nodded along in agreement as I spoke and they started to look a little more relieved.

There were also many moms who wiped away tears. In the end you must make your choices and live with them.

I too am still not drying our laundry outside.

But now that the moms had just had a good cry and now seeing their warm smiling faces I thought that maybe I would put the laundry out under the bright sun today. But really I think that drying inside the house is by far the best.

A report from Pastor Ito of Izumi Fukuin Chapel 6/25 Part 2

2011-06-28 23:16:05 | Testimony

Bless the Lord

This is a report regarding the bicycles that were presented at the meal distribution on the 25th by the US Assemblies of God Missionary Fellowship of Japan.

That day the bicycles were lined up at the meeting area and after the meal distribution they were handed over to the 68 people who had applied to receive them on the previous meal distribution (June 18th).

 Last week there were also 8 children’s bikes which missionary Shelley Carl and the relief volunteer staff presented directly to the children at their residences.
 That alone is wonderful but this week we saw more people applying to receive bicycles. This time we received requests for 230 bikes, 3 times the previous amount! The relief staff is currently working out the details and this weekend Shelley is scheduled to come to Sendai and purchase the bicycles.

We are hoping to distribute the requested bicycles during the meal distribution on Saturday the 9th of July. 

It is a big job to handle such a large number of bicycles. Please pray that the staff will be anointed to get the preparation done without any problems, and please pray that distributing the bikes will go smoothly without confusion and that the glory of the Lord will be clearly seen through this work.

A report from Pastor Ito of Izumi Fukuin Chapel 6/25 Part 1

2011-06-28 22:44:26 | Testimony

Praise the Lord.
Thank you for all of your prayers and support.

On Saturday the 25th there was another meal distribution at the Akai neighborhood in Higashi Matsushima city.

We praise God for the fact that this time we had our largest turn out yet with over 400 people in attendance.
This time the ministers exceeded 50 people with attendees from the Hachioji church, the Koiwa church, the Shinohara church, the Shin-Nakano church, the Shimura church, Machida Evergreen Chapel, Tsuchiura Megumi church, Convoy of Hope, Hachioji Teen Challenge, various individual volunteers including members from our church in Izumi.
The main menu this time consisted of beef stew over rice and salad with the addition of shaved ice and imagawayaki (*Translators note: imagawayaki is a hot Japanese pastry consisting of sweet bean jam wrapped in a breading similar to a pancake) making the event feel more festive as if things had really returned to normal.
Before the distribution started a professional opera singer who attends the Hachioji church opened by singing a song for everyone; it was a big hit! And what is more, the US Assemblies of God Missionary Fellowship of Japan presented a gift of bicycles which the disaster victims had been in need of. The whole placed felt as if it was wrapped in the Love of the Lord.
We started the meal distributions on Thursday the 24th of March and this time was our 16th time. This time marked the last of the typical meal distributions as we are planning on a new style starting in July.        

Starting in July we are planning on having a more event style, “Meal Distribution Deluxe” some what like this most recent meal distribution. There will be two events one on Saturday July the 9th and another on Saturday July the 23rd. Please pray and if you can join us in ministry that would be great.

  (The picture is of many of the attendees being entertained by Pastor Yoshinobu Uchida’s “Paper, Rock, Scissor ministry”.

A report from Pastor Fuyuki Okuda of Iwaki Assembly 6/24

2011-06-25 16:56:16 | Testimony

1.State of affairs in Iwaki city

(1) Evacuation shelter closures
By the end of this month, all publically run evacuation shelter in the city of Iwaki will be closed. It seems that the majority of the evacuees have decided where they will go next. On March the 12th there were 121 shelters with 14,823 people in them and now, at 4PM on the 24th of June there are 13 shelters with a total of 310 people.

(2) Disaster Victim Certification
All those living within Iwaki city are being treated as victims of the radiation leaking form the nuclear power plant. The city will be issuing certification cards to all citizens to meet the mounting demand for an official form of proof. They are issuing them from the first floor main hall of the city culture center.

(3) Distribution of City Services
The main Iwaki city municipal building was severely damage by the earthquake and so various departments are being scattered to various auxiliary facilities in the city. So even if you go to city hall that are times when you will directed to a completely different location.

(4) Free parking
All municipal parking lots are free to use by anyone.

