季節の花 日本花図鑑 動スライドショーとピアノ音楽


献上のアケビ?! Akebia quinata to donation? !

2020-04-30 15:12:31 | 季節の花
It's a nice day today.There was no wind, I was waiting for this day.Instead of going for a walk, I would like to spray the drug on flowers and trees.And I'll try to weed the rough backyard.Scatter around the house.Also the branches of the trees? It was ten o'clock.Tea time.Didn't you do a big deal?I'm tired of something.While weeding, I saw chickweed, Trigonotis peduncularis, Erigeron philadelphicus, Gnaphalium affine and Youngia japonica, and Ajuga decumbens.I'm tired, so I'll stop today's work.Although the grass looks like a mountain, it is over after taking a shower.Is it a flower of Akebia quinata today? !Please see if you like.


古代エジプトの青い花?!Blue flowers of ancient Egypt? !

2020-04-29 16:04:11 | 季節の花
It's a nice day todayThere are few cars and few people today because it is a holiday.There is a little wind, but it is cool and comfortable.I found a small lilac I saw yesterday at the entrance of a residential area.Princess Lilac, also known as Lira.I also want it.Then, through the prefectural housing complex, to the intersection with a barber shop, the traffic light is red today.Say hello to medaka!Are you all healthy and getting a little bigger?There are only a few people at Fujimi Park!In Johnson Town, the Rosa banksiae is still beautiful!
Cerastium tomentosum and Deutzia gracilis are beautiful!Sainomori Park has as many people as usual holidays.There is nothing particularly noticeable.
One of the Aesculus turbinata at the exit has become quite colored.There were five before, but now three!I'm lonely just to get beautiful flowers.Once upon a time, my favorite Sorbaria sorbifoliat was also growing in the park.The tree's vigor has declined, and it has become about half.The trees will change over the years.I'm going home.There is nothing particularly noticeable from the back road of Fujimi Park to Aeon.It's two days worth shopping at Aeon, but it's pretty heavy.And go home. Is this flower today's national flower? !Please see if you like.



苔でない鷺?!Egret not moss? !

2020-04-28 14:21:35 | 季節の花
It's a cloudy sky today and it's good for walking.I have a lot of cars.The Dogwood of the roadside trees and the pink Silene that blooms beneath them are beautiful.The prefectural housing complex is beautiful with white and pink Azalea!The traffic light at the intersection in front of the barber shop is unusually blue.I passed without greeting the medaka.And it is Fujimi Park.Styrax obassia leaves are getting bigger.Look forward to it!It seems that Johnsontown has more roses, Rosa banksiae, and Deutzia gracilis, and Cerastium tomentosum.Sainomori Park has disappeared in particular.I am looking forward to Aesculus turbinata at the exit.On my way home, there was nothing noticeable here either.A small flower like a lilac in a small bowl in front of a real estate agent?Did you look into it?What is it?Mini lilac? Kaho about 5 cm?Then, I passed through Aeon and went home.today? Look at your feet! Please see if you like.


頼もしい生命力?!Reliable life force? !

2020-04-27 15:15:21 | 季節の花
It's cloudy today. There is a little wind, but it is just right for walking.Deutzia gracilis is beautiful.And I found a white Rosa banksiae, but it seems to bloom from now on.We stayed at the barber at the intersection and greeted the medaka.I was fine.Reebes spiraea, which blooms in the garden of the house at the entrance of Fujimi Park, is very beautiful!Unlike yesterday, there are few people today.In Johnson Town, many Cerastium tomentosum are beginning to bloom.How much will you increase? I'm looking forward to it.And to Sainomori Park.This is also the usual flow of people.Lilac are beginning to bloom.Way home.The Rosa banksiae stands out.Lilac are also in bloom in this house.
I'm going to Aeon today.Although it is past 9 o'clock, the position to wait is specified.Somehow, I feel more secure than before.There are 4 or 5 people in front of the cash register.I went shopping after shopping for two days.You are beautiful today, but you hate it? ! Please see if you like.



栗は土の中?!Is chestnut in the soil? !

2020-04-26 15:51:07 | 季節の花
It's sunny and comfortable today.Few people are walking!There is nothing noticeable.In front of the barber's intersection, greeted the medaka and everyone was fine.Enter Fujimi Park.Many families play children.This is my first time here.I think they are coming because their neighbors can't go anywhere.I entered Johnson Town, but I can't see anything except the Rosa banksiae.
There are few people in Sainomori Park.I found Mazus miquelii, though there are few.It seems that Aesculus turbinata at the exit has a little red color on its ears.On the way home, there is nothing particularly noticeable.I went home and washed the car without depending on Aeon.Does the soil shine today? !
Please see if you like.

