#TRUTH 新着一覧
聴く聖書 〈新改訳2017版〉
Sometimes You Got To Be The Misanthrope.  🤪😎😈🤷‍♂️
Dip Some Holy Water And Watch What Happens.  😀😃😄😁😆😅😂🤣🤪😈🍆🥒🥑
Questioning Ideas In Science IS Science.  🤔😐🫤😎🚑💊💉
グーグルGoogleは、PlayストアでのトランプのTruth Social(トゥルースソーシャル)アプリのリリースを承認した!グーグルはホワイトハットが既に支配!
Mr. Abe pointed out on live TV that the report was false.
One can only assume that Asahi arranged for Tetsuya Yamagami's crime to succeed.