2.Open House

Today I went to my child’s preschool for a birthday party open house. We played a game in which everyone including the parents were required to participate. It consisted of one person dressing up in costume, going away, changing one part of the costume, returning to the group and everyone trying to guess what had changed on the costume.

3.Praying at the temporary housing site

This afternoon, another local pastor and I will go and prayer walk some of the temporary housing sites.

3.Sanctuary Decontamination

The windows on the north side of the church had relatively high levels of radiation and so I used a pressure washer to clean the exterior north wall of the church and the parking area. I also washed the exterior wall of the bathroom. Even after the pressure washing the levels did not change very much.


To continue the decontamination efforts I am thinking to do the following. Continue pressure washing the exterior walls and sweeping up the interior of the church, cleaning all exhaust fans, replace the screens in the windows, tear out all the grass in the yard, remove the hedges and bushes, and remove the topsoil in landscaped areas.

Thank you.

A report from Pastor Fuyuki Okuda of Iwaki Assembly 6/23

2011-06-25 07:45:33 | Testimony

 Members from the Koriyama church came to help

Pastor Sanga of Koriyama Christ Church (Grace Garden Church) kindly sent a member of their church to Iwaki to help us.

Preparing items for distribution
This morning they helped by stamping our church information onto tracts and then inserting them into Concise Bibles and then spent the afternoon passing them out at the temporary housing sites.

Visiting temporary housing sites (200 homes near the Higashi elementary school)
At the moment only a few people have moved in and so we visited each and every house, giving them a Concise Bible and introducing them to our church. We passed out a total of 32 Bibles. We also gave them some snacks and a card that was prepared by the children of Kashihara Christ Church. This made everyone so happy that without thinking their faces brightened with smiles.

 Going to see other temporary housing sites
I was also able to go and have a look at some other temporary housing communities. It was such a surprise to see the wood framed houses all being built in a long line. Each building consists of two residences. (picture below)

Organizing cardboard boxes
The helper did us the favor of organizing all of the leftover cardboard boxes that we had laying around. There was cardboard everywhere but they completely cleaned up our shed and our kitchen.

Cleaning the exterior walls
We used a high pressure washer to clean the exterior walls of the church. I really put of a lot of pressure. Afterwards I realized that there was a lot of dirt that had built up in the cracks and crevices of the wall.


Photo… group of temporary housing.

I was surprised to see that they are made of wood but I realized that they were using the same foundation of wooden posts that are used in standard prefabricated structures and I thought, “Aren’t they weak against earthquakes?” But since they will only be inhabited for two years I guess that they will be torn down sooner than later. So, that means that we have 2 years of supporting the “Temporary Residences”!

By the end of this month, all of the evacuation shelters in Iwaki city will be closed, so at least for Iwaki, our evacuation shelter support ministry is over.

A report from Pastor Ito of Izumi Fukuin Chapel 6/23

2011-06-23 18:19:32 | Testimony

Praise the Lord.
Thank you for all of your prayers and support.

From Monday the 20th to Thursday the 23rd we had a group of high school students come from California as volunteers. They stayed in the JAG Tohoku Disaster Relief center here in Sendai going out and ministering by doing relief work. The 15 member team consisted of missionary Shelley Carl, youth pastor Steve and his wife, 5 high school students, their chaperones, and a driver.

Our relief worked had just recently shifted towards working through the volunteer center in Higashi Matsushima city when the rainy season began. I heard that the volunteer center staff was moved by the hard work of the team as they worked day after day in inclement weather, digging mud out of the roadside ditches.

I thank the Lord that these American high school students, ministering as living epistles of Christ, touched the hearts of the people they met. I was surprised that even amidst the busy schedule most of the members attended our early morning prayer meeting.

During the Wednesday evening prayer service on the 22nd the high school students, who had safely completed 3 days of ministry, blessed us with a gift of praise and worship. We were comforted by Pastor Shelley’s message and had some time of prayer before the Throne of Grace. After the prayer meeting we had a tea party and there was a lot of good fellowship the team members and the junior and senior high school students of our church. 

This is a commiserative photo taken on the rainy morning of Thursday the 23rd just before they headed back to Tokyo.
Thank you for your prayers.

An excerpt of the Iwaki Assembly churches activity report Mon 6/20-Wed 6/22

2011-06-22 23:47:21 | Testimony

 Searching out temporary housing sites

I found a new temporary housing site. It is about a 3 minute walk from the church. No one has moved in yet but it is practically “in our own backyard”.

