

【紹介動画有り】セントルイスの駄菓子屋さん”Charm me Sweet Candy Store”

2021-04-12 10:53:03 | 旅行

『謎フードガイド リュウ君の店編』

その中の「アメリカの駄菓子屋さん」という記事で、セントルイスにあるチャーム・ミー・スウィート(Charm me Sweet Candy Store)さんを紹介しました。



😋 『謎フードガイド リュウ君の店編』を買える場所😋

2.東急ハンズ横浜店の『マニアコンビニ横浜店』 4/23(金)~7/21(水)(@300円)


1.What is the concept of Charm me Sweet Candy Store? 

To bring affordable new, old-fashioned, and international candy to my customers. To share the happiness I find in eating candy. 

2.What made you open the store? 

I wanted to make people happy and share the happiness I feel when eating sweets. I also want it somewhere for neighborhood kids to go to find something safe and sweet to eat. 

3.How do you describe your customers? (ex: age, profession...) 

Some of my customers are old old men And some are young moms with babies but most of them are kids from the neighborhood from ages 6 to 15 years old.  

4. What is your favorite candy in the store? 

My favorite candy is a lemon drop called Napoleon. It’s just a hard candy ball that has citric acid in the middle but it’s 110 year old recipe. I also love these sticks of bubblegum that come with tattoos. In Milky Way Midnights because they taste like chocolate pudding. 

5. Could you write a message to snack & candy lovers in Japan?

I wanna try every Japanese candy and I hope that you find a chance to try all the candies in the world. Because candy is something simple that can make us all happy.

”Charm me Sweet Candy Store”基本情報

・住所:4915-4999 Macklind Ave, St. Louis, MO 63109, USA

・地元のテレビ局に取材された時の映像「Tim’s Travels: Charm Me Sweet Candy Store


『謎フードガイド リュウ君の店編』本誌では、読みやすい日本語に訳してあるので、ぜひお手に取ってみてくださいね。チャーム・ミー・スウィートさんの記事以外にも、駄菓子飯紹介など見どころ満載です!

😋 『謎フードガイド リュウ君の店編』(@200円)を買える場所😋 

