These People Need To Be Arrested And Sentenced To Imprisonment Or Execution.  🤬😡😠😤👿👹💀👽☢️☣️
Turdeau, You Will NOT Be Able To Hide In Your Cowardly Cottage At Harrinton Lake.  🙁😠😡🤬👿🖕🇨🇦
the Internet, where the evil of "abysmal evil" and "plausible lies" was active. 
So, they were disguised as "liberals" and infiltrated various government agencies, and
The Chinese government's much-hyped propaganda should not fool us
the "Nanjing Massacre" is used by the Chinese government as a tool to criticize Japan. 
If the government is this brutal, the barbarity of some of its citizens will increase.
The developed world can no longer tolerate such appalling behavior.
Since then, the paper has been striving to report news that undermines Japan