There is another one being erect on what was the proposed site for the Chuo Dai Takaku preschool. There is a sign reading “Takaku #7 Temporary Housing Site”.

They just keeping coming!

 We started an early morning prayer meeting

Starting on the 20th we are holding early morning prayer meetings at the church. We have decided to hold it from 5:30AM to 6:30AM. We had some members show up and we prayed together.

 Radiation decontamination efforts

 ▽Sanctuary interior…
Last week my wife worked on her own to clean the sanctuary. Instead of using a vacuum cleaner she used wet rags to wipe everything down and she said that with that effort the levels dropped down to 0.1
μSv (microsieverts). But it quickly returned to previous levels. We really want to do whatever possible to bring the levels down to within 0.1.
 ▽Sanctuary exterior…
We washed the exterior walls of the sanctuary with water and then swept up around the outside of the church finishing by washing the ground with water. This helped to drop the interior radiation levels measured near the windows from 0.3
μSv to 0.24μSv. We also pruned the flower beds and the orchids and hibiscus in our yard.
 ▽Flower bed soil…

The topsoil in the flowerbeds have been replaced with new uncontaminated dirt. This brought the levels there down to 0.17
μSv. The contaminated soil is in plastic bags stacked up in a corner of the garden. The pile of contaminated dirt measured over 0.4μSv!
We have also spent time this week making visits, distributing goods and groceries.
We visited one person who had attempted suicide. They were released from the hospital not losing their precious life. A took them a Concise Bible and a tract written by Yuri Mori. (*Translators Note: Yuri Mori is a famous Christian singer in Japan)

 Certificates of thanks came for the children at the elementary school

 When I took the pictures to the elementary school I also took the books listed below and included them as a gift. The following are excerpts from the student’s impressions that elementary school sent to us. (*Translators Note: Some of the following book titles are approximate translations others exist in English and in that case their original title is used)

  You Are Special

“The story really warmed by heart…I really like what the carpenter said in the end, it was a great story.”
“I evacuated from Narahamachi to the Onahama neighborhood of Iwaki city. At first when I came to Onahama elementary there was a lot that I didn’t understand and so I got sick of it and skipped school. Then we were told we would be moving schools and came here to Chuo Dai Minami elementary and I was happy to find that there were a few kids that I knew here. So now everyday I have fun at school.”

   Thank You, God! 

“This book is a really moving story. I feel that each and every page is filled with feelings of thankfulness.”
“This is the first time that I have read a book that made me cry.”

   Miss Cabbage and the Cabbage Worm   

“A very nice story. I was really moved.”

   Mr. Farmer Will Not Forget You

“It was really great that she was finally able to become a mother.”

  On giving all 7 books…
“Of all the books that I have every read these are the most encouraging and uplifting, I instantly forgot of the sad things that had happened. All of the books have really made an impression on me. Of them I really like the one line, ‘Love others as you love yourself’”.


Explanation of picture:
This is a picture of the students fro “S” elementary school that received the drawings from the elementary school in New York. It is the commemorative photo of the students from the woodwind music class that received the drawings.

A report from Pastor Ito of Izumi Fukuin Chapel 6/22

2011-06-22 23:19:23 | Testimony

Praise the Lord.
Thank you for all of your prayers and support.

 On Monday the 20th a 6 member team from the Soka church consisting of missionary Bubu and his wife, 3 pastors and a church member drove through the night and arrived in Izumi in time for our early morning prayer service. After taking a brief rest we headed out to Rikuzen-takada city.

 Pastor Bubu has been regularly delivering large amounts of bread every week since the earthquake occurred. That bread has been a staple for the meal distributions in Higashi-matsushima city as well as our Monday trips to Rikuzen-takada city. It has truly brought life to the people in the disaster areas. I am sure that the disaster victims are exceedingly grateful for the bread.

 This time pastor Bubu and his team visited three places and directly passed out bread to the people; being a witness of the love of Christ. Along with the bread they passed out Bibles and lifted up prayers of protection and blessing over the families and neighborhoods that they visited.   

 I ask that you would pray that the people of the disaster area would eat of Jesus, the living bread, who will never leave them hungry or thirsty.

