


2012-05-20 11:00:38 | 摩訶不思議!英語勉強
 トヨタ格下げ マツダ赤字転落「さようなら」ニッポンの自動車
さよならニッポンの自動車――。The car of "good-bye" Nippon ――。
いろいろな中国車との出合い縁――。市場関係者から、そんなささやきが聞こえてくる。Such a whisper can be heard from market participants.
“さよなら自動車”が現実になりそうです」" -- good-bye, the car "is likely to become actual

As for the household electrical products industry supporting economic growth of Japan, Sony and Panasonic fall into a large amount deficit.
Good-bye, it is bantered with the household appliance of Nippon.
The auto industry will also follow the same fate.
"The increase in the volume of sales is the increased demand of newly emerging countries, such as India and China.
But only always the small-size car with which selling is not profitable.
The car where a profit ratio is high does not sell.
The South Korean maker's rise is frightful as well as a household appliance in the North America of the main battlefield.
The share of the Japanese vehicle is taken greatly." (an economic journalist, Mr. Manabu Inoue)
In China of a high growth market, U.S. GM and German Volkswagen are popular models.
The Japanese maker was completely late.
Although the achievements of each automobile company will look up by some benefits from the weaker yen for the time being, a business model is just before collapse.
if a car is also like this following a household appliance -- " -- good-bye, it is Nippon ".