季節の花 日本花図鑑 動スライドショーとピアノ音楽


春香る?刺なし薔薇!Is it spring scent? Barbed rose!

2020-04-24 15:30:50 | 季節の花
It is slightly cloudy today, with occasional sunny days, but the wind is a bit cold!At the intersection of the barbers, with nothing visible.Greetings to medaka, it was fine.Then, at Fujimi Park, when the flowers didn't bloom, I was doing brain training.Now I am fascinated by flowers. Even if I start, my head will be messed up.It is Fujimi Park.The big Dogwood is beautiful.To the entrance of Johnson Town.The Rosa banksiae is beautiful!I wanted to shoot suddenly and took about 30 minutes before going to Sainomori Park.Again, the flowers and Dogwood are beautiful.And Aesculus turbinata at the exit.The ears of the flowers have grown so that they can be seen from a distance.I'm going home.I'm curious about the bright red Rhododendron I talked about yesterday, and I took a picture here as well.I'm going to Aeon today.I'm surprised! The place to withdraw cash from the bank is crowded!Even before payday. I thought this was bad.The inside of the store is as usual.Five or six people lined up at each cash register.Everyone, keep an interval.I bought three days worth of food.Pass Greenhill and return home.The scent of spring just taken today?Please see if you like.