A diary entry from Koriyama’s Pastor Toyomi Sanga 6/22

2011-06-22 23:12:38 | Testimony

Diary Heatstroke?!

Today is another hot muggy day.
You can no longer say that Tohoku is cool.

Today we had relief support interviews for 4 families and went shopping for another family.
We’ve got to stay hydrated and keep working!

Yesterday evening my son returned home looking rather pale.

“I threw up today,” he said.

Yesterday was his midterm test and all the students were instructed to wear their formal school uniforms during testing times and it seems that it was during the test that he became overheated and felt sick.

Currently the dirt is being replaced in the schoolyard and so the classroom windows must remain closed. (*Translators Note: Public facilities such as schools and day care centers that are located near to the damaged Fukushima nuclear power plant are having the radioactively contaminated dirt and gravel on their premises removed and replaced with clean dirt. To protect the students from radioactive particulates during the work the windows must remain closed.) In a classroom of 40 students there are only 2 electric fans at the front of the room.

Isn’t that dangerous! I thought to myself.

He said, “It was hot, so hot, even my body was hot and then I felt nauseous and vomited. After that I drank some water and threw up again.”
That sounds like heatstroke to me!

When he came home he said that he was having trouble seeing out of his right eye, had a headache and was feeling sluggish so he laid down.

At 7 o’clock that night he woke up and came out of his room feeling a little better but still had the headache. He ended up going to bed at 9PM.

What ever will the public schools in Fukushima do this summer?
Just 2 fans per classroom.
Fearing the effects of radiation certain parents will not allow the windows to be opened.

Isn’t there anything that we can do to deal with these sauna classrooms.

I makes me want to say, “Lets pressure Tepco Power and maybe they will give us another 2 fans per classroom.”

We are praying for the protection of both the children and the teachers and for the work of the government and board of education.

From the Japan Evangelical Association "Caring for the Hearts of Disaster Victims Seminar."

2011-06-20 16:11:48 | Testimony

Announcing the

"Caring for the Hearts of the Victims of the Tohoku Earthquake

Second Training Seminar for Counselors and Trainers"


Praise the name of the Lord.

 Now, as is stated below, we will hold the "Caring for the Hearts of Disaster Victims: Second Counselor Training Seminar." Three months since the disaster, amidst the ongoing rebuilding it is clear that that the emotional care of those affected by the disaster is becoming increasingly necessary.  There is also a need for emotional care of those who are doing the relief work. By all means, attend, and know that by combining our efforts the work of caring for people's hearts can spread by means if the local church.

 The contents of the seminar will be the same as the seminar held on the 19th of April but this time the BGMA Counseling Followup Senior Coordinator, Dr. Bob Kendig, who handles the counseling training for all of Asia will be providing very practical material. Please come expecting!

 Also, the seminar for counselors preparing to give training seminars is scheduled for the 12th of July. Because taking the counselor training seminar (or having the same understanding) is a prerequisite for attending the trainer preparation seminar, we await the attendance of the chaplains and volunteer coordinators from each organization and relied group.

Counselor Training Seminar

Date: Monday 6/27/2011

Place: Ochanomizu Christian Center 4th Floor Room 415

Time: 10AM-4PM (scheduled)

Presenter: Dr. Bob Kendig

BGEA Emergency Disaster Response Team Counseling/Follow up Senior Coordinator. He travels all of Asia providing counselor training. A counselor training specialist.

Purpose: To learn a Biblical response to the pain and sorrow of the disaster victims as well to learn what things are important to consider when presenting the gospel in crisis situations.


1. Deepening the Biblical understanding of sorrow and sorrow.

2. Things to consider when sharing the Gospel and that hope that is in Christ.

3. Learning methods of avoiding the negative effects of prolonged disaster induced trauma.

Cost: Free. Entrance to the seminar will be dependant on the available space.

Counselor Training Seminar Registration Process

Provide your address, full name, age, affiliated church and fax it (03-3295-1933/JEA Office) or email it (


※For those who would like more details regarding the Trainer training seminar, please send your questions to the above fax number or email address.

A report from Pastor Ito of Izumi Fukuin Chapel (6/18)

2011-06-18 22:31:51 | Testimony

Praise God.

I appreciate your prayers and support.


 On the 18th (Sat) we held our "15th Hot Meal Distribution" in the Akai neighborhood of Higashi-matsushima city. We were blessed with great wether and had around 320 people turn out for the event.


