


2008-03-04 | 英語


結構忘れた単語ってあるもんです。しかし、英英辞典は調べにくいです。presidency,widespread,publisher,inspector なんてどのオンライン辞書も派生語で説明していますからね。

頻出順 単語            意味
1959  slump       v  to fall in price, value, number, etc.
                         n   a sudden fall in sales, price, etc.
1946 undermine    to make sth gradually weaker or less effective
1940 presidency    the status, post, or function of being leader of a company, society, etc.
1938 circumstance  the conditions that are connected with a situation, an event
1932 outcome       the result or effect of an action or event
1929 widespread    existing or happening over a large area or among many people
1926 viewer           a person watching TV
1923 prominent     easily seen
1923 implement    a tool or an instrument
1919 undergo       to experience
1909 publisher     a person or company that prepares and prints books, magazines, newspapers
1896 inspector    a person whose job is to visit school, factories, etc. to check sth
1887 aside           out of one way