 This time there was Honolulu First AG, Yokoda ICA, the Fujisawa church, the Shin-matsudo church, Convoy of Hope, and numerous JAG volunteers (Sokaiya, Shinohara, Jyujyo, Shin-nakano)・・・We really had a lot of pastors and lay folk ministering in the meal distribution as well as in passing out relief goods.


 This time around the team from Hawaii worshipped through hula dance while everyone was lined up waiting to be served and while they were eating, getting the children of the Akai neighborhood involved, truly bringing Glory to God.


 Last week and the week before that we had passed out Bibles and we had some people who read them tell us, "I have been waiting to hear this kind of teaching, I want to go to church!" That persons husband is Thai and is very much like a Buddhist priest but she is not satisfied with the Buddhist teachings, and is thirsty for the Lord.

 There were a number of other people who also came seeking the Lord, it is evident that God is working in the Akai neighborhood.


 I would be so pleased if you would pray that God touches more and more people in the Akai neighborhood and that His work is done.


A diary entry from Koriyama’s Pastor Toyomi Sanga 6/18

2011-06-18 17:07:51 | Testimony

Diary... wait a second!

Starting from the end of April until now, Disaster Relief plan 2 (GCS) "Life Starter Kits"

Up until this weekend we have received various types of support from inside and outside of the country allowing us singles, elderly couples and even a family with six children! Making for a total of 68 families that we have helped to this point.

Now, we are in the period where more and more families are moving into rented apartments or into the government provided temporary housing.

In 10 families there are 10 different situations making for 10 different needs.

So, we have even more urgent prayer requests!
We pray ,"Oh God!!!!"

Well now! 
Right in front of us are many disaster victims. 

And there is the deadline for everyone to be out of the shelters growing ever closer.


Come on Lord!!!!!!

P.S) Although it is in English I would like to share share with you a report from CBN about the effects of the disaster in Fukushima and the local churches response.

Part of this reports about our own activities.
Please pray all the more.

Tohoku district Superintendent Ito- first district council/retreat since the disaster (6/18)

2011-06-18 06:16:02 | Testimony

Praise the Lord!

I thank everyone for their prayers and support.


 From the 13th to the 15th the Tohoku district held it's first council and retreat since the earthquake at the Yuze hot springs resort in Kaduno city, Akita prefecture. We all had a relaxed schedule and shared about our earthquake experiences and what we had been doing in the way of relief work.

 We were able to give the burden of the past 3 months to the Lore, sharing with one another, praying for one another, being taught in the Word, taking a dip in the hot springs... It was a time to receive healing and comfort; being refreshed in mind and body.

 I am so thankful that the Lord has protected and encouraged all of the churches of the Tohoku area. And I am also thankful for the the prayers and support that all the churches around the world have given especially for this blessed retreat.

 Every part of this retreat was paid for by the generous gift of the Kansai district. We are truly thankful for the Kansai district gift of reserving this facility.
 Also, we would like to express heartfelt thanks to the JAG Disaster Response Coordinator Pastor Honda as well Pastor Hayashi who amidst their hectic schedules made the long trek to Akita to be with us and help lead our discussion times.
 I give all of the glory to God.

A report from Pastor Ito of Izumi Fukuin Chapel (6/17)

2011-06-17 20:17:21 | Testimony

Praise God.
I appreciate your prayers and support.

 Currently from the 15th (Wed) to the 18th (Sat) we have a group of 18 people who have come from and Assemblies of God church in Hawaii and are staying at the JAG Disaster Relief Center in Sendai. Each day they are working alongside volunteers from the Izumi church and relief staff members to assist the relief work in Higashi-Matsushima city.
 It has really touched me to see the brother and sisters from Hawaii overcome jet lag and the weariness of travel and enthusiastically clean mud out of homes and attend our early morning prayer meetings.

 Tomorrow we will again serve hot meals in the Akai neighborhood of Higashi-Matsushima. We are scheduled to have teams from Fujisawa, Shinmatsudo and Convoy making 50 volunteers from 6 different groups.

 I would really appreciate it if you would pray for good weather, the protection of all of the volunteering ministers and a unity in the love of the Lord for all of the teams. Also, pray that the disaster victims will feel the active ministry of Christ through the ministry o the volunteers.